The City Deceives The World

Chapter 207 Shocking Change! 【First Update】


The Pacific Fleet stationed here slowly launched operations.

Above the sky.

The fighter jet formation is constantly patrolling the air, and the "Poison Eye" early warning aircraft has risen to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

above the sea.

The aircraft carrier formation braved the wind and waves and had left the bay.

Direction Tokyo.

The mission is to block Tokyo Bay.

Missiles were pushed into the launcher one after another, and fighter jets, destroyers, and bombers continued to take off.

Operations Department.

The captain of an aircraft carrier with an icy comrade in the American imperial mustache. "As the supreme commander of the Pacific Fleet, I authorize you to go to war. If there is any change, you can go to war first!"


At the same time, the fleets of various countries in the East China Sea, South China Sea, Bohai Sea, etc. have received orders from the highest headquarters and are on standby, ready for war at any time.

Leaders of various countries also urgently held emergency press conferences, expressing their unwillingness to go to war, but they are definitely not afraid of war.

Overtly and covertly, they are announcing that war is very likely to come, so that the people can prepare.

At this time, the people of the world truly realized that a war was really going to happen.

It's like breaking through the unreality like a dream, letting the emotion of fear spread, and the top management is constantly trying to appease the emotions. They need the people to be prepared, but they definitely don't want the order to collapse.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations held an emergency press conference. He was sweating profusely and his face turned pale. At the press conference, he strongly appealed to governments of all countries to stay calm.

"The Earth needs peace! The world needs peace!"

But no one paid attention to him at this time.

Fighters and warships from various countries have also remained vigilant. In this situation, they are most afraid of other countries fishing in troubled waters. Any misunderstanding may become the fuse of war.

And now the focus of the world is still converging on Hiyori, which will soon turn into a hell on earth.

Nervous, scared.

War or peace, it all comes down to looking at the results here.

Hundreds of millions, or even billions of eyes were staring at the catastrophic island nation through the screen.


At this time, the Rihe Masturbation Team had dispatched a large number of troops.

Distributed in every corner of Tokyo, the anti-air system is fully activated to intercept the doomsday flying bolide meteors.

That is, a missile shattered the falling meteorite.

What they have to do is to do their best to reduce the damage of this disaster as much as possible.

It was reflected in the sky like sunset.

Meteorites with flaming light fell rapidly from the sky.


Missiles with red tail flames and precise calculations hit these falling meteorites.

The two collided with a loud bang.

A red fireball erupted.

The moment the fire broke out, countless fragments of different sizes scattered and rushed to the surrounding areas.

But this is not the end. Let’s not talk about the lethality of the fragments. Let’s just say that the rain of fire in the sky, more than tens of thousands, is more than enough to plow the entire city aside, and the shock wave spreading from a distance is the complete destructive horror.

This is still Tokyo, which is 80 kilometers away. Dozens of kilometers around Mount Fuji have already been swallowed up by lava.

Meteorites with long flame tails fell suddenly!


A huge vibration broke out instantly, and people could clearly feel the shaking of the ground!

The remaining meteorite, after penetrating two or three buildings, left a huge crater fifteen meters in diameter and about eight meters deep!

After touching the ground, the entire building collapsed with a sudden shock.

People trembled in unimaginable fear.

Regardless of whether they are men, women, old or young, whether they are Chinese, Japanese, American, yellow-skinned, black-skinned, or white-skinned, they are all longing for a glimmer of hope and light in the Suada catastrophe.

They are not numbers, they are individuals. They absolutely do not want and hate that others will treat them as consumables, a pale data.

Just like the so-called 300,000 yuan in Nanjing back then.


They began to call upon their gods.

The Taoist ancestor of the Sanqing Dynasty, the Jade Emperor, God, Allah, the sun goddess Amaterasu Omikami...

It doesn’t matter which culture’s god it is.

Just please help them.

But they also know that God is illusory.

Just when they were desperate.

Suddenly they saw the smoky face of the northeastern man who beat up the American reporter. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was trembling. He was not afraid, but as if he had seen something extremely incredible.

"You... where are you looking..."


Large conference hall.

Thousands of high-level and top-level cadres are here this time.

The atmosphere solidified.

The top bosses are holding a press conference to appease the people.


Although no one is watching, smart people now know that things depend on the final result in Tokyo. If they can't accept it, they will die together, and they will definitely go to China first.

After all, the origin of everything comes from China's handsome and angry youth.

Ahem, many young and radical people in China are indeed saying this. In their eyes, Gu Tianyang is simply a hero.

If I have to describe it, it would be: 666666!!!

But the big guys don't think so. In fact, they still have many blood feuds with the ancestors of senior officials in the Japanese and Japanese authorities.

Just sitting in this position is destined to be unhappy.

Rather than destroying Hiyori directly, they were actually more willing to dismember Hiyori and use his nutrients to fatten China.

After all, interests are what a country should pursue.

But at this moment.

On the big screen, the apocalyptic rain of fire made them no longer have any luck.

This scene.

Many big guys and young ladies were silent.

In fact, many of them still felt a little happy when they knew that a nuclear bomb was still being thrown. After all, this little devil was always against his own father.

But the scene in front of them was definitely not what they wanted to see.

Prepare for war!

Many people sigh in their hearts (Nord), there will be a war eventually, but they don’t know how many lives will be lost this time. Once Japan and China fight, it will be difficult for the United States and many other countries to sit idly by and watch, even if the gun goes off at the slightest moment. , it was a world war in an instant.

After all, has China just been eating free rice for decades? You must know that China in this world is much stronger.

You may not lose, but at the end of the war you really have no control over yourself.

Moreover, nuclear weapons have already begun. By then, I am afraid that the major countries will be planting mushrooms all over the land, and everyone will have fun and finish it together.

There will be no winner.

".~Drawing Mom! Ritian is here!"

A big boss who was always known for his calmness and elegance stood up with his eyes widened and he slapped the table.

Everyone looked at the screen.

There was a hint of expectation, and then at the same time, he showed a look like you are fucking teasing me.

[It’s a bit stuck, I need to sort it out. The fifth update is very stressful, especially when I’m stuck].

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