The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1001: On the verge of death

Xuan Nu Shan.

The place where the Xuan Nuong Palace is located.

Beyond this partial temple, the uncle of the nine-day mysterious woman, that is, the old man, and the core elders of a group of Xuan Nushan, are outside the hall, and their faces are tense.

At this time, the appearance of the entire house of the partial hall began to appear with a layer of gray gas. With the appearance of this gray gas, the whole house... began to form the shape of black ice.

The elders of the Xuan Nu Mountain, in an instant, are not sure, and all of them are subconsciously trying to break into the house, but they are stopped by the old man.

This old man is the uncle of the nine-day mysterious woman. She naturally knows who is the person who treated the nine-day mysterious woman in this house at the moment, but it is a five-step poisonous witch page.

Poison Saint is a medical sanctuary. If the five-step poisonous witch can't solve it, other people... are useless.

The old man looked at the black ice that appeared, and his brow wrinkled. She naturally knew that this black ice represented what...

On the other hand, the singer outside the temple saw that the black ice frowned. She noticed a very strange scent from the black ice, which she had never felt before.


But she felt a chill in her heart.

"This is the poison of Wan Hao."

At this time, the voice of the old man came into her ears.

The old man with one hand on the faucet and the other with his back behind him, looking at the door of the temple, she knows... The nine-day mysterious woman will become the present, and it has absolutely a relationship with the owner of the Wanhua Valley.

“Wan Wan?”

The current-like sound came out, and the clouded brow wrinkled. She didn't know what it was.

I don't know... it is also a necessity.

Wan Hao is a strange animal in the early days of the flood. When the floods are in chaos, they can still see one or two. At the end of the flood, the heavens and the earth are no longer seen.

Not to mention the current world of heaven and earth, but after the collapse of the floods, it evolved.

In the midst of the collapse, I don’t know how many different animal races are completely extinct.

"What is your relationship with that kid?"

The old man did not explain to Yunshang what the ‘thin of the scorpion’s poison was, but only slightly turned his head and looked at the swan, and the wind turned and calmly asked.


Inside the house.

Five steps to the sorcerer's page, at this moment, looking at the nine-day mysterious girl above the bed, the pleated old face is already dignified.

From the body of the nine-day mysterious woman, there is a very strong black chill out. When this black chill is over, everything is turned into black ice, and people are feeling a cold.

This is the injury that the nine-day mysterious woman once suffered. The poison of this scorpion is extremely difficult to remove. Even if it was the Dongze 19th Qiqi Qiqi shot, it was impossible to completely sever the poison of this scorpion.

However, the original nine-day mysterious woman can completely suppress it with her own spiritual body. With the cultivation of the nine-day mysterious woman, the spirit of the heavenly woman is becoming more and more powerful, and it is naturally no problem to suppress this poison.

But at the moment...

The celestial body of the nine-day mysterious woman transcends the load, and the whole body is on the verge of collapse. The poison of Wanxi, which was originally suppressed, naturally becomes untrue, and it begins to grow wildly, even... it is already beginning. Invade the soul of the nine-day mysterious woman.

If it is not the title page here, the poison of this scorpion is suppressed by its own poisonous technique. I am afraid that the spirit of the nine-day mysterious woman is completely dyed by the poison of Wanxi.

"Poisonous old man, why is this?!"

At this time, there were three figures in the house.

A knife, a bamboo son, and a fairy.

The voice was made by Zhu Gongzi. The words revealed tension and unbelievable color. The three of them were waiting in the main hall, but when they found that the breath of the nine-day mysterious woman almost disappeared, and the black ice appeared, no It was only limited to the partial temple, but gradually spread throughout the Xuan Nuong Palace.

The three of them couldn’t sit still anymore, and no matter what the doctors were jealous, they didn’t wait for the five steps of the poisonous witch to go out, they just broke into the temple.

After the three people entered the house, at this moment, they saw the nine-day mysterious woman on the bed, and even the sword that had little expression on the bed. At this time, it was fiercely frowned, and looked at the title page subconsciously.

Among the four of them, only the title page knows how to heal and save people. Naturally, I want to ask a page, this is how it happened.

The situation is worse than they think.

"Small Axuan's spirit exceeds the load, causing the explosion of the plague. I have used the method to temporarily stabilize the poison, but I can't help but see Axuan himself."

The front page stood up and looked at the three people with the knife. While talking, he shook his head.

"There is no other way? Xiao A Xuan is the goddess of the goddess, how could this situation be reached!"

Zhu Gongzi quickly opened his mouth. In his conception, the Heavenly Girl Spirit is the Eucharist between heaven and earth, and it is the care of the heavens.

Injury this kind of thing...

The vast majority can completely recover themselves.

"Poisonous old man, you are poisonous, you must have a way! Your key can not save even the small A Xuan, you have a face in this five-step poisonous witch!"

Zhu Gongzi was extremely excited. He went straight to the front of the title page. He actually grasped the collar of the title page subconsciously. This made the brow's brow wrinkle: "Bamboo kid, do you understand what the old man does?" Your hand is letting me down! Xiao Axuan is now looking like this, but if there is a chance of one in ten thousand, I will try it, I will not teach you!"

The tone of the five-step poisonous witch is obviously very uncomfortable. Originally, he was annoyed that he could not save the nine-day mysterious woman. Now it is said by Zhu Gongzi that it is a fire in the heart.

"Okay, now, at this time, you two are still quarreling."

The Qing Emperor Xianzi quickly spoke up, and looked at the nine-day mysterious woman above the bed on the bed with great anxiety. Then she took a deep breath and looked at the five poisonous witches.

"Uncle Shu, Xiao Axuan, is she really unable to do it?"

The knives did not speak, but went straight to the side of the nine-day mysterious woman. As soon as she raised her hand, she had a spiritual power to break into the body of the nine-day mysterious woman. The brows wrinkled more and more tightly.


After the five-step poison witch was silent for a while, he finally bit his teeth.

"Poisonous old man, what?"

When Zhu Gongzi heard the five-step poisonous witch said that there was a way, he immediately fell in love with his heart, and quickly said it.

"There are methods, but they are not the same."

The page condensed and said, looking at the nine-day mysterious woman, the tone... very dignified: "And this method, even if it works, Axuan wakes up, the chance is less than 10%."

It was also at this time that the knives had already recovered the spiritual power that had entered the nine-day virginity. Looking back at the five-step venomous page: "No matter how many chances, now I have to try."

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