The city of Monkey King

Chapter 997: To change.

Call ~!

The mind is dizzy.

It seems like it has been a long time...

Xuan Nu Shan, one of the many spirit pools.

When Qin Feng opened his eyes, it was the white mist of the transpiration, the eyebrows... the pictures that appeared in the dream.

He knew that everything that happened in that dream was not just a simple dream.

Everything is... what happened.

I... didn't die? !

When Qin Feng found that he was not dead, the whole person was a glimpse, and there was doubt in his heart. He was only trained by the sword...

According to the truth, this first body of its own, can not have the hope of survival!

Slightly raised his hand, Qin Feng looked at his own hand, the land of the palm of his hand... It is a condensed aura that appears, and then a slight view, and suddenly found his own body, actually has a pure and perfect spiritual air flow!

These auras...

It is impossible that this spiritual pool can be gathered!

Qin Feng subconsciously thought of a person... nine days mysterious girl!

In the heavens and the world, there are two women who have the spirit of the goddess, except for the Nangong Yi people, it is... nine days of mysterious girl!


at the same time.

Among the halls of the Xuan Nu, there are four people in this hall, the East China Emperor, the sword, the bamboo son, the Qing Dynasty fairy.

At this moment, the bamboo son, his face is extremely unsightly, and suddenly he wants to kill the momentum: "Let me kill the kid, mix the kid! Dare to treat Xiao Axuan like this! He really doesn't know how his life is coming. of?!"

Zhu Gongzi has a slap in the face, and the voice echoes in this hall.

"What is the use of killing him?"

The knife looked at the bamboo scorpion, faintly opened, and the tone was extremely cold. Obviously, the mood at this time was already gloomy to the extreme.

"Well, well, what can you do if you yell and kill here? Now, see if the old poison can suppress the water and yin in the body."

The Qing Dynasty fairy said, his face was very worried.

The Donghua Emperor, the head of the four men, was frowning at this time. He swept his eyes and screamed three people. He whispered: "If you are relieved, the title page is a poisonous witch, but it is also the most exquisite holy place in this world. Doctor, there is him, Xiao A Xuan will not have anything."


That is to say, though.

But no one can guarantee what the truth will be...!

after all…

That is almost a life change.

The inner hall of the Xuan Nuo Palace, the beautiful land of the temple, has a row of Xuan Nushan disciples, Lin is outside this door, one by one is anxious.

The old-fashioned uncle of the nine-day mysterious woman is even more nervous. She walks back and forth in this door, and has not stopped for a long time.

Those Xuan Nushan disciples, this time are watching another person outside the door...

a woman.


At the moment, she is looking at the closed door, her eyes are still... I still can't erase everything that happened before.

She did not think of...

Nine-day mysterious woman, actually really willing to use her own life, to ... change his life!

"In her mouth, you are called 焱."

"In the Wanhua Valley, you are also called Xiao Chenyi."

"Today, you call yourself Qin Feng..."

"Which one of you... is true..."

Muttered and whispered, there was a deep doubt in Yunshang’s eyes. She did not doubt Qin Feng.

Because when Qin Feng used her body to block her in front of her, she was no longer angry, leaving behind... only incomprehensible.

In her eyes...

The previous scene, as if... is repeating itself.

A sword... wear the heart, when Qin Feng was in a coma.


The power of the Seventh Seven Thousands, the perfusion of the sacred sacred device, such a powerful sword, even if it is the strength of the sacred to the seven sacred, can not hold this sword.

Not to mention…

This body of Qin Feng is only the power of the Holy One.

No matter from which aspect, a sword will pass through the heart and will die.


Just the moment when Qin Feng was in a coma, the body would collapse.

The man who made the sword, the nine-day Xuan female fiercely hugged him. When he hugged, the nine-day mysterious woman squandered her goddess spirit to the extreme.

The fairy spirits of the tens of thousands of miles are all coming under the call of the nine-day Xuan female spirit.

The massive aura, through the nine-day Xuan Nuo into the body of Qin Feng, will stabilize his soul that is about to collapse, and reshape the body that he has collapsed... under this body.


It is a complete counterattack of the nine-day mysterious woman.

She, when she took the sword at the last minute, hurt her roots.

In order to save the life of Qin Feng, it is even more desperate to absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth, even though the spirit of the goddess is also the limit.

In the vast scope, the wounds of the goddess of the heavens will be restored under the nourishment of heaven and earth, but if it exceeds this range.

The goddess of the heavenly body will be hit hard, and this kind of heavy not something that ordinary monks can consume compared to excessive consumption.

Injured... is the soul!

All this, what needs to be paid.

Nine-day mysterious woman could not be unclear, but she did not hesitate to do it, just for... Qin Feng’s life.

Even if you use your own life to change, you will not hesitate.


Inside the house.

Five steps of poisonous witch, sitting on the bedside, on the bed, lying on the nine-day mysterious woman, the nine-day mysterious woman at the moment has a slight white flash of light.

There is a reiki around, hovering around the body of the goddess.


These auras are not able to enter the body of the nine-day mysterious woman.

If you put it on an ordinary person, there is nothing to say. If you want to let the heavens and the earth get into the body, you naturally need to run the exercises.


The goddess of the gods does not need to be like this.

Heaven and Earth Aura will automatically enter the body of the goddess of the heavens, but at this moment, the aura of the nine-day mysterious woman can not enter.

Accumulated aura...

more and more.


Five steps of poisonous witch, looking at the nine-day mysterious **** the bed, could not help but sigh.

The person who uses poison is also a medical practitioner.

The more powerful the poison is, the more accompanying medical skills are even more superb peaks.

As far as the five-step poisonous witchcraft is concerned, there was absolutely no problem between the floods and the floods before the flood. Even though he claimed to be the top five, he did not dare to raise any objection.

Not to mention the current world of heaven...

His medical skills are definitely one of the best, but even if he is, at this moment, looking at the nine-day mysterious woman is also helpless.

Exquisite medical skills are one thing...

It may not be cured, it is another matter.

His superb medical skills can heal ordinary people, but for the goddess of spirit...

If the goddess spirit is not overloaded, he does not need him to heal.

And beyond the load, even if he... there is no way to heal.


Only rely on the spirit owner himself.

The five-step poison witch actually saw it very early, but he didn't go out just because... he didn't know how to tell the news to those who were waiting outside.

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