The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1002: Save her

Xuan Nu Shan, a place of the spirit pool.

Qin Feng and Donghua Emperor, the two stood opposite each other.

The two people did not speak, so they looked at each other, full... After half a column of incense, the East China Emperor first spoke.

"who are you."

The voice echoes in this cold place.

Qin Feng did not speak because... he did not know how to answer the Donghua Emperor.

"The first time I saw you was a wasteland in the first world."

"The second time, it was in Xianting."

"This is the third time."

"Who are you, why... you have a sly look, you... is him, or...he is you?!"

The words of the Emperor of Donghua, Qin Feng could not help but shake.


Sure enough, it is a master!

It is not something that ordinary people can compare!

When I first saw the Donghua Emperor for the first time and the second time, I used my second body. Whether it was from the breath or the appearance, it was essentially different from my first body.

Ordinary people...

It is hard to detect.

At least, in the Xuan Nushan, the Ziwei Gou Chen Emperor did not notice the clue.

In front of the East China Emperor, it was impossible to hide, and at a glance, it was recognized.

If it is recognized only, Qin Feng is still acceptable, but the last sentence of Donghua Emperor, let Qin Feng fall into meditation.

‘Are you him? Still... he is you! ’

To be honest, Qin Feng himself does not know how to explain this problem.

What am I? !

Still... what is Qin Feng? !

Whether it is 焱 or Qin Feng, in essence, it is one of the tenth, but Qin Feng... is the tenth world, responsible for the accumulation of the former ninth.

"I am me."

Qin Feng took a deep breath and looked at the Donghua Emperor and said his answer.

"then who are you."

Donghua Emperor is another sentence...


Qin Feng’s heart glimpsed, and then he wanted to swear.

You are not poisonous? !

Laozi has returned a sentence, you come again, ‘Who are you? ! ‘, are you here to talk to me here? !

Qin Feng didn't open his mouth, and he didn't know how to open it. He didn't want to speak. Two people stood here. You looked at me and I looked at you.

However, this situation did not last long, and the eyebrows of the Emperor of Donghua suddenly wrinkled.

There is a sound in his ear.

This voice comes from the five-step poisonous witch, and the look... is fierce and tight.

When the voice of the five-step poisonous witch rang in the ear, Donghua Emperor stared at Qin Feng, his eyes changed...

Very... complicated!

Qin Feng found that the eyes of Donghua Emperor changed, and it was also a brow.

"You want to save her."

The East China Emperor stepped out step by step, and his body shape directly crossed the distance between the two people. It appeared in front of Qin Feng, and the two people were only a stone's throw away.


"What's up with her?"

Qin Feng condensed his voice. In fact, he knows that he can live here and live here. It is certainly the reason for having nine days of mysterious women.

However, he did not think that in order to save himself, it was serious to this point.

"With the emperor."

Donghua Emperor faintly opened, then turned around, Qin Feng is no longer delayed at this time, and quickly followed up.


Buddha world.


At the moment, the Wuzhi Mountain, the golden body of Sun Wukong, has been restored to calm. The Buddhas above the mountains are also scattered, leaving only a few to stay.

These Buddhas don't know.


In the golden body of Sun Wukong, the ancient relic who is constantly blending the golden body of Sun Wukong, next to the ancient relic, has a bodhi, which is like a shadow.

Just... the owner of this Bodhi!

That is the Bodhi ancestor!

Between the thoughts, you can use this Bodhi to completely ruin the ancient relic!

As long as this ancient relic collapses completely, Sun Wukong’s idea appears, and in a twinkling of an eye... it is possible to completely recapture the golden body!

In the halfway up the cliff of Wuzhishan, there is a person.

Standing on the bluff of this mountainside, in front of him, there is a woman, the figure is suspended between the air, it is already... coma.

White robes, white robe squatting at the woman, sighed.

Then waved his hand and took the woman and disappeared into the place.

This white robe is the avatar of Tang Sanzang in the Buddha world. Fang Cai... After Luo Qinghan put the Bodhi in the golden body of Sun Wukong, he fell into the cliff.

Tang Sanzang saved it...

He knows that Luo Qinghan must be doing something about the golden body of the Wuzhi Mountain. He also knows... This is not the original intention of Luo Qinghan, but someone is pointing at the back.


He can guess who it is... behind this.

He can tell these things to Buddha, but he doesn't.

In his heart, he has his own apprentice, the sorrow of Sun Wukong, the trip to the Westward Journey...but it is the play of the Buddha in order to seize power from the two.

In this scene, the five men and their men and women who are being played between the palms are... dolls.

Buddha world, the land of the edge.

At the edge of a mountain on the edge, there is an old man with a shadow, and it must be white. This is the avatar of the Bodhi ancestors. At this moment... this avatar has a hint of looseness on his face and slowly dissipates.

He can perceive the Bodhi who was buried in the golden body of Sun Wukong. As long as this Bodhi is there, he can ensure that the golden body of Sun always belonging to Sun Wukong!

Next, just wait!

When Sun Wukong’s thoughts have enough power to hold on to the power of this golden body, it is enough... enough!

At this moment, Sun Wukong’s thoughts are too fragile, but Bodhidharma believes that in that person’s body... enough to make Sun Wukong’s thoughts restore the past!

This kind of thing, this is a thing of nothingness, except for its own golden body, can not find the sustenance, according to the general logic, a scattered experience, the only ending is only one, then Yes... completely dissipated completely between the heavens and the earth,

This is the case of Sun Wukong, who was hunted down by thousands of phoenix Buddhas. The idea of ​​leaving the golden body will only be weakened constantly, and there is no way to continue for a long time.


Sun Wukong’s thoughts have different choices from others.

If other people leave their bodies with their own thoughts, only their own golden body can nourish this idea, but Sun Wukong...he has two choices!

One is his own golden body.

Second, it is Qin Feng...!

This is also the reason why Sun Wukong’s thoughts can find Qin Feng at the beginning!

Sun Wukong and Qin Feng, this is the birth of the same origin.

If you really want to count it, Qin Feng’s first life, in the early days of the flood, has already condensed the soul and broke into the reincarnation. In this way, according to the number of young and old, Sun Wukong...has to call Qin Feng Brother. 2k novel reading network

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