The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1049: With your eyes, become the eye of killing God!

Xianting, Lingxiao Temple.

The vast Lingxiao Temple is quiet and terrifying.

There is only one person in the temple, facing away from the temple door, holding hands.

This person... is the jade emperor Zhang Bairen.

‘嗒’, ‘嗒’, ‘嗒’, ‘...’

With the sound of footsteps slowly sounding, from the outside of the temple into the temple, the voice is in this temple, reverberating.

A figure crossed the door of the temple and stepped into it.

Dressed in a simple plain white coat, today's Yang Lan, did not come to the armor, walked into this Lingxiao Temple, Yang Hao's look is extremely calm, even though... the atmosphere in this temple, it is very strange at this moment.

His third eye, before he entered the Lingxiao Temple, had already perceived the anomaly in the temple.

However, he did not turn around.

Instead, he still enters the Lingxiao Temple. He just wants to see his own uncle, the Jade Emperor who controls the Wanjie, what he wants to do.

Rabbit dead dog cooking? !

Yang Lan has a sneer in his heart. He is not a dog, and you are not a hunter.


The jade emperor Zhang Bairen slowly turned around and looked at the Yang Lan who had just stepped into the temple. His face had a smile, and the look in his eyes revealed the harmony of his elders to the younger generation.

Only, Yang Lan is clear.

These are just masks of Zhang Bairen's hypocrisy.

This man in front of his own eyes is able to give up everything for the supremacy of power, whether it is a friend or a relative, even if it is his love.

Everything is just a piece of chess in his hands, for the pieces of the world.

Yang Lan knows what he is doing these days. He is willing to become a **** in the hands of Zhang Bairen. With iron fists and his own power, Zhang Bairen has flattened the forces that belong to the Taoist circles in the whole Xianting, and put this black pot on his own. On the body.

It was because at the beginning he intended to try to believe once, if Zhang Bairen really had the power to make the heavens and the earth clear, he Yang Yi, do not want to make that piece.

But now it seems obvious...

This hundred-bearing is far from enough.

"Without this, you are Jade Emperor, what you want to do directly."

Yang Yu faintly opened, today Jade Emperor called him, without the Meishan six friends to remind him, his heart has long been clear.

This empty Lingxiao Temple seems to have nothing but the Jade Emperor, but... In Yang Lan’s third eye, he is able to see another kind of existence, with a **** gas, flowing in this Ling In the temple.

This bloody, ordinary naked eye is invisible, even though it is still invisible when perfusing spiritual power into the binocular, but... Yang Lan’s third eye is the eye of heaven.

All vain things can be seen in their eyes.

The eyelids swept through the temple, and the **** breath of the scorpion was reflected in the eyes. Yang Lan... naturally, I know that this illusory blood represents what it is.


"Jiro, you have a blood relationship with you, you are one of the few relatives in this world."

The jade emperor Zhang Bairen, at this moment, looking at Yang Lan, the words in this mouth... suddenly changed.

It was actually a relationship with Yang Lan who climbed up. The words sounded more like a farewell.

The final farewell.

Call ~!

With an invisible wind, echoing in this temple, the original hidden blood appeared little by little, and finally filled the entire Lingxiao Temple, making people shudder.

There is another red robe shadow, which appears slowly in this blood fog.

In total, there are twelve. ,

There are ten roads... it is the bones of the bones.

There are two other, one is the king of the bones, the last one... the big priest of the bones!

It can be seen from this that the bones and Zhang Bairen attach importance to Yang Lan, and they must know that the few demons that had been awake at the beginning of the seal have never used such powerful forces.

At this moment, the strongest of these bones are in this Lingxiao Temple.

Their purpose is only one, then... it is Yang Lan.

"Jiro, I know the wish of your heart, you expect to look at the peace of the world, hope to see the peace of the world, today... As long as you present yourself, you promise you, within ten thousand years, you must let this Yu Daan, the world is peaceful. ”

In the words of Zhang Bairen, there is excitement.

He wants to kill Yang Lan.

More accurately said...

He wants the power of Yang Lan!

The **** of killing under the Temple of Lingxiao has no nourishment of the power of Shura, and this **** of killing is already in the final stage of being controlled by himself. There must be no shortage of irrigation power.

Throughout this world, it is extremely difficult to find the power of the same effect as the power of Shura.

Even if you can know, it belongs to the Buddha world or the Taoist world. It is by no means the existence of Zhang Bairen who can get his own hands.

Nowadays, for Zhang Bairen, the only person who can get it and can replace the power of Shura is... Yang Lan’s eye-catching power!

He wants to use the eyes of Yang Lan to sacrifice the god!

With this eye, the eye of killing God is achieved!

"Jiro, you can rest assured that you will let your eyes look at everything in this world and look at Daan in this world."

The words of the Jade Emperor were exported, and the blood in the Temple of Lingxiao became more and more heavy.

A very strange and gloomy atmosphere, scattered from this Lingxiao Temple, the entire Lingxiao Temple, is completely shrouded in the blood of the light.

The entire Xianting...

In particular, the Heavenly Soldiers who were stationed outside this Lingxiao Hall, all of them were stunned, and looked at the Lingxiao Temple behind them, looking at the **** light that exudes the meaning of sorrow.

It was also at this time that, besides the Lingxiao Temple, there were six people under the 10,000-step ladder leading to the Lingxiao Temple, and they were rushing toward the Lingxiao Temple.

Let the Tianbing come and let the whole body be injured. These six people are also not afraid.


"Take me all!"

"Jade Emperor, return my brother to come back!"

"If my brother has a half-point damage, today I am a friend of Meishan, I will completely overturn this Xianting!"


The six people who came here are the six friends of Meishan who have always followed Yang Lan.

When Yang Lan entered the Lingxiao Temple, the six of them had been guarding outside the Lingxiao Temple, and when it was discovered that the Lingxiao Temple had a strange **** light shining.

These six people can't help it anymore!

Even if they think about it with their feet, the six of them know that Jade Emperor... must be shooting at Yang Lan.

To put ... Yang Lan in the dead!




The surrounding Tianbing can not care so much. These Tianbing soldiers stationed in the Lingxiao Temple rushed to the Meishan Six Friends with a shocking killing. At the same time, from the entire Xianting, there are large shares. The heavenly soldiers came.

This six-member Meishan, with only six of them, can't support it for a long time.

sooner or later…

Will be submerged in the wrath of this day, turned into a broken limb.

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