"It's broken, I won't understand anymore," the soldier on the side twitched his lips.

"Captain Luofu wants to say that even if a monster can launch a large-scale attack, it must be purposeful and organized," Lu Lin glanced at the soldier and said, "It also takes time for the monster to assemble a team and set out from its lair. It also takes time to intercept the caravan. It is impossible for them to suddenly gather together the moment the caravan enters the border of their territory and then teleport directly to the caravan's face. "

"Smart!" Captain Luo Fe gave a thumbs up to Lu Lin. "That's the problem. They have to discover us first, then gather their troops, and then rush towards us. Finally, the two sides will collide."

"In other words, the area they can actually monitor is much wider than what most people think now. It might even cover the city gate," Lu Lin frowned, "Hell, then what I saw is theirs." Eyes, that is to say, they may have completed their assembly now and are coming towards us. "

"But... this is actually not much different from usual, right?" Lan Jie suddenly said, "Didn't they do this before? It's just that no one noticed it, but the caravans in the past also passed safely, right?"

"You forget, the last team was not very safe," Lu Lin said.

"Ah, yes," Lan Jie suddenly realized.

"The most important thing is that the previous team encountered the monster the fastest and experienced the longest pursuit. This has never happened before," Captain Luo Fu said. "This wolf shadow may not always be there. Or, even if there were in the past, the Warcraft swarm is definitely not as strong as it is now. Damn it, I have to talk to the people from the big chamber of commerce. If we don't return to increase our troops this time, we will definitely end up like the last time. Thank you everyone! News, please go back and rest first, I will inform you of news later.”

After that, Captain Luofu saluted everyone like a family military salute, and then left.

Lu Lin looked at Captain Luo Fu's back and touched his chin.

To be honest, this result was a bit beyond his expectation.

Originally, he did not expect that his two words would attract the attention of such a large caravan. Now it seems that Captain Roff is a very reliable warrior.

Moreover, the enemy was more difficult than Lu Lin thought at the beginning. Before, he had thought that he could survive as long as he could with the large army, but he couldn't survive anymore, so he left the large army as bait and relied on himself to refine it. A potion called "Bloodthorn Flower Atomized Violence Potion" accelerated the earth dragon and rushed directly out of the area of ​​influence.

But now it seems that this plan is not feasible.

This kind of potion can at most support a short-term charge. Since the opponents are almost all wolf-type monsters that are agile and good at chasing, and the range of influence is so huge, it will not be easy for him to escape from the golden cicada's shell.

"Boss, what should I do?" Lan Jie asked.

"Let's go back and wait for the news," Lu Lin said. "I just hope that Captain Luo Fu can persuade those guys to return and expand the army, and then set off again."

"What if Captain Rove can't persuade them?" Lan Jie asked.

"Then," Lu Lin curled his lips, "don't blame brother for being unreasonable..."



In the remaining days, Lu Lin spent most of his time with Earth Dragon, continuing to ponder alchemy while expanding his arsenal.

The team has not moved forward these days, but has no intention of retreating. It seems that it plans to stay here. The Great Chamber of Commerce even specially transported a bunch of supplies from the city behind to be used for daily consumption when stationed.

According to the information obtained by Lan Jie, it seems that the conversation between Captain Luofu and the Great Chamber of Commerce did not go smoothly. The Great Chamber of Commerce has already tried to expand the security guard before, and is well aware of how difficult it is to implement this matter. Most of the small caravans If they are unwilling to pay, a small number of them are willing to pay. It is estimated that if others do not pay, they will also be unwilling to pay. If the guard force is to be expanded, the basic money can only be provided by the Great Chamber of Commerce.

This is unacceptable to them. They are running business, not charity, and no one wants this trip to be in vain.

But they couldn't accept losing money, and Captain Rove couldn't accept watching his men die. If he was only worried about this trip before, now he was sure that if he continued, he would suffer heavy casualties.

The two sides couldn't stop arguing. I heard that in the end there was nothing they could do and an agreement was reached.

Since Captain Roff said that they had been discovered by monsters, and that the monsters were coming here now, well, they would just wait where they were.

Just wait for ten days. If the monster comes and is as powerful as Captain Luofu said, they will flee directly back to the city and expand the escort force.

If the monster does not come after ten days, then Captain Luof must lead the team and set off immediately according to their request.

After that, Captain Luofu came to Lu Lin and others once. First, he conveyed the news to them again in person, and he also wanted to hear the opinions of Lu Lin and others.

In this regard, Lu Lin only had one sentence to comment on.

"They are treating organized and disciplined enemies as fools. Don't count on these short-sighted money fans. From now on, we can only find a way on our own."

Chapter 77: If this is the case, you can’t blame the brothers for not being authentic.

More than half of the ten days passed quickly.

The group of monsters never appeared, and nothing strange appeared nearby.

As time went by, the atmosphere in the team became more and more anxious and impatient, and the attitude when talking about Warcraft gradually changed from the initial panic to contempt and disdain.

As for Captain Rolf, his reputation in the caravan continued to decline due to various rumors. Many merchants who were eager to set off secretly called him a coward, a coward, and a waste.

Captain Rolf was now very depressed, and he simply stayed in his tent every day.

In order to comfort him, Lan Jie now ran to him all day.

The situation of the team was worrying, but Lu Lin didn't care about them at this time.

The rumors outside had already become so serious, and it was too late to say anything now.

Lu Lin was worried about another thing now-he found that something was wrong with Li Mi recently.

A few days ago, she was still sleeping most of the time as usual, sometimes getting up to eat two meals a day, and sometimes getting up once a day.

But in recent days, Lu Lin often saw Li Mi suddenly wake up when he was halfway through alchemy.

At first, she just woke up and stared blankly for a short time, but then the time of staring blankly became longer and longer, and in the past few days, she didn't sleep during the day.

If it was just because of this, it would be fine, and it might be explained by the fact that she drank too much gray cloud mushroom drug and developed drug resistance, but Lu Lin gradually found that Li Mi began to behave strangely after waking up.

For example, she trembled for no reason and would inexplicably squeeze the quilt or pillow at hand.

Sometimes she would cover her ears, but Lu Lin clearly didn't hear any strange sounds.

Every time at this time, Lu Lin didn't know what to do. The only way was to sit next to Li Mi and watch over her.

If Li Mi was just shaking a little, this method worked well. He just had to sit next to Li Mi, and it seemed that he could help her relieve it, touch her head more, and even comfort her to continue sleeping.

In this case, Li Mi would sleep differently from usual. She would not lie so straight, but would instinctively grab Lu Lin's hand or clothes, as if this would make her feel more at ease.

But if Li Mi covers her ears, this method will be useless. Even if Lu Lin is watching her, he can't get her to shift her attention to him.

Although she hasn't shown a more serious condition at the moment, something will happen sooner or later if she continues like this.

As for the reason for this situation.

Lu Lin can only think of one thing - it has something to do with the monsters that came out of the dungeon.

Li Mi was once a hero who fought in the dungeon. Things related to the dungeon may trigger her memories and induce her PTSD.

It is very likely that these monsters will make some sounds that Lu Lin can't hear, and Li Mi has stronger strength, and may be able to hear this sound, and this special sound will evoke her memories.

This is not good.

From this situation, two conclusions can be drawn.

First, they are probably surrounded by monsters.

Second, if nothing is done, when they fight the monsters, Li Mi may lose control. ,

This is very bad.

If there is only the first option, they are still confident with the combat power of Limi as a trump card.

If there is only the second option, they can turn back now and take a detour. Although there are risks, there are priorities. In the current situation, if they can retreat and take a detour, Lu Lin thinks it is not a bad idea.

But the problem is that two conclusions are placed in front of Lu Lin at the same time.

If he wants to leave the team and go back to the city directly, it may be okay a few days ago, but now, they may have been completely surrounded. If they leave the main force, no one knows whether they will be surrounded and killed by those lurking monsters.

Although this place is only one day away from the rear city, they only have three people and a ground dragon, and Limi can not only not participate in the battle, but also may lose control at any time. In this case, even if it is only a day's journey, it is almost impossible for them to get through.

But if they do nothing, it will definitely not work.

After thinking about it, since they can't hide, they can only find a way to solve the problem on the surface first.

For this reason, Lu Lin began to search for people in the caravan who can renovate the house.

Since the cause of Li Mi's instability was the sound, as long as we can find a way to make the room as soundproof as possible, we should be able to stabilize Li Mi's condition.

After asking around with Lan Jie for most of the day, Lu Lin actually found someone in the caravan who could do this job. The other party was an engineering mage working in a chamber of commerce whose main business was house renovation and new house construction.

After chatting with the other party, Lu Lin spent a full gold coin and asked the other party to completely renovate his alchemy studio. Not only did he install a magic circle that could isolate the sound from the outside, but he also sealed and soundproofed the walls, windows, and doors leading to the upper and lower floors.

Now as long as Lu Lin stays inside, even if there is a meteorite falling outside, Lu Lin probably won't hear anything.

Since the renovation was completed, Li Mi has returned to her usual state of sleeping quietly every day. Obviously, Lu Lin successfully helped her isolate the unknown sound outside the house.

But that's all.

Now the risk of Li Mi losing control has been basically eliminated, but obviously, she still can't participate in this battle.

Although Lu Lin has always been reluctant to rely too much on Li Mi's fighting power, he has to admit that Li Mi's powerful fighting power is a very important trump card for them.

Now that this trump card cannot be used, they have to rely on themselves to fight this battle.

He came to the balcony and looked ahead.

The banner of the Great Chamber of Commerce is slowly rising at this moment.

"Yes, today is the tenth day..." Lu Lin stood on the balcony and took a sip of the tea in his hand. "It seems that our Captain Luo Fu lost the bet as expected."

"It's just as you expected, boss, damn it," Lan Jie gritted his teeth, "these idiots have brains worse than animals."

"Businessmen pursue profits," Lu Lin said helplessly, "and people are always more willing to believe what they want to believe."

"But... forget it, boss, when do you think those beasts will attack us?" Lan Jie asked.

"They don't want to let us run away, so they have to wait until we go further and go deeper into their encirclement," Lu Lin said. "If the previous team encountered the same situation as us, what happened to them last time?" When we were attacked, we were probably about the same.”

"That makes sense. Everything was planned by them," Lan Jie gritted his teeth. "Damn, these pigs treat others as beasts. As a result, in this situation, no matter how you look at it, we are more like a bunch of brainless beasts. Seeing that we are walking into someone else’s layout, there is still nothing we can do.”

"Huh, there's no way, but that's not necessarily the case," Lu Lin said, with a smile on his face, "You take care of your home, I'll go out."

"Huh? Now? Brother, where are you going?" Lan Jie asked.

"Go find Luo Fu," Lu Lin said. "It's time to accept the results of my divorce plan."

Chapter 78 Who is the beast and who is the human? People live, animals die

Ten days can be said to be long or short.

For businessmen in this world who often run long-term projects for several months or even half a year, this is nothing.

In addition, Luofu had a bet with their opinion leader, and it was only for ten days. How could they not afford to wait?

But why are there so many resentments and rumors against Rove in the camp?

Is it because they are stupid?

Maybe it's one of the reasons, but the main reason...

"If you ask me, then Luofu is a coward. He said that the situation is different. He just heard some rumors and was scared out of his wits. He was greedy for life and feared death. That's why he kept putting it off. As a result, it took us so much time. Haha, you see Just wait, nothing will come after ten days!"

In the dim night, a man with a mustache once announced loudly in front of dozens of people. He shook the wine glass in his hand, and the intoxicating aroma filled the air.

"Haha, it's so funny. Since we have to fight a monster, how can there be any reason why it is not dangerous? I think he is just afraid! Why must we be fully prepared to avoid risks? Is there anything in this world that is without risk? According to his logic "Why don't we just stop making money and triple the number of escorts? It's just like going on a fucking outing!"

In the dim night, a man wearing a top hat sat by the bonfire, holding his knees with one hand and speaking loudly at a deliberately louder voice. His teapot was boiling on the bonfire, and a refreshing fragrance continued to spread out of the pot.

"He's just a coward! You bastard! He's such a coward and you're a bastard! My daughter is seriously ill now, and she's just waiting for me to deliver medicine and money! What a good bastard! It's because of his coward that he gave birth to an egg Damn it! I have to stare at you now! What a fucking noble knight! You are worse than a pig!"

In the dim night, a drunken man with disheveled hair cursed loudly in the motorcade. His voice was loud enough that the entire motorcade could hear him. However, the smell of alcohol emanating from him did not seem to be as annoying as others. On the contrary, it made many people sympathize with him. .

Every dark night, something like this happens.

They either complained or cursed, always with different opinions and different reasons for their difficulties, but in the end, they always pointed at the same person.

And for some reason, almost no one will refute their statements. On the contrary, their words can always be remembered for a long time.


If you hold a bright oil lamp in front of them, you may find something strange.

These people talk about different difficulties and origins every day, but they all have the same face.

"The rumors outside have already reached this level anyway. It's too late to say anything now..."

The owner of this face, wearing a black crow alchemy robe, was thinking so in his alchemy studio.

Then, on the tenth day.

At this moment, he was standing in front of Luo Fu, angrily scolding those stupid businessmen who didn't know what to do.

Then, when the long map of Yan Kingdom was fully unfolded, the sharp dagger was finally revealed.

"Leave them alone," Lu Lin said. "They want you and your brothers to die for their money. Are you really willing to fight for them?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Fu's voice was low, his eyes were like swords, staring straight at Lu Lin.

"What do I mean?" Lu Lin grinned.

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