"Just check it," Si Li relaxed at this moment, and returned to her usual lazy tone, "I haven't had any material exchanges with the school for a month."

"Huh? So long?" The school's executor was a little surprised.

"The familiar had an accident and is still recovering," Si Li shrugged, "It's been half a month, but it looks like it will take another week or two to recover."

"Oh, that's no wonder," the school's executor nodded.

"Huh? What do you mean, you have to rely on the familiar to exchange materials with the school?" Lu Lin asked in confusion.

"Of course, if you don't rely on the familiar to transfer materials, you can't go to the headquarters in person when something happens, right?" The school's executor said, taking out a round chip from his arms and placing it in front of Lu Lin.

"Huh? What is this?" Lu Lin asked.

"The spatial mark of the school," said the school walker, "remember, this thing can only be used once, and you must choose the most suitable familiar to use it."

"Let the familiar you choose inject magic power into it and activate it. After that, your familiar can go to the school headquarters."

"And you can also trade contribution points with the school through this familiar."

"If you really find the formula to make a communication potion that can bypass the echo violet as you said, you can also hand it in through the familiar."

"Like this witch said, the contribution points you exchanged will probably be a huge sum of money."

Chapter 153 Are you happy? It's too early to be happy

After leaving the chip and explaining some details to Lu Lin, the owl walker of the Black Magic School left.

After thanking Si Li, Lu Lin also asked about summoning familiars.

"You mean, you don't know how to summon familiars?" Si Li was surprised to hear Lu Lin's statement.

"Well, I haven't learned any knowledge in this area," Lu Lin nodded honestly.

His alchemical formula includes cursed ghosts, puppets, and undead spirits, but there is no familiar.

"Ah... I really didn't expect this. Maybe the learning environment is different. We start to let apprentices get in touch with knowledge related to familiars very early," Si Li stirred the coffee she had just brewed with a spoon, "After all, familiars are really convenient. Not to mention those familiars with special abilities, even the most common messenger familiars can help you a lot on weekdays, such as helping you get things, tidying up the room, etc., and they are absolutely loyal."

"I see," Lu Lin nodded, "So, what exactly is a familiar? Is it similar to a special puppet? Why can it help me complete the resource exchange with the school?"

"No, it's completely different," Si Li shook her head, "A familiar is a creature that lives in magic power, belonging to a large category of magical creatures, and non-racial creatures. 'Elves' are similar. "

"They can manifest in the material world, but their essence is still composed of magic. "

"The contract that drives them is actually more like a pure magic than a contract. "

"And when you tame a familiar, it will be completely under your control, just like the continuous magic you have used. "

"Therefore, as long as you, the master, are not dead, they will not die either. Even if they completely collapse in the material world, they will return to the magic state and recuperate again. "

"Then, some things in the magic world and the material world are different, such as the rules of space. "

"When the familiars are in the magic state, they are not in any coordinates in the material world, so in theory they can appear anywhere in the material world. "

"But be careful, if there is no The summons of the material world, for the familiars, the entire material world is like a mass of chaos. If they want to manifest, they can only jump down with their eyes closed, and they have no idea where they will go. "

"And the person who is the master of the familiar, as well as the chip just given to you by the executor, can become the coordinates of the familiar's manifestation location. "

"Relying on this ability and the chip issued by the school, the familiar can become a messenger between you and the school, helping you to hand in resources in exchange for contribution points, and helping you purchase things from the school. "

"I see," Lu Lin nodded, "Then what does the executor mean when he just said, let me choose a suitable familiar?"

"Well, there are many types of familiars, and each kind of familiar is good at different things and has different characteristics," Si Li explained, "Some familiars may be very strong physically, but their brains are very strong. It doesn't work well. "

"Some familiars may be smart, but they don't have much ability. "

"There are also many familiars with special abilities, which may help you a lot in special circumstances, but are useless in normal times. "

"The familiars you use to communicate with the school need to help you submit task reports and resources in exchange for contribution points, and help you sell things with contribution points. "

"First of all, if the familiar wants to transport goods, it needs to temporarily pull the goods to be transported into the magic world. "

"The amount of goods they can pull in is proportional to their magic upper limit, so the magic power of the familiar you choose must not be too small, and the bigger the better. "

"In addition, you must understand that although the object is the school, the essence of your behavior is still a transaction. "

"And transactions, of course, cannot be left to fools. "

"If you let a low-IQ familiar take on the role of the trader, although the school has regulations, it will not cheat you too much. "

"But it is estimated that the things you hand in must be exchanged for contribution points according to the minimum standard in the regulations. "

"And if you have a clever familiar, at least it can help you get some good prices in the transaction."

"Of course, I have also heard that some familiars with particularly good brains can even negotiate with the academy when encountering large transactions, maximizing the interests of their masters as much as possible."

"Speaking of this, you should understand what kind of familiar you need, right?"

After that, Si Li took a sip of coffee.

After such a long speech, the temperature of the coffee, which was originally hot, dropped to just the right temperature, just enough to moisten the throat.

"Well, I understand," Lu Lin nodded, "Then, how can I have my own familiar?"

Hearing this, Si Li's face immediately showed a smile.

It seems that she has been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

"Since you don't know how to do it, then, how about the familiar summoning business?" Si Li put down the coffee cup and said, "As long as three gold coins, I will help you arrange the summoning, and guarantee to summon a high-IQ and high-magic messenger familiar with the same level as the stewed meat. If it is not successful, I will not charge you."

"Oh?" Lu Lin's eyes lit up.

Someone does it for you?

That's great.

Although he didn't really know what level the stew was, it was Sili's own familiar after all.

For her own use, how could it be bad?

Although three gold coins were not a small amount, Lu Lin had been so busy with orders recently that he really didn't need that much money.

So, Lu Lin immediately agreed decisively.

Seeing Lu Lin so straightforward, Si Li was also very happy and decided to arrange a familiar summon for Lu Lin immediately.


Si Li soon found out that she was too happy too early.

The next morning, after Si Li tried the last familiar summoning array she knew, she lay down on the chair, looking at the ceiling, with a face full of doubts about life.

In one day and one night, she tried all thirteen familiar summoning arrays for Lu Lin several times, and summoned the familiar hundreds of times in total, but without exception, all failed.

Not only did she doubt her life, Lu Lin also doubted his life while sitting in the magic array.

When summoning a familiar, he didn't just stand there, but had feelings.

When the summoning was in progress, he could feel the magic power flowing around him like a torrent. Each special magic power should be a familiar.


More than a hundred times in total.

Countless familiars flowed by him, but none of them were willing to stop for him.

He reached out his hand countless times, but those magic powers felt his actions and all of them were like seeing a disaster star, and would bypass him at the first time.

Those familiars were so close to him that they felt they were just one centimeter outside his skin.

But those familiars were so far away from him. This one centimeter seemed like an insurmountable gap. He was like a familiar insulator. No matter how hard he struggled, not even one familiar was willing to bite him.

Si Li said that she had never seen such a weird situation in her life.

The two studied for a long time but could not find the reason. In the end, they could only attribute it to metaphysical reasons such as bad weather or Lu Lin's body smelling because he didn't take a shower today.

But later they tried several times, and no matter how they tried, the result was the same.

Lu Lin seemed to be on the blacklist of the familiar world, and all the familiars avoided him.

After a few days, both of them were completely broken.

Not only did Si Li not make any money, but she also wasted a lot of materials.

Lu Lin was even despised by the familiars to the point of doubting his life.

He never expected, and perhaps no one would have thought, that he had clearly passed the test of the Black Magic School, but because he had no familiars, there was no difference between joining and not joining.

Lu Lin couldn't figure it out.

He was completely broken and decided not to think about it.

Without a familiar, he would do the task.

At least there were tasks that loved him.

So he put all his energy into running the store and brushing the alchemy task.

Hard work pays off. After more than two months of hard work, Lu Lin finally completed the task of intermediate alchemy 1,000 times.

[The Way of the Sage: Sailing through the Vast Sea of ​​Fog (Completed)]

[Task Target: Complete 1000 intermediate-level alchemy (1000/1000)]

[Task Reward: The Omniscient Lens of the Three-Eyed Holy Eagle]

[Rewards being distributed]

Looking at the task panel in the consciousness interface that had lasted for who knows how long, it finally changed, and Lu Lin finally smiled happily.

But soon, he also realized that he was too happy too early.

Because when the new task appeared, he instantly understood why he couldn't summon the familiar.

The new task reads:

[The Way of the Sage·The Way of Setting Sail: The Loyal Guardian and Escort Beast·Phase 1]

[Final goal: Refine the first familiar]

[Phase 1 goal: Obtain 100 high-level magic stones (0/100)]

[Task reward: Forbidden Touch of Kadi Serens]

Chapter 154 Our tasks have always been top-notch

Now Lu Lin finally understood why he couldn't summon a familiar.

It seems that the position of his first familiar has long been determined by his task.

Moreover, it seems that this task is not satisfied with letting him summon a familiar, but wants him to refine a familiar.

In other words...

He wants to create a magical creature himself?

Although there is indeed such a form of summoning a familiar, its difficulty is much greater than summoning.

Lu Lin has a feeling that this task is definitely not easy.


Well, in fact, the first stage is already too extreme. Q group: five, four, three, six, five, nine, three, eight, nine.

Advanced magic stone.

This is a magic stone that Lu Lin has not been able to successfully refine at present. Depending on the quality, the market price of a high-grade magic stone is generally between 20 silver coins and 30 silver coins.

Lu Lin originally relied on the tax-free policy, the passenger flow brought by his reputation, and the hard work in the past two months, and his savings exceeded the forty gold coin mark. After buying these one hundred high-grade magic stones, his savings were directly wiped out. Most of it.

He finally understood that this mission did not mean he was rich.

Every time he saves some money, he is immediately squandered by new tasks.

However, the rewards are indeed pretty good.

The previous task of refining a thousand times was the task that took Lu Lin the most time to complete in history, and its reward did not disappoint Lu Lin.

Through the special lens called the "Omniscient Lens of the Three-Eyed Sacred Vulture", Lu Lin could see the status of almost everything.

For various alchemical materials or other processing raw materials, Lu Lin can tell the quality and details with just one glance.

For various objects, such as potions, even if Lu Lin did not master the relevant formula, he could tell the specific ingredients at a glance.

He can also tell the material and workmanship of ordinary objects.

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