It just so happens that his muscles are like iron and he is tall, so it is good to call him Tiezhu.

The big guy actually seemed quite happy with this new name.

Although Sili seriously questioned Lu Lin's naming taste, it was Lu Lin who was recognized as the leader instead of her.

So in the end, the big guy's name finally became Tiezhu.

Lu Lin felt pretty good.

It just so happened that he lived in the same room with Jack Zhengyi, and this name was also quite suitable, both of them had a kind of earthy and simple beauty.

After settling Tiezhu, Lu Lin actually had a lot of questions to ask Tiezhu.

For example, how was he caught here, how did he escape from the Crusaders, and why did he recognize the little flower on his body.

But communicating with Tiezhu was too tiring, and Lu Lin couldn't stand it, so he simply wrote down the questions he wanted to ask and asked Lan Jie and Sili, who were already very interested in Tiezhu, to ask.

And he himself went back to the alchemy room and began to study the potion of the Black Magic School.

Although the substitute materials have been obtained, they are not the original materials after all, and the formula needs to be modified. The formula itself is very difficult, and it will not be easy to modify. Lu Lin needs a lot of time to repeat the experiment.

In this way, Lu Lin spent a day in research.

At night, Lu Lin roughly judged the Q group: 543659389", and if he is given a few more days, he should be able to perfect the substitute formula.

As for Lan Jie and Si Li, although the process did not seem to be smooth, they still asked some questions. Combined with their reasoning, some information was roughly restored.

It seems that Tiezhu did not escape here by himself, but was transported here as a weapon by the Holy Church.

He had been imprisoned by a subordinate force of the Holy Church for a long time before. They used certain means to restrict his freedom. As long as he did not obey orders, he would be tortured, so he could only obey those people and fight for them as their weapons.

He seemed to have a bad time during that time, so much so that he was scared when he recalled it now.

Later, several people with small white flowers on their chests rescued him. He was killed, and those people seemed to have destroyed the entire force that enslaved Tiezhu.

But strangely, those people did not take him away afterwards, but only helped him to sew up the wounds on his body carefully, gave him some food and water, and then left.

Later, he began to wander, and came here after many twists and turns. At first, he wanted to enter the city, but was driven out because he could not speak much.

Later, when he was sleeping outside the city gate, he was caught by the Flame Spear Gang. When he woke up, he was already in prison.

Sili felt that the group of people with small white flowers should also be some heroes, or at least people related to heroes.

They are active in the land of chaos, looking for trouble with the Holy Church everywhere.

As for why Tiezhu was not taken away, it is actually not difficult to understand.

After all, Tiezhu's intelligence level is limited. If the other party is an elite team, The team conducting guerrilla activities is unlikely to be willing to accept such a big fool with a huge goal and uncertain whether he can understand the command.

Moreover, although Tiezhu is tall and strong, he seems to be very strong. In fact, he is probably only an ordinary mid-level fighter. The people who want to save him are really a team of brave men, and they will definitely not look down on him.

In the future, following Lu Lin, I am afraid I can only do hard labor.


Lu Lin helps him with physical transformation.

The immortal characteristics of "rare beasts" give them excellent adaptability to physical transformation, which is the best physical transformation base.

Lu Lin has reservations about this.

Although his alchemical formula does not include knowledge of physical transformation, he has a formula that is more powerful than physical transformation.

[Genetic transformation] under the [Secret Formula] list.

But this kind of transformation , after all, it is directly aimed at Tiezhu's body, Lu Lin still has some resistance.

But if Tiezhu really has no self-protection ability because of his poor brain and poor strength, Lu Lin thinks that he may still consider performing genetic modification on him.

After all, becoming a genetically modified person is much better than having no self-protection ability, dying in an accident, and then becoming a half-dead half-zombie, right?

And then again, how to carry out genetic modification is not decided by Lu Lin?

He naturally won't make Tiezhu a chimera. If he wants to modify, he will probably modify it in the direction of Uncle B or Wolverine.


It's not the right time anyway. Most of the things in the secret formula are different from other formulas. The content and effect of the intermediate formula are really limited. If you really want to consider it, you have to wait until Lu Lin is promoted to a senior alchemist.

After talking about everything you want to talk about, it's time to go to bed.

After everyone washed up, they all rested.

The next day, after Lu Lin got up, he wanted to continue to study the communication potion of the Black Magic School according to the scheduled plan, but Jack Zhengyi asked him again if they could open the store for business.

Lu Lin thought about it and it seemed that it was time to open the store for business.

He didn't have much money, and it was a new store, so it would be good to open it early and take some orders.

However, such a seemingly ordinary decision turned out to be completely beyond Lu Lin's expectations.

There were too many customers.

Although it was an alchemy workshop, which had few customers on weekdays and mainly made money by high unit prices, there was a long queue in front of Lu Lin's door.

Moreover, many people who come here don’t know what they want to buy, so they ask Lu Lin to recommend it to them on the spot.

Lu Lin felt really strange, and after making some inquiries, he found out that these people were not here for alchemy at all, but the fact that Li Mi single-handedly defeated the entire Flame Spear Gang yesterday had spread throughout the city. Yesterday they showed off their presence in the market, so people came to know where they were, so today a lot of people came to watch and say hello.

And most of these people have some backgrounds, either local bosses with some status and business, or people with some strength in various gangs.

And if you say these people come, just come and give them gifts and business cards, right?

They all pretended to take care of business, and they didn't know what they wanted. They pretended to ask Lu Lin to recommend him, but in fact they just wanted to find an opportunity to chat with him more.

However, they are quite generous when placing orders. They never counter-offer Lu Lin's price, and the order quantity is often very large.

After figuring out their purpose, Lu Lin knew what to do.

Anyway, you are not here to buy potions, so he can do whatever is convenient for him.

Therefore, Lu Lin simply recommended the same medicine to each of them - an intermediate red water chestnut cultivation medicine.

Yes, it's the intermediate version of the blood-stained potion that can be poured onto a corpse: five, four, three, six, five, nine, three, eight, nine, and instantly turn the corpse into a field of vegetation.

The intermediate version has a stronger effect. Just one drop can make a corpse completely disappear with all its bones.

Because it was something under the name of a secret formula, and it was practical enough for these people, Lu Lin was not polite to them in setting the price. He asked for a very high price. Although he had taken on a lot of work for himself, he had to complete it all in one night. Being rich is not a dream.

As for whether the greening in the city will suddenly become too good in the future, that is not Lu Lin's concern.

In the next few days, the situation was similar to the first day. Lu Lin was forced to start dividing his time every day. He only opened the door in the morning to welcome guests, made potions in the afternoon, and spent the evening studying the transmissions of the Black Demon School. Potion.

Lu Lin had been living like this for two weeks without even realizing it.

Finally, one morning two weeks later, Lu Lin looked at the transparent potion shining with colorful light in his hand and let out a sigh of relief.

He finally completed the communication potion of the Black Demon School.

Chapter 152: Now we are finally organized

The next day, afternoon.

After lunch, Lu Lin placed the communication potion he had refined on the table.

"Huh? Did you really get rid of it?" Silly took the potion and looked at it, then opened the bottle and smelled it, then nodded, "Well, it should be fine."

"So, then I just need to smash it?" Lu Lin asked.

"Smash it, crush it, inject magic power to make it self-destruct, and use the co-explosive crystal to blow up the bottle. In short, as long as the two conditions of being shocked and exposed to a large amount of air are met, this potion can be activated," Silly Said, "Of course, because of its nature, accidental bombings are actually quite common. But don't worry. If the accidental bombing really triggers the movement of the school, just apologize to people and do some errands. If you pay, you won’t be held accountable later.”

"Understood," Lu Lin nodded, took the potion, thought for a moment, stood up and walked into the corridor, slamming the communication potion on the floor.

Accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, a strange scream immediately passed through everyone's ears, making everyone's teeth ache.

"Hiss, what kind of noise is this?" Lu Lin rubbed his ears.

"Ordinary potions don't make this kind of noise," Silly said, covering her ears and frowning, "It's probably caused by you changing the formula, but it's okay, this kind of noise is more like a threatening potion."

"Huh? If used together with the intimidation potion, wouldn't it be possible to deceive others and complete the call for help without even realizing it?" Jack Zhengyi interjected.

"Hey, that's a good idea," Lan Jie looked at Jack Zhengyi in surprise, "So your brain is so easy to use?"

"That bald man is stubborn, not stupid," Silly curled her lips and said, "He is Chief Luo, he has a bright mind."

"Miss Silly, I am no longer a gangster, please don't call me by this name anymore," Jack said sternly.

"Okay, okay, I got it," Silly waved her hand and said perfunctorily.

As for Li Mi and Tiezhu, they didn't seem to care much about the sound, and continued to show off their breakfast as if it had nothing to do with themselves.

While Lu Lin and others were talking to each other, there was a knock on the door of the store.

"Huh? So fast?" Lu Lin raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe I just happened to be in town," Silly said with a shrug.

"Is it an exercise of the Black Demon School? Then I'll avoid it," Jack Justice said, got up and returned to the room.

Seeing this, Tie Zhu seemed not sure whether he should follow suit or not, and looked at Lu Lin blankly.

"You, go on, eat enough," Lu Lin said.

After hearing this, Tiezhu felt at ease and continued to show off his rice.

After sorting out his clothes a little, Lu Lin came to the door of the store and opened it.

Sure enough, it was the owl mask that I saw last time.

"Hello, Mr. Xingxing," Lu Lin said with a smile, "Please come in and sit inside."

"Hello, young alchemist," the sect leader nodded slightly, and then followed Lu Lin into the house.

When he came to the dining room, he glanced around the room. His eyes stopped for a moment on Li Mi and Tie Zhu, and finally fell on Sili.

"Night Elf Witch, you're here too," his tone was a little subtle, "I guess you didn't help with making the potion this time, right?"

"Haha, don't worry, if I helped this time, you don't need to doubt it, I will rush to admit it myself," Silly held her chin up, with a meaningful smile on her face, "You should have felt it too, right? The effect of this potion is slightly different from the others."

"Of course, I'm also wondering about this," the academic leader looked at Lu Lin, "Did you make some changes to the formula?"

"Yes, I changed a material," Lu Lin sat at the table and compared the q group to the empty seat opposite: five, four, three, six, five, nine, three, eight, nine. Inviting gesture.

"Which piece of information is it?" The school sat down on the empty seat indicated by Lu Lin.

"Echoing Violet," Lulin replied.

Hearing this, the school leader was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said without hesitation: "This is impossible!"

"No, this is possible, isn't it?" Silly curled her lips and said, "Otherwise, how do you think he can make this bottle of medicine in such a short period of time?"

Hearing this, the school of thought obviously paused.

Yes, if he had not bypassed this particularly difficult material, how could Lu Lin have refined this bottle of potion so quickly?


How is this possible?

I don’t know how many big guys have tried this topic, but no one has ever found a practical formula.

How could the newcomer in front of me, who was not even a senior alchemist, be able to do it?

"Can I ask, specifically how it was changed?" Xuexing asked.

"Ah, well..." Just as Lu Lin started to speak, another voice interrupted him.

"No! Of course not! Do you know what you are talking about, Sir?" Silly shouted excitedly, even knocking the table with her hands, "You can bypass the formula of Echo Violet, don't you know the meaning of this?" What are you talking about? This is something that can be exchanged for huge contribution points. I’m afraid it’s not appropriate for you to be a free-handed wolf, right?”

Facing the aggressive Sili, Xuexiyi was startled, but he also realized that he had indeed made a mistake, so he could only raise his hands and said: "I just... forget it, okay, it's my fault, it's really inappropriate to ask this. ”

As for Lu Lin, he cast a grateful look at Silly.

He naturally took into account what Silly said, but after all, the other party was controlled by a school of thought. Lu Lin was still thinking about how to arrange his words to fool him more appropriately, but he didn't expect Silly to directly start a fight.

But then again, it seems that only Silly can reject this so completely.

After all, Lu Lin was a subject who had not yet joined the academic school. Facing the "examiner", he still had many concerns.

"In short, so far, you have passed the test," the school leader said, taking out a document from his arms and handing it to Lu Lin, "Sign your name at the end and you will officially become a member of the Black Demon School. A member."

Lu Lin took the material and looked at it. It was a simple consent form for admission. The content written on it was similar to what Sili had introduced before. After confirming that it was correct, Lu Lin wrote his name at the end of the material.

The leader of the school took it, looked at it, nodded, and said: "Okay, that's enough. However, we will still check the recent material exchanges between this witch lady and the school. I hope that you have bypassed it as you said. Echo Violet, instead of buying the materials directly from the school through her hands.”

When he said this, it could still be heard that he still had some objections to Sili's behavior just now.

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