The city of Monkey King

Chapter 999: Seven kills

"The four parties are dowry, eight lifts the big sedan..."

The crescent moon, hanging in the land of this heaven, is clear and bright, and it is reflected in the hearts of the people. It is unbelievable to this world, only the word Jingjing remains.

The wind is slightly stroking.

In the center of Lingchi, Qin Feng whispered, his eyes... The picture, scattered little by little, the memory of the depths of the sea, once again sealed up.

"Little A Xuan..."

At this moment, Qin Feng, the temperament of his body, has changed a lot. It is not like the Qin wind, but like the man who is called 焱.

However, this temperament is also slowly dissipated between the numbers and interest rates.

IX love...

Before Qin Feng did not completely integrate the ninth love, these memories would only give Qin Feng a residual feeling and would not replace his thinking.

And when Qin Feng IX is one, all the things of this IX, whether it is Su Ze or Zhou Changqing, whether it is Yu Feng or Xiao Chenyi, or 焱.

When the ninth love is in harmony, these people... will all be completely the same person.

At that time, Qin Feng could not determine himself, in the end... what kind of existence would become.

With the change of temperament, Qin Feng’s mind slowly returned to calm, but... one thing, his brow was crumpled.

In the picture, he did not see what the love token is.

Nine-day mysterious girl this world...

Qin Feng slowly walked toward the poolside, not only the nine-day mysterious woman, but also the Nangong Yiren, who belonged to Liu Ruoyan.

The leaf of the red maple, I don't know where it is.

When I was in Baixuan Lingchi, he once asked the people of Nangong Yi people about the leaves of Hongfeng, but the Nangong Yi people obviously did not know.

Every world...

Are they different?

Qin Feng brows slightly wrinkled. When the piano was taken in the 10th Xianweijie, although the troubles were quite messy, the final result was still good.

And the process is not complicated, at least know where the token... is.

However, at this time, I already knew the love of Nangong Yiren, and I also know what the tokens in this world love are.

However, the leaf of the red maple could not be found.

I don't know which direction to look for from the beginning, the eyebrows... the more wrinkled the tighter.

At this time, when Qin Feng walked to the edge of Lingchi, he had a figure and slowly approached the land of Lingchi.

The eyes of Qin Feng are in the blink of an eye.

Scorpion... micro coagulation.

He knows who the person is.

Donghua Emperor!

When the figure gradually came out of the fog, it was not enough. The silver-white long hair flew in the body, and the blue robes, the whole person was revealed with a dust.


Footsteps, slowly stop.

The Emperor of Donghua looked up at Qin Feng, and Qin Feng... also looked at the Emperor of Donghua, the two of them, looking at each other at this moment.

Because the memory belonging to the 焱 一 is already a little awakened, Qin Feng naturally knows that the former Dongze 19 Saints is the Donghua Emperor and his friends.

In the heart, there is also an inexplicable familiarity with the Emperor Donghua.


If you remember correctly, then the world, named You, should be adopted by the Emperor of Donghua and grow up with the nine-day mysterious woman.

Call ~!

There is wind, passing through this fog.

The two are opposite each other, but they are... speechless.


Fairyland, three thousand miles away from Xuan Nu Mountain.

A Changhong is flying fast in the sky. This Changhong... looks extremely embarrassed, obviously... it is a hurtful gesture.

Among Changhong, it is a pale old man.

His left arm was completely bursting into ash, and the red gold rune hovered over the broken arm wound. With these red gold runes, he couldn't make the broken arm reborn.

Mo blame!

After Changhong, who is ridiculously ridiculous, there are several Changhongs that are rushing in. The breath of these few rainbows is a holy power!


Mo blame bites his teeth, and his heart is called an angry grievance, but there is no way.

He originally left Qiu Nu Mountain with Qi Linger. Who could have imagined that he had just left the border of Xuan Nu Shan and had an ambush.

For a time, under the hasty response, the direct stroke, the left arm was directly exploded!

Even Qi Linger is arrested...!

This is the most worrying place for Mo Laoque. Qin Feng asked him to protect Qi Linger, but he lost it. If he merged with Qin Feng, he still didn’t know what punishment to take, and he couldn’t know what to do... Let your own little life fly away.

The corner of his eye smashed the chasing after the eye, and Mo’s heart was called a helpless.

Originally based on the strength of his sacred five-way Chinese products, it is not a battle for these few people who are chasing. Unfortunately, the previous raid has directly smashed the strength of his body. At the moment, the original It is good to be able to play three achievements in the power of the five sacred products.

And the remaining 30% of the force can only be used to escape now.

"Seven sects...!"

Mo blame has been bullying in the immortal world for so many years. He has always eaten soft and hard, and he will never go to jealousy with hard bones. Therefore, for the major forces of the fairy world, it is a thief familiar.

Under the rush of rush, he did not have the heart to judge which sect was the person who raided himself.

But now I glanced at it, but it was resolved.

Seven sects...!

There is no limit to the fairy door!

Oh shit!

The so-called quasi-supreme fairy gate is the power of the five sacred products in the sect, and this fascination is recognized as a powerful existence that will soon break through to the top of the six sacred products!

No wonder...!

Mo blame this time, my heart is getting more and more empty!

He used to have grievances with the Seven Emperors. It’s hard that these seven sects are deliberately looking for themselves. They have long been eyeing themselves. !

But... not right!

Mo blame the more you think the more wrong, the grievances of him and the seven ancestors, nothing more than a baby, this baby, still not let the seven 岚 恨 hate yourself to this point.


At the time of the raid, Mo Laoque was obviously able to feel that the people who attacked these targets were completely Qi Linger who was protecting themselves. They were hurt by themselves... but they were more like incidental.

Chong Qi Linger? !


Is directed at his own master Qin Feng!

When I think of it, Mo is screaming in my heart, I want to know... everything that happened on the Mysterious Mountain before, it’s definitely not a joke to show off the power of the master.

That waits for the gods, it is already to let the gathering of the monks shake together, just rely on those monks, not to mention a small quasi-supreme fairy door, even those who are truly supreme, but also absolutely afraid of Qin Feng People do it!


only one!

That is... these seven sects are instructed!

And can instruct the forces of the Seven Emperors, under the heavens... In the heart of Mo, there are only three of them!

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