The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1047: Brother takes you home

"Little snow, come over."

The first body of Qin Feng, with a gentle smile on his face, waved his hand toward the beginning of the Qin Dynasty. At this time, Qin Xuexue, who is holding Qilinger’s arm, is a bit stunned.

First looked at the first body of Qin Feng, and then turned to look at the second body of Qin Feng.

"Little snow, don't watch, these two are kitchen knives."

Tianjiuyunyun can see it clearly, and then walk toward the first body of Qin Feng.


After all, Qin Chuxue’s experience of practice is too small. In these years, she is in the devil world. She does not have the heavenly sacred beads, but she does not understand the things of this world. Naturally, let’s not say those magical techniques. .

"It's okay~"

Qi Linger is very happy. The hand that took Qin Chuxue came to the back of Qin Feng’s first body. As for the strange old man, this time he bowed his head and did not dare to say a word.


He doesn't know these guys, but he knows very well that these are the people who are cherished by their masters, but they can't afford them.

Especially this little girl named Qin Chuxue...

younger sister? !

Actually the sister of my master!

Mo blame is firmly in mind, and even after this little girl let her go to the pit, she must not hesitate.

The first body of Qin Feng, the second body.

Two people, a soul.

At the moment, the four eyes are opposite, and the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, but the feeling of giving people is completely different.

The first body of Qin Feng, this shallow smile, makes people feel like a spring breeze, the heart is warm, and Qin Feng’s second body, this evil body, the smile of the mouth, is a fierce Feeling, it makes people feel chilly at a glance.

At this time, the evil body of Qin Feng, turned around, directly rushed back into the endless Tianyu, and then... he will continue to absorb the endless flood of gas, and step up to light the ninth star.


Qin Feng turned back and raised his hand and patted his sister's head, smiling slightly.


Qin Chuxue also looked at the back of Qin Feng's second flesh, and did not react at all. She has been watching Qin Feng's second body these days.

It is also from the initial fear to the habit of the back, and now look at the appearance of Qin Feng's first body, it is really a bit unaccustomed.

How clever is Qin Feng, naturally, at a glance, I saw what my sister was thinking, shaking her head and smiling, but actually holding Qin Xuexue up.

"You are a stupid girl, brother takes you home."

A big step and a cross, Qin Feng's body shape directly took out the long river.

Outside this long river, it is... the seventh world is there!

After that, Mo blame, Tian Jiuyun, and Qi Linger are quickly following up, of course... Qi Linger and Tian Jiuyun's speed can't keep up with Qin Feng.

However, there is nothing wrong with it, this is not a problem.

after all…

At this moment, Qin Feng is using the first ontology to hurry. The strength of the first ontology is only a subliminal product. Even if it is a two-person, it is enough to catch up with the Qin wind.


at the same time.

The seventh world, a nameless small world.

Here is the kingdom of mortals.

There is a country named Zheng Guo.

However, the mortal people living here do not know that, above this unnamed small world, it is already full of unknown demons.

Especially in the land of Zheng Guoguo, the building named Fengxian Pavilion.

There are countless big demons, and there is only one task for these big demons here, to prevent any monks from entering this unnamed small world, and never let any monks approach this Fengxian Pavilion.

In the Fengxiang Pavilion.

On a high-rise building, there is a plain-dressed woman, looking at the appearance of about thirty, the wind still exists, this time sitting next to the high platform, looking at a small hairpin.

This small hairpin is the hairpin of Qin Shixue when he was a child. Song Wei looked at this hairpin, and his eyes all had a kindness.


It’s almost twenty years.

For these twenty years, she did not know her daughter, she was alive... still dead.

"Little snow... you know, today is your birthday."

Muttering to himself, I can see in the eyes of Song Yu, with tears... I can’t stop falling.

And at the moment...

Before this Fengxiang Pavilion, a man with a middle-aged appearance, dressed in a royal robe, accompanied by an eunuch, stood outside the Fengxian Pavilion and did not step into it.

This person is the Zheng Guoguo.

Since receiving the grace of Qin Feng, this Zheng Guoguo returned from middle-aged to middle-aged, even if it was a few years, and now it is still the same, the face does not see the color of vicissitudes.

However, the Lord of Zheng Guo also knows that he can have today, all rely on Qin Feng.

It is that benefactor.


In these years, he has become more and more respectful of Song Song. Whether it is the mountain treasure or the strange treasures, he does not leave anything. All the brains are sent to this Fengxiang Pavilion.

Of course, Song Hao naturally does not like these things, almost how much will be returned.

In addition, the Zheng Guoguo is even more respectful. Every three days, he will come to the Fengxiang Pavilion personally, and he will not go in. He will worship the gift outside the Fengxiang Pavilion.

This day is exactly one of three days.

He has just finished his prayers.

"How is Fengxian Niangniang today?"

Zheng Guoguo looked up and saw the shadow of Song Song on the high platform. He couldn’t help but frown, but he knew...

In the last ten days or so, the Fengxian Niangniang is almost a tea-and-no-thinker, sitting on the high platform every night and every night.

Let the Zheng Guoguozhu be called a full-fledged color. If there is any accident in the body of the goddess, how can he be like the Shang’an bus generation.

"Responding to the servant, from the servant of the Fengxiang Pavilion, I have recently reported that the fairy goddess just eats some liquid food, and the face is gradually getting thinner."

"What? Fengxian Niangniang is thin?"

When Zheng Guoguo heard the old eunuch, he couldn’t help but glimpse the place, and then he was even more anxious to burn his brows.

"When you go, you can see the goddess when you want to see the goddess."

Quickly open.

This **** did not dare to delay, and even squatted and ran to the Fengxian Pavilion. Even this appearance of being the lord of the country was urgent. This **** was more diligent.

Not long after, this **** entered the Fengxiang Pavilion.

In addition to this Fengxiang Pavilion, the Zheng Guoguo, still a worried look, stepped back and forth outside the pavilion.

The lord who looks like this, let the soldiers who are here to stay, all of them are straight in the waist station, do not dare to move, for fear of a boss who accidentally angered himself.

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