He felt like he was smiling like a rebel at the moment.

"There is a group of pigs who think that the enemies they are facing are a group of brainless beasts."

Lu Lin stood up slowly.

"But actually? Who is that brainless beast?"

He opened his hands and talked.

"The herd has already surrounded us. They are waiting for us to penetrate deep into their encirclement. When we are in a dilemma, they will show their fangs and harvest our group of prey that step into their trap."

Lu Lin said, pointing his right hand at Luo Fe.

"And you? Rolf, do you want to be that prey? Are you a knight? I know, I have asked a lot about you. You have your own glory. You are a warrior full of justice and responsibility. You, are Wouldn’t be willing to do such a thing.”

Lu Lin said, retracted his hand, walked to Luo Fei, put his other hand on the table in front of him, leaned down, and met his eyes at close range.

"But, what did they do to you? They called you a coward, they called you a coward, they called you a coward, and they called you unworthy of being a noble! Unworthy of being a knight!"

Luo Fu looked directly into Lu Lin's eyes, seemingly motionless, but his fists under the table had already been clenched.

"The honor of the nobility is naturally important, but for such a bunch of bastards, our soldiers are allowed to die inexplicably like a bunch of brainless beasts. Isn't it consistent with the honor of the nobility?"

"Don't change your mind!" Luofu almost said through gritted teeth, "It is our duty to protect this team!"

"This team!" Lu Lin slammed the table, shocking Rolf's pupils. "Where is this team! Tell me! Where is your team! Where is your team! Where is their team?" Who will fight! Who will die! Who will be called a coward! Listen, no one is more stupid than a team! Together we are just a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered!”

Lu Lin's low roar ended. Although Luo Fu didn't say anything yet, the expressions of other soldiers in the camp had changed at this moment.

For a moment, they looked at each other, and countless of them clenched their fists. Their eyes glanced at Luo Fu's face from time to time, and they seemed to be hesitant to speak.

At this moment, Lu Lin still hadn't finished speaking.

"Think about it carefully..."

The voice fell completely and his speaking speed also slowed down, as if he was deliberately leaving time for Luo Fu to think.

"Dying in battle to protect a group of beasts, a group of beasts that don't take your life and death seriously at all, can this be considered an honor? Are your and your brother's lives not even as good as beasts in your heart?"

As soon as he said this, Luo Fu stood up suddenly and glared at Lu Lin, and all the power of a warrior burst out in an instant.

But Lu Lin was not afraid at all, looking directly into his eyes indifferently, his face as calm as water.

The silent confrontation lasted for dozens of seconds.

Then, Luofu raised his right hand that was clenched into a fist.

When the nearby soldiers saw it, they all panicked. Just as they were about to step forward, they saw Luofu's fist swung down.


His right fist hit the palm of his left hand hard, as if giving Lu Lin a fist-clenching salute.


He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Tell me, what do you think we should do?"

"It seems you have finally figured it out," Lu Lin's lips raised slightly, "As for what to do, it's very simple..."

"People gather all their strength to survive, while animals run around looking for death."

Chapter 79: There are always people who hide their brains in order to satisfy their emotions

In fact, Lu Lin didn't want to do this.

But from the moment the group of businessmen and Captain Roff broke down, he knew that this was probably his only way to break the situation.

The escort strength is insufficient, but that is based on the premise that they need to protect the caravan.

As long as the convoy and the caravan are alienated, and the convoy agrees to abandon the caravan directly in an emergency and join forces with him to escape to the next city, then the probability that they can reach the next city safely will be greatly improved.

Of course, this is not very authentic.

After all, this is equivalent to abandoning the entire caravan as bait and disregarding the lives of all its members.


These are their own choices, right?

Lu Lin was unwilling to harm others, but he was absolutely unwilling to let him risk his life because of other people's stupidity.

Humming a little tune along the way, Lu Lin returned to his earth dragon.

Not long after, the team set off.

After Lu Lin went to say hello to Lan Jie, he returned to his alchemy workshop. After that, except for cooking and going to the toilet, he almost never left the door.

Time passes day by day.

On the first day, everything was fine and nothing happened. According to what Lan Jie said during the meal, Captain Luofu seemed to have led the team to inspect the entire team that day, but it was said that he received a lot of sarcastic remarks.

The next day, the journey was uneventful. During the meal, Lan Jie said that everyone seemed to be relaxed today, and some people in the caravan were even singing local songs while walking.

On the third day, the weather was calm. During dinner, Lan Jie said that Captain Luofu visited the entire team again today, but he was booed by all kinds of boos as soon as he appeared.

On the fourth day, everything was fine during the day, but Lu Lin gave Lan Jie a bottle of medicine, saying that he should drink it while driving the Earth Dragon during the day. After drinking, Lan Jie felt that his head was dizzy all day long. It was heavy and the medicine did not wear off until the evening.

If he hadn't just followed the people in front of him in the queue, he probably wouldn't even know which way to go.

"Boss, what on earth did you give me to drink?" Lan Jie asked doubtfully in Lu Lin's workshop during dinner time.

"A hypnotic drug that will put your mind in a sluggish state," Lu Lin replied casually while feeding the rice.

"Ah? What's the use of that?" Lan Jie was a little confused.

"It's useful, so you won't feel sleepy tonight," Lu Lin said, "Well, I can only rely on this medicine to maintain my energy tonight. Later, I may have to rely on hard work and medicine that can force me to wake up. ”

"Eh?" Lan Jie was stunned, "Boss, what do you mean..."

"They are already here," Lu Lin said. "The black air is all over the mountains, so thick that it almost turns the sky gray. Tonight should be the first battle."

"Huh? Don't you have to inform Captain Luo Fu?" Lan Jie was surprised.

"Don't worry, I gave him a secret signal in the attic today," Lu Lin said, "We can just prepare ourselves."

"Okay..." Lan Jie said, glancing at the long knife at his waist.

Since leaving Diling Town, his sword has not been unsheathed for a long time...

Not long after, Li Mi finished her dinner, and Lu Lin took care of her to sleep before going up to the attic.

Lan Jie also went to the balcony, holding the scabbard in his hand and watching the surroundings.

As the sky grew dark, Lu Lin put on a crow mask and scanned the surroundings with the night vision function of the Evernight Lens.

The monster did not appear, but the increasingly dense black mist in the nearby forest indicated that all this was just the calm before the storm.

Lu Lin picked up the crossbow. This time, it was not just as simple as making gestures in his hand.

At the same time, a group of uncles who were walking below noticed Lu Lin holding a crossbow. They waved to him, gestured and joked with him.

But this time, Lu Lin was not in the mood to joke with them, and said loudly: "Go back quickly, it may not be safe tonight."

When the uncles heard this, they all laughed and seemed not to care.

Lu Lin looked at them helplessly.

It was already the fourth day. Even according to past experience, this was already a dangerous period where they might be attacked. This group of people should not have been so careless.

It's a pity that human beings are always susceptible to the influence of the environment. Recently, the trend in the caravan is to look down on Warcraft and use this to belittle Captain Rove.

Blindly following the trend will lead to this in the end. You won't even bother to do basic thinking. You will only preset a position and then believe everything that is beneficial to your position.

They didn't care, and Lu Lin didn't care about them anymore.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and gradually, everyone except Luo Fu's guards fell asleep. Luo Fu's guards also stopped patrolling in the forest because of the reduced visibility in the dark, and returned to station near the camp.

The guards sent by the caravan to join the guard went directly back to their caravan to sleep.

It looks like Rove didn't give these guys a heads up tonight about what's going to happen later.

It's also possible that no one took him seriously even if he reminded him.

Lan Jie on the balcony seemed quite nervous and looked up at Lu Lin from time to time.

At this time, he also drank the cat's eye potion. Although he could not see the black mist like Lu Lin, his vigilance as a warrior still made him feel the strong dangerous atmosphere around him.

The night wind blew through the forest, stirring up a rustle of leaves. Above the sky, a group of clouds slowly drifted past, gradually revealing the bright moon behind it.

The moonlight shone down, and the whole forest seemed to be a little brighter.

At this moment, Lan Jie suddenly felt something and suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Zhong.

He saw something there...

That thing looks like a wolf, but the wolf has no eyes and seems to have no nostrils. If you look closely, you can actually find that it has a different appearance from the wolf.

The most important thing is that the surface of the "wolf"'s body is not hair at all, but sharp scales, as if it is covered with scales.

The "wolf" opened his mouth, and two tongues more than two meters long, like bladed whips, stuck out of his mouth.

Then, the wolf leaned down slightly, then turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the caravan.

Almost subconsciously, Lan Jie shouted: "Enemy attack! There are monsters!"

And just as he was shouting, a horse that was resting at the edge of the forest had its neck wrapped around the "wolf's" whip-like tongue. Before it could even neigh, its neck was directly twisted, and then the whole Was dragged into the forest.

Lan Jie's roar ended, and the entire caravan remained silent. Except for some blood stains on the original location of the horses, the monster left nothing behind.

After a few seconds, the entire caravan seemed to have finally woken up and started making noises.

But they opened the window and walked out of the tent, but saw nothing.

An uncle who was camping nearby had a look of displeasure on his face and looked around. After finding nothing, he angrily walked to the ground where Lu Lin and others were standing, pointed at Lan Jie and cursed: "You bastard! What the hell are you yelling at..."

The scolding stopped abruptly.

The uncle's eyes suddenly widened.

He lowered his head in astonishment, looking at the two bloody whip blades that pierced his chest, and his mind went blank.

The next moment, the whip blade suddenly rolled back, locked his shoulders, and pulled him into the forest, leaving only a shrill scream that resounded through the mountains and forests.

Chapter 80 Hearing the screams, he knew he was awake, and being beaten, he knew he was in pain

The sleeping caravan finally woke up.

A scream happening around him can make people realize the seriousness of the matter better than any more words.

In an instant, the entire caravan moved, and all the caravan guards were awakened. Rove's guards completed the deployment in the first time, and formed groups to line up and began to be on guard in all directions of the entire caravan.

Lu Lin picked up his crossbow.

However, Lu Lin did not intend to act easily. Although he had a lot of crossbow arrows in stock, they were strategic materials after all. If he shot the monster to death, he could still recover it, but if he failed to shoot it to death and stuck it into the monster and let it escape, then the arrow could not be found.

Moreover, ordinary crossbows are difficult to kill these monsters. They must be assisted by some alchemical creations to achieve better results. Some of these modified crossbows can never be recovered after being shot.

Therefore, except for the monsters close to the earth dragon he was riding, Lu Lin did not intend to take action.

In sharp contrast to Lu Lin, it was the uncles behind him who had laughed at him before.

The monsters had not yet launched a general attack, but were just wandering in the surrounding woods, launching sneak attacks from time to time. These uncles were already scared and didn't know how many crossbows they shot. As long as they saw a shadow flashing in the forest, they would always shoot an arrow into the forest regardless of whether they could hit it or not.

Compared with them, Rove's guards seemed much calmer. They were in groups of several people, separated by an orderly distance, and were highly alert throughout the whole process, but they never took action easily, waiting for the enemy to come to them.

As for Captain Rove, he was riding a red flying dragon with a wingspan of nearly ten meters at the moment, overlooking the entire battlefield and commanding loudly.

"I've never seen this dragon before..." Lu Lin said.

Lan Jie below heard it and replied: "That's Captain Luo Fu's blood-covenanted mount. He should have just summoned it through the contract."

"So there is such a saying..." Lu Lin looked at the majestic flying dragon again.

That's right, the enemies are all monsters, how could the regular army of this world not have some different support.

But then again, with such a mount, doesn't it mean that Captain Luo Fu can have it whenever he wants?

Damn, so envious.

I wonder if there are any flying mounts like flying turtles or flying Kun. If there are, Lu Lin really wants to make one for himself.

At this time, the stalemate below continued.

The monsters in the forest didn't seem to be in a hurry to attack. They kept wandering around. If they found the air raid of the escort team, they would rush out and try to sneak attack what they could sneak attack. If they could kill people, they would kill people. If not, they would kill horses. If it really didn't work, they would be happy to whip the earth dragon twice.

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