The city of Monkey King

Chapter 103: Yan Tianpan changed!

The reincarnation of the sacred text, slowly entering, did not enter Zhao Yan's eyebrows, in the body of Zhao Wei, there is an invisible golden light.

This rune with a holy atmosphere will accompany her soul, enter the land, and reincarnate.

Qin Feng actually wants to go to the local government, to see Zhao Hao again, but with his current strength can not!

If his strength is strong enough, it is as strong as the great day, even if Zhao Wei is dead, he can forcibly bring her back from the land.

There are thirty-six days in Wanjie.

However, there is only one, but it is only a thirty-sixth branch, and it is managed separately.

Its power, even a single Tianfu is not comparable, far from the current Qin Feng can be compared.

Qin Feng, Zhao Zhao took it up, step by step, and walked toward the car.

He didn't know what was happening today, and he would let Zhao Wei make this decision, but he understood the woman she was holding.

It used to be so cheerful, so optimistic, it will become like this now, even going to the present step, all because of that guy.

Her father.

The car, galloping out.

After an hour.

By the sea, here is where Qin Feng and Zhao Wei have been.

"You said, you yearn for the sea, yearning for freedom, you are joking and I said, if one day you die, let me throw your ashes into the sea."

The sea breeze blew, Qin Feng looked at the innocent sea, Zhao Wei holding in her arms, at this moment her 'sleeping' is so safe.

Step by step, Qin Feng set foot on the sea for ten minutes.

When walking a few kilometers away from the coast, the body of Qin Feng began to have an ice flame burning, and the ice flame surrounded the whole body.

"Goodbye, if you can see each other in the future, I will leave you with you, and you will not let your life be painful."

Qin Feng looked at the woman in her arms, with a rare warmth in her eyes, squatting down and gently kissing Zhao’s forehead, that is, this moment, the body ice devours all.

Almost for a moment, Zhao Wei, in the arms of Qin Feng, turned into a gray fly. In this sea breeze, it drifted, and finally fell into the sea and flowed eastward.

Qin Feng still maintains the posture of holding people. The three-year history is in front of me. The feeling of heartache and suffocation is tightly squeezed.

A tear fell from his corner of his eye.

He cried.

This woman, she loved, hated, relieved, the fate of this world, did it.

If the next life can really meet, the reincarnation of the sacred text accompanying the soul will be the best traction.

The stars and moons are high, the sea breeze is still the same, Qin Feng has stood up again and buried all the pain in his heart. He dialed a phone call.

"Hey, madman, I will move to the group tomorrow. Don't worry, this is still coming in the middle of the night."

The voice of Zuo Yingjie came from the other end of the phone. This product should be eating noodles again.

"Fat, let me do things for me, fast."

The cold voice of Qin Feng passed to the ears of Zuo Yingjie. The goods suddenly disappeared, and even the noodles were not eaten.

"Mad, what's the matter? What happened? You said, I will do it now!"

Asked quickly and anxiously.

"Give me Zhao Zhihong and keep him in a closed room. Except for three meals a day, no one is allowed to talk to him. A mosquito can't be put in!"

Zuo Yingjie at the other end of the phone heard this a little embarrassed, I don’t know what Qin Feng meant.

"Maniac, it’s awkward to hold it shut. You really want to see him unhappy. My buddy, I’m yelling a bunch of people to give him a meal, and the guy who is guaranteed to play can’t get out of bed for three months.”

"No, I want him to taste and be imprisoned."

After Qin Feng finished the sentence, he hanged the phone directly. With the method of Zuo Yingjie, he did not worry that Zuo Yingjie could not find Zhao Zhihong.

He sighed and Qin Feng looked at his mobile phone.

There are more than 20 missed calls, all of which are Qi Linger.


Jiangzhou Suodi, Qi Linger is now angry with the mad lion, sitting on the steps in front of the square, drumming a gang, who is close to her, especially Zhang Dawei, not close curse.

Poor Zhang Dawei, from time to time, screaming from the anger of Qi Linger, but can only endure on the side, the aunt grandmother in front of him can not afford.

At this time, the phone held by Qi Linger snorted and looked at it subconsciously. When I saw the news from Qin Feng, I suddenly smiled and almost jumped up.

"The news is finally here!"

Qi Linger opened the news, there is only one positioning, Qin Feng is located.


Qi Linger quickly yelled at Liu Man and Niu Da Zhuang, and then waved his hand and a large flying boat, like a sailboat, floated in front of him.

As Qi Linger recited a spell, the boat began to grow bigger, almost like a normal boat, slowly drifting up.

Qi Linger jumped up first, and Niu Dazhuang and Liu Man also followed.

The flying boat slowly vacated under the night, and Qi Linger finally came to the spirit.

"Linger sister, you want to miss me!! mua~!"

Zhang Dawei looked at the flying boat, and shouted loudly. He also made a kiss and kiss posture. This scorpion, the kiss, the other placemates who were watching the flying boat on the spot, heard that it was a disgusting voice. I almost spit in the overnight meal.

I think that people can be disgusted to this point, and Zhang Dawei is also a must.

"I miss you / mom!"

Responding to Zhang Dawei's words is also simple, Qi Linger squinted at Zhang Dawei.

Then the flying boat underneath suddenly disappeared in the air. This is the invisible device that comes with it. After all, it is feared that it will cause a sensation.

Then fly the boat, went straight to the position of Qin Feng sent to Qi Linger.


On the first day of Wanjie, the first world, the place where Xianting is, the Yantianpan, the full height of Baizhang, the richness of the fairy.

At this moment, the Yantianpan suddenly stopped running, and the state was extremely strange. The two little fairy guards who were in front of this Yantianpan looked at each other and were puzzled. They were trying to find out what problems were found. when.


The stillness of the heavenly disk began to madly flow, the speed is fast, never seen before, scared the two little immortals to be undecided, before this has never happened.

"Hurry! Go and tell Yan Tianxing!"

One of the Xiaoxian quickly shouted loudly, and the other one, who ran out of the Yantiantai quickly, turned into a streamer and went straight to the Yanxing Junfu!

Yan Tianpan changed! There must be something big happening!

And everyone knows, this time, what is the responsibility of Yan Tianpan, what is the search for!

Its change means that the person you are looking for... that thought, that is remembered by the celestial celestial buddha, and even the night can not sleep, there is a trace!

[Some words, Qingfeng wants to say something, just in the beginning, I deleted a comment, I have a good temper, although I don’t necessarily have to go back in the book review area, but I will definitely see it. Many readers, especially when you see your book review, especially your encouragement and support, Qingfeng is very happy. For an author, the existence of the reader is the spiritual food that persists, you are all mine!

but! Please don't be personally attacked. For example, if you just have a slap in my head, is it interesting? ! The story has joys and sorrows, and it can only be a book. 】

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