The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1038: Untie me!

"A... away."

Bloody day, **** land.

The wind is also bloody.

Everything is chilling.

Call ~!

The wind that blew up, whistling in the ear, Qin Feng fiercely coughed up, with blood, slipping from the corner of his mouth, his eyes are warm at the moment.

At this moment, he seems to be returning to ‘百千千叶’.

"you you…"

The tears of the retreat rushed down and looked at Qin Feng in front of him. The hand that pierced Qin Feng’s heart slowly took it back...

Blood, falling from the fingers, is shocking.

this moment…

The blood on her body faded at a rapid speed, and the blood coat changed back to the purple gold dress, bloody... and restored the original color.

But her bloodbrows and blood are still unchanged.


Muttered and whispered, the voice of the re-emerger slowly exited, her eyes...have a gentle, with...distressed.

"It hurts, hurts??"

Qin Feng listened to this gentle voice, his mouth slowly rising, he smiled.

It is like a smile when Baili Chiba is seriously injured.

"No pain."

Qin Feng raised his hand and seized the hand that had been removed. When she was holding it, her bloodbrows and blood were completely scattered at this moment.


The blood is scattered.

It was snowing.

They have been raised.

The **** dog and Qin Chuxue, which were trapped in the cave, are all looking at the snow falling outside, and they are surprised in their eyes.

"Black snow..."

Qin Chuxue looked at the snow, this is the first time she saw this snow in her life.

"Where is the snow this day..."

The **** dog was mumbling on the side.




Qin Feng fiercely grabbed his own heart, even though his own evil body has extremely strong resilience, but he was worn, and it was definitely not a minor injury.

He could feel that his consciousness... began to become confused.


The figure fell forward and fell on the shoulders of the heavy separation. Smelling the aroma of the blue silk, Qin Feng’s mouth had a smile. At this moment, he completely replaced himself into the world of Baili and Chiba.

The smell of this blue silk is so familiar, so people feel good, let people miss.


"Ali, in fact, I have always had a problem."

"Well? What is it?"

"That is…"

Black snow mountain, the top of the snow mountain.

One man and one woman, the woman leans in the man's arms, this time... by the man's umbrella, or... that a paper umbrella.

In the snow in front, there is a snow owl, chasing another snow owl, and playing it.

The black snow is still flying down. The sky in this area has never broken black snow, and it is the same every year.

"Why is this piece of heaven and earth, black snow never broken."

The man reached out slightly, letting the black snow fall on his hand. He had never seen this black snow for the time he had gone out.

Only this piece of land, black snow, and ancient times.

At least, from his notes, the black snow here has never been broken.


The woman’s face smiled and raised her hand to poke the man’s forehead: “I won’t tell you.”

And just at this time...


The sky that was originally floating in the dark snow, snow, began to riot, from the side of the day, there are large black clouds appear!

When these black clouds appeared, the two snow sleighs that were playing and playing were all shocked and stayed in the same place. Without any hesitation, these two snow owls instantly became a giant.

To the dark clouds that are coming, make a roar!


Thousands of thousands of leaves, seeing this coming black cloud, is also a brow wrinkled, in the eyes... a swipe of killing!

Both of them stood up and looked at the dark clouds that whizzed from the day. From the dark clouds, there was a dying power!

"Give it to me."

However, the retreat around him, the whispered whispered.


Thousands of thousands of leaves have not had time to react, and the re-signing is already gone. As for Baili Chiba... He wants to leave, but he does not know when.

He had a black-red rune on his body, just like a rope, and tied it firmly.

"this is…"

Thousands of thousands of leaves brows fierce wrinkles!

He naturally recognizes what this is, and with this mark, he can never leave this snowy mountain!

It seems…

The re-signation has already known the arrival of this dark cloud long ago, and deliberately banned the squadron in the Thousand Miles, just to prevent the participation of Baili Chiba.

"Give me a drive!"

On the body of Baili Chiba, there is a thunder and whistling, and I want to break away from this ban, but as soon as he provokes his own thunder, these black and red runes are extremely dazzling, giving thousands of miles to die. Embarrassed!

At the same time.

Above the sky.

At the moment, the purple gold long skirt turned black and red, and the double eyes... The same was true. The former gentleness completely disappeared.

This time the separation, the body exudes noble meaning!

That is the high, above the 10,000 people, is the temperament of the tens of thousands!

Behind the pair of black fire wings scattered, people can not help but rise up a meaning!

Black cloud came to the front.

The two snow owls in the snow, the body of the body, are roaring toward the black cloud, licking their teeth, as long as something is wrong, they will immediately rush to rush.

At this time, the dark clouds slowly spread out.

From there, there is a group of people who are very similar to the moments of the moment, but the strongness of the atmosphere is too much.

These appearing people, arranged in a series, are moving away from each other and kneeling down on one knee.

In the middle of these people, there is a man with black armor, his face is rough, and his breath is as much as he is.

"A, you should go back."

The voice of the man, the cold exit, without the slightest emotion.

"Give me a fragrant time."

The sound of the separation is equally cold.


The man did not have the slightest concession and refused.


Just in the moment when the man's words appeared, the body that had been separated from him had a smoldering flame, and the people of the Mozu, who were in the air and stunned, were all cold and sweaty.

Offended the saint... but death sin!

Even the man in armor took a deep breath: "With a cup of tea, it’s not a good time to have a cup of tea."

The re-off is just a cold look at the man, without making the slightest words, a turn, the shape of the moment is appearing on the top of the Black Snow Mountain.

The black flames of the body disappeared, and the black flames in the eyes disappeared. Once again, they recovered to the gentle separation.


Thousands of thousands of leaves looked at the re-disengagement, the first time... he spoke in such a tone.

"Get me out!"

Thunder, roaring! 2k novel reading network

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