The city of Monkey King

Chapter 105: Winter crown eve!

These two-story pavilions, from the outside, look no different from ancient buildings, exquisite and elegant.

But coming in, as Qi Linger said, what is different from modern, sofas, lights, everything is the same as the outside world.

I thought that this kind of repairing place would look quaint, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

"Don't look at my modernization here. If you go to the main peak, it will be called an old one. Even the house is filled with oil lamps."

Qi Linger sat on the sofa and hugged a big bear. She had already showered, wearing an elegant white nightdress, and her long hair was still wet. She was watching a variety show on TV.

"Tell me about the winter crown of tomorrow."

Qin Feng sat aside and kept smoking. He came to work, not to travel, or to ask things clearly in advance, at least to know the rules of the winter crown.


Qi Linger stopped the TV and then looked at Qin Feng and put on a pair of big white legs: "In fact, it is very simple. The location of the winter crown is held in Xianlingtai on the west side of the main peak. The enchantment will be set in Xianlingtai in advance. Put a Thunderfire Yak, no matter who you are, as long as you can enter the enchantment, kill or subdue the Thunderfire yak, you can win shortly."

"What do you mean by winning short?"

Qin Feng shook the ash on the cigarette.

"Because after the first pass, there is a second pass. After becoming the winner, everyone else has the right to challenge. If you can challenge the winner in an hour, you can become a new winner, but generally There will be no challenges. It is extremely powerful to kill the thunder and yak. ​​No one dares to challenge. I have never seen it in the past few years."

Qi Linger finished all of it in one breath.


When Qin Feng stood up, he went outside the door.

"This is a little bit more, where are you going?"

Qi Linger looked at the back of Qin Feng and shouted a few times. Qin Feng did not return to her.

"Who is this? It used to be cold in the past. How is it colder now?"

It’s really uncomfortable for him, Miss Qi, to sit on the sofa with a slap in the face.


Tianjiefeng, Xiao Zhanyun sat on the sofa in his pavilion, one left and one right, and the two women in nightdresses gave him shoulders and legs.

As a child of the Xiaojiatun family, Xiao Zhanyun has the resources that ordinary people can't compare. It is not difficult to find a few women who are willing to sell their bodies in exchange for Ronghua in this large college.

Plus Xiao Zhanyun himself is handsome, and the woman who rushes to his bed is a lot.

Just like the two in front of me, they are all students of Xuanjiefeng. They are all practicing Qizhong. They all understand that Xiao Zhanyun just plays with their bodies, but they are willing.

In order to better cultivate resources, for a better life, what is the body, the worship of the gold woman in the realm of the real world and the worship of the golden woman in the world are not much different.

"Xiao Ge, what do you call me in the middle of the night!"

At this time, a five-and-three-thick man came in and leaned on his upper body, wearing a pair of pants, apparently just getting up from the bed.

"Let your men, help me get someone."

Xiao Zhanyun tilted his legs and squinted at the man who came in.

"Hey, my big brother, you called me up in the middle of the night, as long as that person is at Xianling College, the big brother is your power in the college, still afraid of not killing him?!"

The man leaned on the sofa: "Minger, I asked a few brothers to get him. If you want to have a big brother, you can say that even if you abandon Dantian, you can find a bag."

"Not tomorrow, I will be tonight."

Xiao Zhanyun has a burning anger in his eyes, thinking that he will be angry when he lost his face at the Jiangzhou auction last time!

"This kid is called Qin Feng. I have already made people secretly stare at him. This person lives in the pavilion of Qi Linger today. Just came back the news, the guy went out alone."

"Qi Linger... Big Brother, this kid won’t have a relationship with Qi, if there is a relationship with Qi, then..."

When the man heard Qi Linger, he was a little embarrassed. His family was just a small family, and he could not afford Xiaojia, and he could not afford Qi.

"Don't worry about Qi, this person I sent people to check the bottom before, the ancestors of the nine generations, he is the first to enter the realm of cultivation, and Qi Linger is at most a friend relationship."

Upon hearing this, the man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is no problem, big brother, you can rest assured, you are not good, it is the nail in my eyes, since the big brother you made a speech, I am called a few brothers to help you pull!"

"Abandoned his Dantian and brought his storage ring back."

Xiao Zhanyun pointed to the coffee on the coffee table, while the woman who was lame was busy and cleverly came over.

"Big brother is assured, absolutely!"

"To Xiao Ge, I heard that you have come to a large number of elders to pay tribute to the winter crown this year. Xiao Ge will have a great show tomorrow."

Shao Qiang looked like a good smile, he also knows what these Xiao parents are doing all the time. As long as Xiao Zhanyun wins tomorrow, the next Xiao family is estimated to be the big one in front, but this is the thigh, not holding Not full of white!

For the winter crown of tomorrow, almost no one suspects that Xiao Zhanyun will lose the entire college.


Jiangzhou, Tianhe Liangchen, Zhou Hong Villa.

The living room of the villa has a strong black air at the moment, and the ground is full of black bugs that look very horrible.

The old butler in Zhou Hong’s villa, who was lying on the ground at this time, was covered with small black bugs. He wanted to get up, but he didn’t have the strength. He could only look at the stairs with his eyes wide. Violent tremors, desperate spit blood.

Little by little, the body was bitten by the black worm.

On the second floor, Zhou Hong’s room.

At the moment, Zhou Hong, the skin of his body, including his face, has a black line of appearance and disappears. He is repeated around the whole body, and he is surrounded by dense black insects.

These black bugs are all crawling out of his body!

Meng, Zhou Hongyi opened his eyes, the pupils became the color of black ink, even in his eyes, this time there are black worms coming out.

The scene is very strange and amazing!

"Qin Feng... I will let you taste, what is called annihilation."

Zhou Hong feels the power of accumulating growth in the body. This powerful force also completely blackens his heart!

That anger, the resentment, under this dark power, has become more and more intense, more and more intense!

Crazy laughter, echoing in this room, the whole house, everything, under the foraging of black bugs, disappeared little by little! 2k novel reading network

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