The city of Monkey King

Chapter 102: Reincarnation of the holy text, to grow An.

Jiangzhou University.

The night is quiet, there is a lake in this school, its shape is like a moon, so it is named Moon Lake.

The lakeside willows are with the wind, benches, and a woman.

The evening wind blew, and the woman leaned against the bench, and the tears on her face fell down. In her eyes, she smiled.

A smile of memories.

Three years with Qin Feng is the best time of her life.

And their beginning is also this moon lake.

"You are stupid and stupid? Why buy this for me~"

"Do you want?"



The words that are clear in the ear, in the memory, each time is very short, only a few words at a time, the cold expression is like yesterday, in front of the eyes.

Zhao Wei is laughing, laughing very happy, quiet in memory.

Looking at the mobile phone on the side, the sound of the phone is ringing, and there is a phone call...

This is a person, Qin Feng.

Zhao Wei in the past three months, every day, every night, is looking forward to, hope to receive the news of Qin Feng again, received his call.

But now, she dare not pick up, she is afraid... I am afraid that my determination to break down is broken.

She knew that she had no face to face him again, and she did not have the courage to face him.

She lost her home and lost him. There is nothing in it. The world is no longer meaningful.

Picking up the phone, almost exhausted the strength of the whole body and threw it into the lake in front.

"It's over... it's over."

Looking up at the stars and moons, tears moistened the makeup, Zhao Wei will have prepared a small medicine bottle, a whole bottle, all drunk.

"Hope... I can meet you in the last dream, come back to us... the first time."

With a smile, Zhao Wei leaned against the bench and slept slowly.

The medicine bottle, rolling from the bench, fell on the grass.

The night wind was light, and the lakeside blue willow swayed in the wind, blowing her long curly hair.

"where are you!!"

A Lamborghini, arrogant in the city at a very fast speed, while pulling the wind is also causing a lot of commotion.

But now Qin Feng has no control!

It’s been more than an hour!

He had previously gone to Zhao’s home, only to see the blood of a place, but no one else! Then I went to find every place where he thought that Zhao Wei would go, and did not find anyone! It must be something!

When he saw the news, all three years of feelings were spewing out.

That scene recalls... lingering memories!

Suddenly, Qin Feng’s mind flashed a place, a lake!

That was the place where Zhao Wei confessed to him three years ago!

If you don't say anything, he will not be able to go straight to Jiangzhou University.


Jiangzhou Sudi, Qi Linger is sitting on the steps in front of the square in front of the square, Niu Dazhuang and Liu Man are also standing on one side, Zhang Dawei is a look of good luck beside Qi Linger.

"Sister Linger don't be angry, what kind of anger is with the guy, do you want to go back to college with you this time?"

"Back back, you are back, the Jiangzhou Sudi is like this, you still want to go back to the college, go back to the college and see Mo Zhenshi you have to kill you!"

Qi Linger squinted at Zhang Dawei and slammed his mouth: "Death Qin Feng, saying that it is good to start in the evening, the stars are still in the sky, and the phone is not connected! It is really mad!"

Looking up at the sky, Qi Linger is very anxious, the winter crown will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and it will take three hours to get to Xianling College from here.


I sighed a long time, and Qi Linger couldn’t help it. I could only wait in this silly.


Jiangzhou University, a super-dominant ink black Lamborghini came, even the security guards at the school gate did not dare to stop.

This kind of car, you have to give him a slap in the face, this security even if you sell yourself, you can not afford to lose money, simply do not see, let go.

Qin Feng entered the school, still fleeing, watching the students on both sides, the male is amazed, the female screams!

It is the first time I have seen such a domineering Lamborghini!

"Don't be stupid!"

Qin Feng brows tightly, his eyes are anxious, holding the steering wheel of the hand, actually faintly shivering, when approaching the Moon Lake, Qin Feng parked the car on the side of the road, get off and rushed toward the lake.

Far away, he saw a figure sitting on a bench.

Suddenly there was a happy color, but... he then found out that something was wrong, and the man sitting on the bench did not move.

The whole person was a glimpse. Qin Feng changed his face and quickly ran forward. When he saw leaning against the bench, he was ‘sleeping’ Zhao Zhao.

When I don’t feel any breath in Zhao’s body, Qin Feng...has stopped!


Qin Feng, gently shouted, watching today's Zhao Wei, whether it is wearing or makeup, are very good-looking.

Zhao Wei did not have any response...


Qin Feng, the voice became hoarse, and the throat seemed to be stuffed with lead. His eyes saw the medicine bottle that fell on the ground, but the size of the thumb.

‘Barbiturate’, the main component of sleeping pills, but it is much larger than the dose of sleeping pills. If such a bottle goes down, it will die within an hour.

The news that Qin Feng received the news has already passed two hours.

Zhao Wei in front of him, there is no slight breath, that is to say... already dead!

With a happy smile on her face, it seems that in her last dream, she went along her wish.

The eyes were red and fierce. Qin Feng’s hand was shaking. He gently leaned down and dialed Zhao’s cover to cover the forehead.



The hoarse snoring echoed on the lakeside.

The feelings of the whole three years, although ended in the way of hatred, but Qin Feng has never regretted.

Because, that is three years of happiness.

Familiar people, familiar faces, everything you and I are familiar with.

Qin Feng was shaking, watching this woman who once loved, later hated, and finally relieved. He extended his hand, and at the tip of his right finger, there was a mouth that was torn open, and blood condensed out of it, floating in the air. in.

His hand, constantly drawing towards the void, is writing a complicated rune that he has never seen before, which he learned from the Great Holy Communion.

Reincarnation of the holy text!

In the name of the Holy Spirit, protect the soul of the soul, go to Huangquan, step on the ground, come to life and peace, find a kingship and wealth.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Feng's knowledge of the sea, the incomparable majestic heritage, with a gas from which it came out, along the hands of Qin Feng.

The reincarnation of the holy text must have an effect, and there must be a brand of the Holy Spirit. Qin Feng is naturally not qualified, and can only use the power of the Great Holy Spirit.

When this suffocation does not enter the moment of the versatile rune!

A dazzling golden light, a golden rune is instantly formed!

And it is at this moment!

The moment when the Great Holy Spirit is in the rune!

On the first day of Wanjie, the first world, the land of Xianting, Yantianpan, a fierce shock!

[Blue Wind Broken Words: Together with joy and sorrow, you can become a book, this life is in love, the fate of the afterlife. 】 2k novel reading network

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