The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1039: The snow stopped.

The wind, accompanied by the black snow, flutters freely.

The top of the snow mountain.

Thousands of Chiba were imprisoned in the same place, even though his thunder was how to scream, and he could not break through the ban. His eyes had a crazy color, and he looked closely at the immediate departure.

"A, you unlock! I will let you untie!"

Eyelids, red cracks!

Baili Chiba doesn't know where the guys appearing above the sky come from, and I don't know why these people will bow away from worship, he... never even knows who is going to retreat, where is it, now and again Where are you going?

A gentle smile emerges on his face, and he is closer to the mile and the thousand leaves. The two are separated by a stone.

"You asked me why the snow here is black."

The sound of the re-opening slowly opened. As soon as I heard the sound of the re-disengagement, the look of Baili Chiba was slightly condensed, and I watched the re-disengagement tightly. He knew that if he had left, he had not finished.


The sound is extremely low.

Baili Chiba knows that this is... parting.

"I am the devil of the devil world. On the day of my birth, the devil world is flying in the snow. From that day on, the place where the ego is, is the dark snow, and the spirit is not born."

The voice of the reunion falls in the ear of a hundred thousand leaves, and the whole person can't help but glimpse.

He couldn't help but think of the fact that over the years, in this place of the Black Snow Mountain, it has indeed not seen other creatures.

Apart from these two ferrets, there is nothing else.

"I have an unchangeable curse on my body. I am destined to be an ominous person in my life."

After repeating this sentence, he narrowed his eyes and stopped speaking.

It is the only chance in her life to meet a thousand miles.

This hundred miles, is also the only person who can get along with her day and night, even if it is the demon of the devil, as long as they contact with more than one hour, they will be blocked by the black snow.

In the devil world, she is a saint, but she is also a wicked woman feared by the entire Mozu.

No one, dare to be close to it.

So she left the devil world alone, and found a remote place in the wild, but did not expect that when she came to this place, she saw a four-year-old boy being Frozen in the snow.

And this little boy... is not afraid of the black snow curse on her body.

This little boy is a hundred miles.

After listening to the resignation, Baili Chiba looked up and looked away, and there was a firm color in his eyes.

"so what?!"

"I don't care who you are! No matter what the **** curse! No matter what the black snow devil! You are you! I only know that you are my Away! That is enough!"


The people of the Mozu who raised their hands toward the sky pointed out: "If they want to take you away, I will kill!"

"The devil will bring you back, and I will marry the devil!"



Waiting for the hundred miles and thousands of leaves to finish, there is a smile in the eyes of the distant, that is a happy smile, a gentle smile, quietly watching the thousands of leaves, raising his hand... caressing his fortitude, hands He fell on his back neck and pressed his head down slightly while picking up his feet.


The forehead of the two people touched together.

"Promise me, live well."

In a word, falling into the ears of a thousand miles, the scorpion... suddenly condensed!

Under the conscious hand, call ~! The re-dissected figure has been turned into a black-red smoke, and the next moment... appears on the sky.


Thousands of thousands of leaves are red and cracked, yelling in the sky.

At this moment, the re-off, returning to the appearance of the Mozu saint, the flames of the wings are moving behind them, the people of the Mozu are divided into two rows, all of which are head down, and please focus on the black cloud vortex. .


At this moment, from the body of Baili Chiba, there is a crazy thunderstorm, and even... this thunder is already black!

The Thunder screamed wildly and wanted to break through the ban on this whole body.


The strength of re-disengagement is much stronger than him. He is imprisoned and there is no way to break away.

The sky is screaming, and the sound pierces the dark night of the snow.

"Saints, please."

Before the black cloud vortex, he was detached from the volley and his body shape did not move.

Behind him is the waiting for the Mozu, arranged in two columns.

Listening to the snoring of the thousands of leaves, listening to the thunder of the thunder, her eyes are already red, but... she can't cry.

She can't turn back.

Because she knows that if she returns to her head today, then tomorrow... is the death of Baili Chiba.

"The saint, I have been waiting for a long time."

On the side of her side, the man in black armor, the rough voice was cold.

"The palace knows that there is no need to say anything."

The sound of the coldness came out, and I took a deep breath...steps and slowly lifted up.

Stepped into the dark cloud vortex.

After re-entering the black cloud vortex, the man in black armor looked at the hundred miles of the black snow mountain.

At this moment, the madness of Baili Chiba, his eyes are red and cracked. Under his feet, the entire snow-capped mountains are broken.

The eyes, looking at the black armor man.


The man was cold and then turned and stepped into the black cloud whirlpool.

In fact, according to his temper, he had already killed this kid in front of him, but he knew that he could not do it. Otherwise, the saint must have condemned him.

At this time, the two snow owls were all rushing into the sky and rushing toward the dark cloud vortex.


The two snow owls are still not close to the black cloud whirlpool. A group of Mozu sergeants are shots, and the snow scorpion is directly smashed to the ground, and they are all on the ground, rolling up the snow and dust.


The last scream, in the eyes of Baili Chiba, the dark cloud vortex slowly disappeared.

When the black cloud vortex disappeared, the imprisonment on his body was also scattered at the same time.


Thousands of thousands of leaves are on the snow, hands clinging to the ground, fierce punches and punches, and the whole snow-capped mountains are in the echo of ‘砰砰砰’.

At this time, the original has been swaying, the black snow drifting all the year round.

Slowly... stopped.


Thousands of thousands of leaves squinted and looked up, watching this day, there is no black snow landing.

His hand, tightly pinched, teeth... bite bleeding, blood slid down the corner of his mouth.

‘Devil! ’

‘Devil...! ’

Baili Chiba knows that Ah has left the devil world!

He also knows that A.... does not like the devil!

As long as it is something that I don't like, no one can force her to do it!

Even if it is the Devil of the Devil, you can't!

Thousands of Chiba slowly stood up and looked at the sky, looking at the position where the black cloud vortex disappeared. His eyes gradually became cold, and his body... gave a sense of silence and coldness!

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