The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1046: Two brothers


Qin Feng didn't even look at the sky and the clouds, and it was directly open.

go back? !

Going to the kingdom of the nine-tailed family? !

Just relying on the current days? ! I am afraid that I have not yet stepped into the land of the king's place. It has already been arrested and sent to the ‘fake’ king. It is directly slaughtered.

Going to...

At least wait until the breakthrough is holy.

"When you fix it higher, I will go with you."

Qin Feng continued to speak.

This sentence makes Tianjiuyunyun have nothing to say. The sentence he just made is really too exciting. He himself knows that it is simply delusional to rely on his own self and want to recapture everything that once belonged to his father.

That is no way to do it.


Tian Jiuyun’s heart was unwilling to return a sentence, his heart... very uncomfortable!

For him, he was eager to recapture everything that belonged to his father. In his opinion... it was his own father, and it belonged to their royal family!

And those guys who steal the throne now are damned!

Those... are the enemies of the sky!

His father, his mother, his brothers and sisters, and his royal family are all dead in the hands of the group of guys. These hatreds... don’t wear the sky!

Qin Xuexue on the side, listening to the dialogue between Qin Feng and Tian Jiuyun, although she did not understand, but she could see the suppressed hatred of the face of Tian Jiuyun.

There was a hint of worry on his face, and there was not much continued speech.

And at this time, already...

It is the land on the edge of the endless Tianyu, and it is already in the eyes of the years.

As soon as I saw this long river, Qin Xiaoxue’s face was a smile. He remembered that the last time and the sky and the clouds crossed the river, and then there was endless drift.

Just at this time…

From all sides, there is a whistling sound, that is... grievances!

"This, what is this?"

Qin Chuxue saw the grievances gathered around the four, and could not help but have a panic on her face. She and Tian Jiuyun, although they knew that the two had drifted in this endless field for a long time.

However, the luck of the two was obviously very good. During this drifting period, they did not encounter any danger at all, and they did not encounter any grievances.

If you don't come, just use their two original strengths, not to mention a group of grievances, even if it is a small one, it is enough to tear them apart.

Tian Jiuyun Yunyi discovered that the grievances gathered around him also changed his face.

He can feel it...

This grievance has a stronger atmosphere than oneself.

He has been promoted to the quasi-shengfeng peak by Qin Feng. If it is stronger than himself, then it is not to say... holy!

A pair of silver eyebrows, wrinkled tightly.

Four sides...

The voice of the ghostly crying came, and these grievances rushed to the position of Qin Feng, and the power of cohesion in one place was enough to make people feel mad and tremble.


That is only for ordinary people.

Qin Feng’s eyes swept away these raging sorrows, but his eyes flashed slightly.


The resentment within a radius of a million miles is actually at this moment, and it collapses!

Each one is in a miserable scream, completely annihilated and annihilated.

The power of Tianba!

This scene, straight to the sky nine clouds to see, he knows that Qin Feng is very cattle, but did not expect Qin Feng has been strong to this point.

"You, are you repairing now?"

Tianjiu Yunyun looked down at Qin Feng and asked for export.

He knows the division of the realm from the sacred pearls, knows that the supremacy is the most holy, and the most holy, the most powerful group in the world, is called the power!

And this to the Holy Power, is also divided into one to eight, a total of eight realms.

Qin Feng can upgrade his strength to the quasi-holy peak between the hands, which is to explain the strength of Qin Feng, absolutely is the most holy, and is very strong and holy!

"Finger who destroys your hatred."

Qin Feng did not face the question of answering the sky and the clouds, just leaving such a sentence.


Tian Jiuyun’s heart **** in a cold air!

I am dripping!

This guy with the kitchen knife wind, has it been so forked? !

Fingering out? !

He naturally knows the meaning of the words of the Qin Dynasty. One finger can kill the ‘fake’ king who is now the nine-tailed family, and the news is known from the celestial world.

That fake king, strength... is already in the top seven!

Because in the nine tails of the family, only the master of the swallowing of the heavenly Lord, only have the true void of inflammation, burning with the void of inflammation, and completely integrate their soul into the inflammation of the void.

From then on, as a fire, fire for the body, almost ... not dead!

This is the peak of the nine-tailed family, that is, the most holy place!

If you reach this realm, you are bluntly saying that even if you are facing the Taoist Sanqing at the same time, you can save your life.

Tianjiu Yunyun was in amazement, but he thought that only 20 years in the district, the kitchen knife wind was so powerful, this speed...just rockets than the rocket.

On the same day, when Jiuyunyun had not reacted, the grievances that had gathered around him had already dared not to come close, and they all rushed.

This grievance, the strongest is just the most holy, can be described as the weakest few grievances in this endless sky, appreciate the power of the heavenly tyrants, these grievances naturally do not dare to continue to rush, Instinct to escape.

At this time, Tianjiuyunyun suddenly discovered that from the previous years, the river was long, and there were three figures.

Among the three figures, there are two, he... know.

That is...

Qin Feng and Qi Linger.

Naturally, that is the first body of Qin Feng.


Tianjiuyun’s subconsciously looked at the second body of Qin Feng, as well as Qin Chuxue. It was also the first body of Qin Feng that discovered the distant place. It was also unable to look up and look at Qin Feng’s second body.

Call ~!

But in an instant, the three figures came to the place in front of me.

Separated, the land of Sanzhang.

"Little snow!"

When Qi Linger saw the snow in the early Qin Dynasty, she suddenly smiled on her face!

"Linger sister!"

When Qin Xuexue saw Qi Linger, he was naturally happy, but... when he saw the man in the middle of the opposite.

In the white coat, the long hair bundled behind him, there was a glimpse, falling from the forehead, and the whole person was full of dust and dust.

This man...

At first glance, with my brother in memory, except for hairstyles and costumes, other places, whether it is face, eyebrows, mouth, eyes... look exactly the same! It is your brother!


This person next to yourself...

There is doubt in the mind of Qin Chuxue. Who is his brother? ! 2k novel reading network

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