The city of Monkey King

Chapter 106: Break your arm!

The night is quiet, Qin Feng walks alone in the courtyard residential area of ​​this college.

Many pavilions are distributed in the shape of 'goods', with many trails interspersed in the middle.

One of them, quiet and pleasant, the scenery is very good, this place is used for students to live, and in front, there are various kinds of preaching and training grounds, those are the students training in class and peace day. local.

The rich aura is everywhere, although it is not comparable to the Lingquan in the Xiantao forest, but it also has three or four percent.

With smoke and hands in his trouser pockets, Qin Feng’s mood was still very bad. He walked out to make his mood a little soothing.

At this time, in the middle of the night, there were three people on the front, and they were all trained to be temperamental. They didn’t sleep out in the middle of the night, and it was quite speechless.

When walking past Qin Feng, one of them deliberately hit the shoulder of Qin Feng.

"Hey, your kid doesn't have a long eye?!"

This man is fierce and sullen, and his face is full of flesh and blood.

Qin Feng just smoked and looked at the goods.

"How, dare to marry me?! Mom, how the son of Xuanjiefeng ran to the ground level, and did not understand the rules. It seems that I have to teach you well as a brother!"

Without saying anything, this person greeted the fist and smashed toward the Qin wind.

It’s not because of what hit the shoulder, but because of the Qin Feng from the beginning!

He has to work around him, but when he hasn’t shot, he’s stunned!

Qin Feng smoked and raised his left hand. He grasped the wrist of this fierce and evil person with one hand. The powerful force made the person screaming and screaming, and he slowly fell down.

"This hand, it seems that you don't want it."

A touch of mouth, Qin Feng lifted his foot on the man's right shoulder, his eyes revealed a twilight, fierce!

Blood, splashing!

The right arm of this man was actually directly screwed down and blood spouted, and the scene was extremely embarrassing!

The goods were first glimpsed, and then, the painful roar, echoed in the night.

Lifting his eyes slightly, Qin Feng swept the other two people.

The two men saw this scene long ago and scared the urine!

These people are also very prestigious in the college, and they are really embarrassing.

"Who will let you come."

Qin Feng swept the two men, the two men looked at the ground and the fainting of the goods, and the **** right hand of Qin Feng, scared to run even dare not run.

This moment is really to greet the eighteen generations of Shao Qiang ancestors, saying that the good is a **** of qiqizhong, how can it be so abnormal.

"I, we..."

"Don't say, you will be worse than him."

Qin Feng handed it away, and threw the **** hand in front of the two goods. Out of the dead nerves, the broken hand, the fingers also hooked a few times.

Those who can enter the Faculty of the Faculty are basically all kinds of comprehension children of all levels. In addition to the millennium, Yunshui’s comprehension is very stable. These children are a group of people who have enjoyed the habit of seeing no blood. Can withstand this scene.

"Yes, it is a strong brother, a strong brother let us do it!"

The two men trembled and said this.

"Tell the full name."

Qin Feng coldly squinted at the two men.

"Shao Qiang! That person is called Shao Qiang!"

The two men were shaking all over, watching Qin Feng screaming.

Qin Feng, looking at the two people coldly, after a few seconds, hands back into the trouser pocket, turned and slowly walked.

It was not until more than ten seconds later that the two goods reacted and quickly lifted up the guy who was fainting on the ground.

"Shao Qiang..."

Qin Feng slowly walked back, he did not remember to know this person.

In this Xianling Academy, there will be only one person who will shoot for himself, Xiao Zhanyun.

That Shao Qiang, should be Xiao Mayun's Ma Zi.

So can't wait, Qin Feng's eyes flashed a chilly mang, for this Xiao Zhanyun, it is not just to help Qi Linger venting so simple.

People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. If people commit me, I will kill!

Back to the pavilion, Qi Linger still leaned on the sofa, the TV still rang, but the person was asleep, Qin Feng did not bother her, sitting on the sofa next to him, but also closed his eyes and rested.

One night, quietly passed.

On the second morning, there was a mountain clock echoing between the five peaks.

"Come on, get started!"

Qi Linger urged Qin Feng, Qin Feng is slow, thinking that you have slept until 7:50, but now it is going to urge the less quickly.

By the way, I squinted at the body of my body. This is Qi Linger’s preparation for her, an ancient white dress, with the word 'Xian' 'Ling' on the left and right cuffs, embroidered on the left shoulder. A 'Xuan' word represents the Xuanjie Peak, while Qi Linger is a '地' character, representing the topographic peak.

This is the uniform costume of Xianling College. It can be worn casually at ordinary times, but today's festivals must wear fairy costumes, including Qi Linger.

However, I have to say that Qin Feng, who changed his clothes, is quite handsome.

The entire Tiandi Xuanhuang four peaks, full of tens of thousands of people, are gathering at the main peak.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the Four Seasons crown for the Fairy Academy, it is a four-year ceremony, attaches great importance.

Because not only the high-level leaders of the Faculty of Fellowship will pay attention to it, even the other two colleges, there are many amnesty in the realm of the realm, will pay a little attention to this ceremony.

As long as they can shine in this festival, even if they don't win the championship, they can mix in front of those big sisters, and the future is bright.

Xianlingtai, a diamond-shaped building, is about 20,000 square meters in size, on the west side of the main peak. Lingtai is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people to watch. It feels like the ancient Colosseum, but it is more refined and elegant than the Colosseum. All are wooden structures.

At this time, the entire area of ​​the Fairy Terrace, whether in the aisle or in the seat, was crowded with people.

One by one, with a eager eye, especially those who are in the Yellows, many of them are 13 or four years old. The first time I watched this competition, I was not excited.

In the field, there is a ground paved with white jade, and people are still gathering together.

In the northern part of Xianlingtai, at the top of the list, Xiao Zhanyun’s face was very bad, because Shao Qiang, who was by his side, told him what happened last night.

"Xiao Ge, you can rest assured that when the winter crown is over, I will help you to abolish him. This time I personally shot!"

Shao Qiang quickly said, while stealing the expression of Xiao Zhanyun, for fear that Xiao Zhanyun was angry.

"Shao Qiang, you made me very disappointed this time."

Xiao Zhanyun just blinked his eyes, but on this eye, Shao Qiang almost didn't scare his legs.

"Xiao Ge, rest assured, today! I must do him today!"

at the same time.

In the south of Xianlingtai, Qin Feng and Qi Linger also came to the stands.

And it is at this time!

Suddenly, there was a squeaking sound like a thunder! 2k novel reading network

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