The city of Monkey King

Chapter 998: Have you, enough.

One sound...

Another long sigh.

The five-step poisonous witch is called the title page. At this moment, the old man, except for the sighs here, there is no other way.

At this time, in the nine-day mysterious woman, there was a gloomy black water. These black waters were actually floating on the surface of the nine-day mysterious woman, and it looked very strange.

"Water yin..."

Seeing these black floating things, the old man’s brow wrinkled.

He remembered...

Once, the thing that happened.

At the moment, the nine-day mysterious woman, her knowledge of the sea... is also immersed in the memory of that period.

The night is quiet.

Among the ones in the Linguin Mountain, Qin Feng looked at the crescent moon in the sky, and the wind blew up. The hair scattered in front of the forehead shook slightly.

In his eyes...

The scene in the dream, once again slowly appeared.


The waves are rolling.

Numerous black thorns that make people feel trembled, rushing from all directions to the horizon, this... no way to retreat.

The huge incomparable, the angry roar, shaking the entire sea.

The man in the center of the place has a raging flame burning all over his body. A pair of eyelids are taken back from the sea wall and overlooking the huge hustle and bustle underneath.

In the eyes...

There is a decisive color.

And... disdain! Arrogant!

‘The life of the little man, you are the one that you can take. ’


The flames of the whole body, like a sea of ​​fire, will cover up the entire sky: "If you are here, you should be confessed to this, and you have to kill your beast!"

There is absolute arrogance in the eyes of men!

He had no sword in his hand, but at the moment... there was a flame in his hand, and there was a long sword that was completely condensed by flames.

this moment…

Not refunding! Reverse!

The man’s eyes were swaying downwards and heading straight to the center of Wan’s heart.

Want! One blow!

Although this ambition is extremely low-spirited, he can instinctively tell him that this guy actually wants his life, and the original prey has already escaped.

More and more angry, crazy screaming.

The body of Wan Hao, the countless eyes, at this moment are turned black, from the eyes of each pair with the dark black water rushing out, the place where the black water passes, even the void... are turned into black ice frozen .


Still no fear!

The raging flame will burn out these gloomy black water!

With both hands holding the sword of a flame, the sword grew more and more, when the man was only less than a hundred feet away from that.

The sword of fire in the hand has already become a giant.


Almost as long as the man wants a sword, the countless black water is also rushing to the man. The amount of black water is too much. It is not the men's body flame that can resist.

However, the man at this time, regardless of the black water!

To die... it is to die together!

He was originally planning to make a living!

I don't care about the black water that is about to fall on me. The flame sword in my hand is going to go down without hesitation, even... even my last protection is removed.

Get all your strength and pour in it.


The man’s eyes are mad, the giant sword... squat!


At the moment of this sword, the sea of ​​thousands of miles is like crazy. Countless flames stretch over the sea. This moment... the sea of ​​thousands of miles has become a real sea of ​​fire!

'Roar! ‘‘...’

The screaming screams echoed in the land of the sea.

The huge incomparable Wan Hao, above this sword, the whole body was smashed into two halves, and the wrecked body was burned with sizzling fire, but within a short period of time.

The sound of the screaming screams slowly stopped.

Huge figure, more at this time... completely burned to ashes!

Call ~!

The whistling wind echoed between the heavens and the earth.

The continuous flame burned on the surface of the sea, and the sky was restored again.

However this time...

Above the sky, the sea is a hundred feet high, but the man is stunned, he... not dead.

In front of his eyes, a person is reflected.

One... girl.

The girl's face was white, but it was a smile. It was a sweet smile: "Hey brother, little, little Axun... No, no... leave you."

"A Xuan!"

The man’s eyes slammed and slammed into the arms of the woman who was about to fall to the ground.


The inexhaustible black water was blocked by the girl.

This moment... from all directions, millions of miles, countless heaven and earth aura, raging gathering, rushed into the girl's body.

The man holding the girl in his arms, the eyes can't stop the red.

"Hey, my brother, you... you cried..."

The girl in the man's arms, white face, smiled.

"Fart, how can I cry, it is gray."

The man spoke up, raising his hand and dialing the hair in front of the girl’s forehead, and there was a distress in his eyes: “Stupid girl, how silly you are.”

"Small, little A Xuan, no, not stupid..."

The girl's voice became subtle, and even though there was a surge of aura in all directions, her body was still in a recession.

Heavenly woman spirit...

If this aura of the four seas did not catch the decline in time, once it exceeded the load, it would be extremely troublesome.

"Support, my brother took you home! The poisonous old man must have a way!"

The man has no delay, holding the girl is to turn into a rainbow, go straight to the land of Dongze!

He is very clear...

Can't delay now! One minute and one can't delay! At one and a half moments in the evening, perhaps this girl in her arms will not be able to save her life!

Changhong crossed the sea and the sky was surrounded by the raging aura.

"Hey brother..."

The girl who leans on the man's arms, the sound of this time is like a mosquito.

"Dead gimmick, you give me support!"

The man's face was extremely anxious, almost exhausted his life, and went to the strength of Dongze. At this time, he even wanted to point to the Dongze nineteenth to give a mad meal.

These nineteen guys set up a vain ban in the land of Dongze, and can't walk through the void, which makes men's speed slower!

"First, if you said something before, you still count?"

The girl's voice was slightly introduced into the man's ear. The man stunned and then thought about it. The sword eyebrows... slightly loose, the corner of the mouth has a decisive sense.

"The words of Xiaoye have never been faked. This time, go back, Xiaoye will bring the four parties to dowry, and lift the big sedan. You will pass the door!"

"I... I don't want to be a bride, don't, don't want a bridge, I... have a brother, just enough..."

The girl in her arms has a happy face, a sweet smile, leaning on the man's arms, sweet...sleeping. 2k novel reading network

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