"Well, I'll tell you..."



This is probably the day when Lu Lin talked the most since he came to this world.

At first, he actually just planned to roughly tell Lan Jie about the whole story and his own guesses.

But he never expected that after he opened his mouth, he couldn't close it.

Some things, he really kept in his heart for too long, no one could listen to him, and no one could discuss with him.

And today, he said all these things for the first time.

Of course, he was not without reservation. He didn't tell Lan Jie about the origin of his ability, his previous life, and the detailed information about Li Mi.

On the one hand, it was because he felt that even if these things were not said, it would not affect their actions. On the other hand, it was also because Lu Lin still wanted to keep his trump card even when facing Lan Jie.

But even so, Lan Jie was still dumbfounded.

As a native of this world, Lan Jie knew much more about the dungeon and the heroes who conquered the dungeon than Lu Lin.

Unfortunately, what he learned was all the versions promoted by the Holy Church.

In his heart, those heroes should be high and mighty, respected by everyone every day, and they are the goals he wants to fight for.

But the result.

"That old beggar, and Sister Li Mi, they are all..."

"Ah," Lu Lin nodded, "They are all what you think, 'big people'."

"But... but these are all your guesses, right?" Lan Jie said, "The old beggar didn't say he was a hero, and Sister Li Mi almost refused to speak, and no one knows if this situation is an isolated case, even if the church has made a special layout for mental illness..."

As he spoke, Lan Jie's voice became smaller and smaller.


They are all guesses.

They may all be isolated cases.

The layout of the church may also be a coincidence.

But it may come and go, how big is the possibility?

"Now, do you know why I must go to the Colorful Forest?" Lu Lin said, "Whether it was the old man's crazy words before his death, this is my only clue at the moment. Besides, didn't you say before that Erga City is on the border of the empire? Going there, maybe we can find a way out of the empire and find out the most suitable place for us to go after leaving the empire."

"But, what about the Xishi fruit?" Lan Jie asked.

"Didn't you say before that the problem is the Xishi fruit, not Erga City," Lu Lin said, "as long as we don't eat that fruit, isn't it okay?"

"Well..." Lan Jie supported his chin and hesitated for a long time. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I know, I'll do what you said, Boss. I'll go out to purchase supplies tomorrow, and we'll set off the day after tomorrow to go to this Erga City."

Chapter 71 Isn't this a test of my determination?

That night.

After washing up, Lu Lin lay down on his bed and stretched comfortably.

He didn't know how long it had been since he had slept in such a comfortable bed. Although it was still a single bed, it was not as short and small as the beds in the house in the past. Even if he stretched out both arms, only one of his arms would need to be suspended in the air.

When he decided to run away, he thought he would have to live in the open air for a long time. Who knew that there was such a biologically driven mobile RV in the world.

Moreover, according to the shopping guide, many large species in the world have the talent of gravity magic, otherwise their bodies will find it difficult to support their heavy weight, and this earth dragon has the most suitable talent as a housing carrier.

Their entire torso is supported by gravity magic, in a state similar to suspension, and in order to maintain balance, their torso is almost always perpendicular to natural gravity, and their limbs almost do not need to provide support for the torso, only traction when moving.

So living on their backs will feel particularly stable, and you will hardly feel shaking even if you move in a rugged environment.

After covering himself with the quilt, Lu Lin focused his attention on the task box in his mind.

His task had been completed before, but he had not had time to confirm the reward.

"Recipe..." Lu Lin flipped through the recipe list, and then found that there was a new category under the previous recipe category.

[Six. Special Recipe]

And under this large catalog, there is currently only one category - [Artifact Carlton's End Scepter].

After clicking it, two recipes appeared, written as elementary and intermediate, respectively. After that, it seemed that the advanced entry could be vaguely seen, but it was very dim.

"Well, in other words, the unlocking of specific recipes is still gradually improved with my alchemy level..."

This doesn't matter, anyway, Lu Lin probably doesn't have the ability to complete the advanced recipe now.

Then, Lu Lin looked at the content of the elementary recipe.

As he guessed, the two most important materials, one is the black vine alchemy staff, and the other is the brilliant red stone of Carlton's blood abyss, both of which are the task rewards he got before.

The other materials seemed to be commonly used materials for refining tools, and they should be used to help the initial fusion of the two. Since it was a primary formula, they were also relatively common.

Only one thing was more difficult to make.

"Monster crystal core, is this something that is said to explode from monsters in dungeons?" Lu Lin touched his chin.

The market price of this thing is actually not expensive, because in places where there are dungeons that have not been completely conquered, the output of this thing is quite large.

However, it is currently recognized that the main function of this thing is to use it as a magic stone to provide energy for various magic circles or magic equipment. Therefore, in areas without dungeons, almost no one will go out to import this thing. The logistics costs and the The values ​​don't match at all.

So if you want to buy this kind of thing, you can only make a reservation with a merchant who has channels in advance and pay the shipping fee yourself.

This is very troublesome. Lu Lin doesn't want to wait here for ten days and a half for the goods to be delivered.

As for the intermediate formula, the first item in demand is the elementary-level Carlton Alchemy Rod. In addition, most of the materials are not difficult to obtain, but they also require monster crystal cores, and the demand is still very high.

"It seems we can only talk about it later..."

Lu Lin thought to himself and looked at the task list again.

At this moment, the previous task has disappeared and turned into a new task.

[The Road of the Sage·The Road of Sail: Sailing through the Vast Sea of ​​Fog]

[Task goal: Complete intermediate difficulty alchemy 1000 times (0/1000)]

[Task Reward: The Omniscient Lens of the Three-Eyed Holy Vulture]

Looking at this task, Lu Lin's mouth twitched immediately.

What the hell?

Intermediate alchemy a thousand times?

It means that the formula has been given and we have started to arrange for him to practice basic skills, right?

But it makes sense to think about it. Lu Lin has not officially started alchemy since he got the intermediate formula. The twin mud puppets were refined before he got the formula.

"That's okay. Anyway, even if there is no such task, I still need to prepare more intermediate alchemy creations to use as trump cards or to sell for money."

Although Lu Lin now has dozens of silver coins in change after selling the batch of alchemy equipment he eliminated, his savings are still too small.

Although mid-level formulas are generally more effective than low-level formulas, their raw material costs are also much higher. If Lu Lin wants to prepare large quantities of some mid-level items, this amount of money will not be enough to purchase raw materials.

"Speaking of which, there are three types of magic stone formulas: elementary, intermediate and advanced. Although the profit is relatively not that high, you don't have to worry about selling it, and the materials are easy to purchase. Refining in large quantities can not only complete tasks, but also make money. It would be nice to keep some of it for myself," Lu Lin secretly thought. When he goes out to purchase supplies tomorrow, he must find a way to trick Lan Jie into lending him one or two gold coins to purchase a large amount of raw materials for refining the magic stone.

Just as Lu Lin was thinking about what words to use, he suddenly heard slow footsteps coming from the stairs.

Lu Lin looked towards the source of the sound in confusion, and saw Rumi in a black dress walking upstairs.

Speaking of which, Lu Lin also took the bath for Li Mi today. Although he always bathed Li Mi during this period, he was more or less used to it, but at this time, he looked at Li Mi's long hair that was still slightly moist and what he had just done. After helping her put on the long skirt, the scene of taking a bath flashed through her mind, and she suddenly blushed.

Just when Lu Lin was suppressing his random thoughts and wondering what Liumi wanted to do here, he watched helplessly as Liumi walked towards him step by step.

Then, under his horrified gaze, she sat directly on the edge of his bed, then moved to his side and closed her eyes.

The Lulin people were dumbfounded.


Didn't he settle Rumi in the room downstairs? He also watched her drink the medicine and fall asleep.

In order to prevent Li Mi from not adapting to the new environment, Lu Lin even gave her his previous pillow.

Could it be that……

Is she not used to the small room down there?

Thinking about it carefully, although the house he used to live in was simple and simple, the interior was completely harmonious, and Tanuki did sleep in a relatively transparent environment.

Even if he was sleeping temporarily in the alchemical cauldron, there was no cover on top.

It doesn't seem impossible that people in Numi's situation would be afraid of narrow and closed environments.

Maybe for her, she would prefer the room upstairs to the small room downstairs.

"I see, there's really nothing I can do about you," Lu Lin smiled helplessly, got up from the bed, covered Li Mi with the quilt, then touched her head, and then went downstairs.

Since Li Mi wanted to sleep upstairs, he could sleep downstairs. He didn't pick the issue anyway.

Opening the door of Li Mi's room, Lu Lin lay down on the bed originally prepared for Li Mi.


You can also feel a little residual body temperature and a faint aroma.

Lu Lin couldn't help but feel his cheeks getting hot again.

Just when he was debating whether to try to ignore these details, he heard a bang and the door to the room was opened again.

Then, under Lu Lin's widened eyes, Li Mi slowly walked into the house, walked to his side again, and closed her eyes.

Chapter 72: Sleeping on a sofa or recliner is a necessary survival skill

Lu Lin felt that he had made a mistake.

She discovered that it was not the bed that Rumi disliked at all, but that whichever bed he slept on, Rumi would sleep on that bed.

However, Tanuki doesn't have to sleep in the same bed with him.

For example, he moved his old recliner out on the second floor and slept on the side. Numi didn't insist on coming over to squeeze the recliner with him.

After thinking about it, Lu Lin probably figured it out.

Tanuki didn't want him to leave her sight, but it wasn't that she had to sleep with him.

This is somewhat similar to the style of Li Mi's recent daily actions.

As for the reason, whether it is because Li Mi cares more about him now, or because Li Mi's super energy-saving thinking mode makes her behavior particularly direct, Lu Lin does not know.

As for the end, Lu Lin still slept on the recliner and gave the bed to Li Mi.

If he really slept on the same bed with Li Mi, he probably couldn't sleep that night.

"I didn't expect that I would still have to sleep on the recliner," Lu Lin sighed, "I must ask Lan Jie to help me tomorrow and move the bed downstairs up. Anyway, there is still room on that side..."

Speaking of which, there can be a special room downstairs that can be used as a warehouse.



The next day, Lu Lin and Lan Jie were busy all day.

According to Lan Jie's results of finding out the route, they may need to spend a whole month in the wild. During this period, they will only pass by two relatively large cities, and the second city is only two days away from their destination. In other words, in a full 28 days, they will only pass by one city.

Moreover, Lan Jie was not quite sure which days they might pass through that city.

In the process, whether they could encounter supply points such as villages or not depended on luck.

For this reason, they needed to stock up a large amount of daily necessities.

In addition to their own rations, they also needed to prepare a large amount of feed for earth dragons.

Of course, even if earth dragons were not fed with feed, they could actually survive by eating grass and leaves, but in that case, almost all of their activity time would have to be spent on eating, and it would be almost impossible for them to travel.

In addition, Lu Lin also purchased a large amount of alchemical raw materials.

It was mainly divided into two parts. One was the refining materials for the intermediate magic stone, which was one of his main formulas for leveling up and making money. Of course, it could also supply the consumption in his house.

The second was the materials that Lu Lin planned to use to expand his ammunition depot. He selected several more practical formulas in the intermediate formulas, and the materials could be collected. He focused on purchasing the corresponding materials, and planned to use these things to arm himself, fill the gap in the internal reserves of the Black Crow Robe, and also upgrade the power of the ammunition depot.

At the end of the day, these purchases cost Lan Jie a lot of money, which made him frown for the rest of the night. He said that he didn't have enough money in his pocket and felt very insecure.

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