The City Deceives The World

Chapter 206 Vast Divine Power! Divine Foot Power! 【Fifth Update】


The man on the window sill murmured: "It's such a big deal this time, but we can't let them really fight!"

No one could have thought that the people he was talking about were not referring to a certain person, but the most powerful countries in the entire world.

He can control the world's wind and clouds in the palm of his hand, and destroy the world with a snap of his fingers.

Su Lie was not very proud and his mood remained stable. I don't know when he had such an unchanging attitude.

The pace was neither fast nor slow, and he returned to the room calmly and leisurely.

His eyes were calm and deep, his back straight, and he swallowed all ninety NTZ-48 pills in one breath.

At this moment, his body is already different from ordinary people, and even his structure has undergone some transformations. In fact, a gap has been drawn between the most powerful and extraordinary mythical body and ordinary humans.

Now it takes at least fifty pills to have an effect, and it is completely immune to the side effects of the drug.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Su Lie's expression remained unmoving, as calm as a mountain.

But the heart beat violently and joined together,

Waves of tingling afferent nerves.

A burst of pain in the brain14.

The heartbeat continues to increase, and the shockingly strong Canglong Tribulation Power in the body naturally circulates, getting faster and stronger, and the golden and red lines climb up the skin, blooming with gleaming brilliance, and finally form a red line between the eyebrows. vertical line.

His nerves are becoming more and more sensitive, and his hearing, smell, and touch are becoming more and more developed.

It was transmitted to Su Lie's eardrums from all directions.

Countless sound waves impact the eardrum, causing the eardrum to vibrate. These small and different vibrations are transmitted to the cochlea through three delicate bones.

Suddenly, the vertical line between the eyebrows cracked, and something like an eyeball popped out a little.

Pineal gland!

Upper Dantian in metaphysics.

The origin of spiritual power, the center that regulates the human body's intelligence, emotions, and physical strength.

The power of the pineal gland is a manifestation of quantum entanglement. Once it is turned on, it has the ability to mentally interfere with reality!

The so-called mind power, spiritual power in science, and the active activation of the pineal gland in metaphysics and Buddhism can form various incredible supernatural powers, such as the power of clairvoyance, the power of celestial ears, and even...the power of miraculous feet.

If the mythical Yang Jian really existed, Su Lie even wondered whether he might have been born with the secret of the pineal gland.

Only then did he have this divine eye that could see through the underworld.

In the sky above Su Lie's right shoulder, the scroll of all realms exudes infinite holy and vast platinum halo, which is more primitive and broader, as if real universes are running in it.

This is because it has been less than half a year since the Ten Thousand Worlds Scroll merged with him.

It was the first time that I had gained such abundant divine power.

Although the scene in Wenshan's last time was also very big and shocked people's outlook even more, it is still incomparable to the movement this time that easily overturned the whole world and pushed mankind into the dust of history.

No country can suppress this matter, and Xia is no exception.

No one will not pay attention to it if they know it, because this is something that truly threatens their lives and breaks their daily lives.

No one or any government will suppress this matter, because the war is just around the corner. If it really breaks out, the people will definitely need to be mobilized, and even the social structure and various policies will need to be reorganized.

At this moment, I don’t know how many people are trembling with fear, constantly trying to understand the whole story of this matter.

When I learned that everything originated from a rumor that I had scoffed at before.

This impact of shattering their outlook on life makes them have no choice but to believe it, because it has penetrated deeply into their lives and is overturning their daily routines.

The ironclad fact was before them.

Therefore, an unprecedented torrent of divine power was poured down, which was several times and dozens of times greater than the last time. Although others continued to understand and deepen, this torrent became stronger and stronger.

At its peak, the power did not exceed 60,000. He kept climbing, thinking that the six figures were constantly approaching, and then suddenly crossed over, and the trend continued to climb without abating.

The light between Su Lie's brows and eyes shines brightly. His body is no less than a hundred times stronger in all directions, and his natural potential is even greater.

The potential of mental power has also been developed this time, and it is a hundred times stronger than before. At least it is not a problem to control the movement of several tons of things.

Of course, it's still a lot worse than him punching directly.

But Su Lie didn't care either.

Take out something from the soul-nurturing bag. They are pieces that look like eggshell fragments. They are about the same thickness as eggshells, but they are as bright as the best white jade.

Crystal clear, even exuding bursts of fragrance.

This is what Su Lie left behind several times after he broke through nine Nirvana transformations last time. To him, it is the residue after transformation, but to ordinary people, it is actually a treasure.

Reach out and wave.

A brilliant platinum divine power shone brightly, covering the pile of "eggshells".

Then I saw that these eggshells seemed to be empty by invisible hands, and they were assembled piece by piece.

Soon another Su Lie appeared in the room, a Su Lie who exuded the fragrance of medicine and a light milky white halo. Only the dissatisfied cracks on his body surface showed the difference between him and Su Lie.

Then there was another layer, a layer of eggshell covering him, a Su Lie covering another Su Lie.

After three times, there was no fragrance or shine.

Finally, after the platinum halo fell, the cracks on it gradually healed, and soon, a person who was exactly the same as Su Lie appeared in the room.

Su Lie looked at his lifelike self, and even though he knew it was "empty" 213, he still felt a little weird.

But this is actually his avatar. No matter the touch of the human body, height, weight, temperature, heartbeat, fingerprints, or DNA, it is no different from Su Lie. It is just that it is empty and has no internal organs. Su Lie will leak out when injured. It's just fake blood.

Its combat power is about the first level of Xiaotian, and its physical strength is not much worse than that of Su Lie. At most, ordinary firearms are embedded in the skin.

"That's good. I don't have to worry about being exposed anymore! I just need to focus on two things and operate distractedly."

Su Lie nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, let's give it a name. Let's call it Doll."

Keep tapping on the doll's eyebrows, the doll's whole body shines brightly, and its fingertips move.

"It's time to take action!"

Su Lie sighed.

Then a dazzling galaxy-like divine power enveloped Su Lie's body, and his realm broke through crazily, rising all the way up.

Su Lie did not wait for it to be completely decided.

Take one step forward.

The void in front of him naturally parted, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Divine foot power!

It can also be said to be unparalleled in the world, or it can be reduced to an inch.

A step of thousands of miles, no need for a single step in the hands of the mythical great powers!

[Please give me a monthly ticket for flowers, the Chen family and the Zhang family will appear].

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