Although their whips could hardly cause substantial damage to the thick-skinned earth dragons, and the people and horses on the periphery quickly shrank into the interior of the team, their harassment still had considerable results.

At least the group of merchants and their families and servants were so frightened that they just wasted their bows and crossbows and kept yelling and screaming, which not only wasted their energy but also created panic.

When the commotion started, some people even started yelling at the guards, actually shouting for the guards to rush out and kill all the monsters in the forest.

Of course, no one paid any attention to them.

But then again, in fact, not all the merchants were in trouble. First of all, no one from the Great Chamber of Commerce was yelling. Their group of earth dragons, the largest in the team, were all gathered together at this moment, like a pieced together building. It's like a fortress, always alert to its surroundings.

In addition to the large chamber of commerce, there were also many people in the small caravan who were very calm and silently adjusted the position of their team. While others were still roaring and screaming, they had already hidden themselves in the safest position.

"Boss, how long do you think these people are planning to keep going like this?" Lan Jie asked from below.

"I don't know," Lu Lin said, "but if the status quo remains, maybe we can just go to sleep."

"Huh?" Lan Jie was stunned, "Boss, you mean they won't attack tonight?"

"If the stalemate continues, it is possible," Lu Lin said. "The opponent's strategy is not only to weaken the troops, but they can attack at any time. If the guards cannot break the situation, they will have to stay in a stalemate all night."

"Huh? Just like this?" Lan Jie's tone was full of uneasiness, "If this continues, we won't be able to hold on for a few days and we will all fall down from exhaustion."

"Well, I'm curious too. If this group of monsters has always been so difficult to deal with, if we work hard, we will only die," Lu Lin said, looking up at Luo Fe flying in the air. "But you must know that even the last team, despite heavy casualties, still reached its destination, so... I want to see what our captain will do when encountering this situation..."

At this moment, as if in response to Lu Lin's words, Luofu slowly raised the spear in his hand.

The gun light pointed into the air, and the next moment, accompanied by the roar of the flying dragon, a dazzling light bloomed from mid-air.

The light did not last long and disappeared without a trace in just a few seconds.

But after the light dissipated, continuously moving beams of light rose up in the originally dark woods. Lu Lin was shocked to find that those light beams were all emanating from the monsters in the forest.

The monsters that were originally lurking in the shadows suddenly turned into a bunch of bright lanterns, and both their number and location became clear at a glance.

"And this hand?" Lu Lin asked in surprise, "What is this? Magic?"

"This is the glory spell of the Glory Knight," Lan Jie said, "Oh my god! With this skill alone, Captain Luo Fu must be at least a high-level Glory Knight!"

"Knight of Glory..." Lu Lin recited the title silently.

Does it feel like something similar to a Paladin?

But the word "holy" in this world is probably monopolized by the holy religion.

Lu Lin couldn't figure out what the concept of a high-level glory knight was anyway. For him, it would be more intuitive to watch the result of this battle directly.

Under the spell just now, the targets of the monsters are already obvious, and their numbers and movements are clear at a glance.

To Lu Lin's surprise, the number of monsters was not as exaggerated as he had imagined. Previously, everything was hidden in the dark forest. Even if he had the Evernight Lens, it felt like the shadows of monsters were everywhere in the forest.

But looking at those bright beams of light now, the number of monsters is probably only about twenty.

"If it's this amount..." Lu Lin thought to himself, "It seems like it's not a bad idea to take the initiative?"

Just as Lu Lin was waiting to see how Luo Fu would organize the guards to attack, a dazzling light suddenly lit up on the back of the largest earth dragon in the center of the team.

Chapter 81: Tactics intersperse when the situation is poor, firepower covers the situation when it is strong

It was the light emitted by the three-dimensional array drawn with countless complicated inscriptions and geometric patterns.

As time went by, the light of the magic circle became brighter and brighter, rising higher and higher. For a moment, it attracted the attention of everyone except the guards.

Ten seconds later, under the gaze of everyone, the magic circle rose to a position of tens of meters in the air, and the light in it had completely covered the composition of the magic circle. At a glance, it looked like a star appearing in the night sky. the little sun.

At this moment, Luo Fu's order came from the sky.


At some point, the dazzling ball of light exploded and turned into hundreds of flames, exploding in all directions.

Then, when these flames dispersed over the entire battlefield, suddenly, they seemed to be pulled by the light pillars on the ground, and they shot towards the position of each light pillar.

For a moment, the fire exploded in the forest, and accompanied by the screams of the monsters, the beams of light also disappeared one after another, indicating the death of the monsters one after another.

"That's right, this is a magical world." Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Lin sighed inwardly, "Magic bombardment should be the main tone of long-range firepower on the battlefield. Why am I talking about a mage? I didn't see it. Were they all staying there..."

"Fuck, this is so awesome!" Lan Jie was also very excited watching this scene, "This is the first time I have seen such a big scene!"

It's no wonder that Lan Jie was so excited. Captain Rolf and the guard magicians' move was really like a god descending to the earth. Originally, there was a group of people in the caravan who were almost scared to death. Now seeing the situation reversed in an instant, these people were as excited as they were just panicking. They raised their hands and cheered loudly, as if they had not just entered the danger zone, but would soon reach their destination.

But unlike the excited people, Rolf, who was overlooking the battlefield from a high altitude, still had a solemn expression.

His eyes and the pupils of the flying dragon under his crotch had the same golden light flashing. Now, he was using the eyes of the flying dragon to explore the entire battlefield.

That's why he could see every enemy on the battlefield clearly.

Then, as long as he used the glory spell, he could make the enemy nowhere to hide on the battlefield.

Unlike the people who were in the dark, he was the only one who could see the situation on the battlefield at a glance.

The first wave of contact just now was just an appetizer.

He raised the spear in his hand, intending to release a new round of glory.

In the past, this spell could always light up the direction of the army he led, become their goal, and bring them hope of victory.

Once, wherever glory went, the evil enemies had nowhere to hide, and wherever glory went, the army was unstoppable.

But today, it will bring only a test of the courage of the warriors.

"Boys, don't let me down..."

Rove muttered to himself, and the spear in his hand burst into golden light.

"Show me your glory and courage!"

For a while, the whole forest was illuminated again.

The sudden light made everyone immersed in the joy of victory stunned, and then the warriors took the lead in reacting, and one by one immediately returned to the fighting posture.

Then, Lu Lin also realized something, looking at the forest in the distance, frowning slightly.

And those people who finally stopped panicking, at this moment, began to beat drums in their hearts again.

The battle is not over yet?

But, shouldn't all those monsters have been killed just now?

Under the confused gaze of the crowd, the light gradually dissipated, and then, beams of light began to rise from the distant forest.

First, there were more than a dozen.

Then there were dozens.

Then there were hundreds and hundreds!

The beams of light kept lighting up one after another, and they formed a wall of light in the forest hundreds of meters away, completely wrapping the entire caravan in the middle of the wall.

"Damn, how many are there?"

Lan Jie's face turned pale.

"Just now it was just a test, now, they seem to be planning to do it for real," Lu Lin raised the crossbow in his hand, "It seems that there should be no room for us to fish and swim next."



Soon, the real battle broke out.

According to Lu Lin's observation, there are not many types of enemies. A total of three types were found. He called them little wolves, big wolves, and giant wolves.

The little wolves are the evil beasts with blade whips in their mouths at the beginning.

This kind of monster is the main component of the enemy. There are at least hundreds of them in the forest. They seem to be endless. They keep rushing out of the forest. Some groups charge at the escort team, while others look for air strikes and try to directly kill into the caravan and attack horses or humans.

Although the mages at the center of the team constantly release magic to suppress the battlefield with firepower, it is still difficult to stop the offensive of these monsters.

Of course, the guards have no pressure to deal with these little wolves.

Their own combat power is not very strong. The biggest reliance is still the ability to come and go without a trace in the forest sheltered by the night.

At this moment, their position is completely pointed out by the glory, and the threat is naturally not as great as before. Even the caravan guards can easily kill them.

After all, it is a world with swords and magic. These guards can't be regarded as ordinary warriors, especially Rolf's guards. Those seemingly ordinary warriors are all possessed by glory, and the flames are wrapped around the sword. When they chop these little wolves, they are one kid with one knife.

If there were only these small fish, the guards would kill as many as they came.

But the enemy is not limited to this kind of magic beast.

This brings us to the second kind, the magic beast called the big wolf by Lu Lin.

The big wolf is several times larger than the little wolf, with a height of more than two meters and an amazing length. It is covered with scales like the little wolf, and the edges of the scales are covered with ferocious and sharp barbs. Although there is no weird tongue in its mouth, its strength and speed are not comparable to the little wolf.

There are not many of these things, but their individual combat power is far beyond that of the little wolf. One is okay, as long as there are more than two, cooperating with the little wolf to besiege the same guard team, it can cause a lot of trouble to the guard team.

However, the soldiers of the guard team seem to have been prepared for similar situations. They know very well that the enemy is outnumbered and we are few. Once they get into a fight, the situation will only get worse with the addition of subsequent enemies.

Therefore, in order to resolve the battle quickly, as long as a team is attacked by multiple big wolves, other nearby escort teams will immediately start moving, support the team in trouble as soon as possible, concentrate their strength to help them deal with the big wolves, and then return to their own positions.

It can be seen that Rove's team is indeed very strong. With the current manpower, they can achieve such a result. If there are twice as many such warriors, they can easily deal with the current situation.

Of course, they still look at ease now, but the manpower is insufficient after all. Under mutual support, there will naturally be gaps in the defense line. These little wolves that rush into the defense line can only be dealt with by the members of each caravan.

I think those members of the small caravan who keep screaming and yelling should have begun to regret not supporting the expansion of guards.

As for Lu Lin, there are already a bunch of little wolves lying around the earth dragon where he and Lan Jie are.

A small part was shot by Lu Lin with a crossbow, and most of them were chopped to death by Lan Jie.

Not to mention, although Lan Jie was not as golden and flaming as those knights of glory when fighting, his combat effectiveness was not weaker than them. He killed ordinary little wolves with one knife.

At present, the situation is very stable.

But Lu Lin has been a little uneasy.

Because, there is another "giant wolf"...

Lu Lin looked at the deep forest on the left.

Standing on a high place, he could clearly see through the Eternal Night Lens that in the dense forest outside the battlefield, there stood a huge monster with a terrifying aura. It was more than five meters tall, and its length was unknown. It was covered with thick scales, black in color, and surrounded by black mist.

Since Lu Lin found it, it has been staying in the dense forest in the distance without moving.

Lu Lin didn't know what it was waiting for.

But Lu Lin had a hunch.

This thing should be the most difficult enemy for them tonight.

Chapter 82 Something is wrong! Catch it alive!


As Lu Lin's crossbow with explosives flew out, two little wolves that rushed towards Lan Jie from the gap in the guards' battle line were blown up.

Seeing this, Lan Jie's actions were also neat. He rushed to the two little wolves that were blown up at the first time, chopped off their heads one by one, and then immediately retreated to the vicinity of the earth dragon.

"Huh... Damn, which one is this?" Lan Jie panted slightly.

"We killed 23 of them," Lu Lin said, "I'm not saying, do we attract so much hatred?"

"No, it's not that we attract hatred, but there are no helpers nearby who can fight," Lan Jie said, "There are only twelve groups of guards in total, and there are only twelve gaps. The monsters rushing in from the two gaps on both sides of us are almost all contracted by us."

"Well... if you count it this way, there must be hundreds of these little wolf cubs dead..." Lu Lin raised his eyes and scanned the battlefield again.

Sure enough, the once dense beams of light have now decreased by an unknown number, roughly speaking, there are only about a hundred, and there are only a dozen large beams left.

At this moment, there was another loud noise in the sky, flames burst, and then a new round of fire rain fell, bombarding the remaining monsters and making them jump again.

"Hehe, it feels like this battle is finally over," Lan Jie saw this and smiled again.

But Lu Lin did not respond, but just looked silently at the forest on the left.

The giant wolf was still there, motionless...

"What the hell, this thing can't really be a scene map? It doesn't even move?" Lu Lin frowned slightly.

Lu Lin had thought that this thing would suddenly do something when the battle was the most intense, and he had been distracted to guard against it.

After all, Lu Lin, who had the Eternal Night Lens, should be the person who could see this thing most clearly at the scene except for Rove in the air.

But the problem is that this thing really didn't move at all.


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