The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1050: Welcome to the Holy Spirit

"You, do you want it?"

Among the Lingxiao Temple, Yang Hao’s look did not change in the slightest change to his surroundings. His eyebrows... the **** red marks, which were slightly bright.

This is his third eye, that is... the eye of heaven.

"Yang Hao, why not give up on your own initiative and make great achievements for you, it is also a heart of your peace of mind."

In the **** fog, the king of the bones, the hoarse voice came out.


The eye of the eye between Yang Emei, when you open it!

The golden light of the blood rushed to the bone king in the blood mist!


The faint can hear, and this bone king makes a sigh.

"What do you count? You really talk, do you have a share of your exports?!"

In a word, the tombs of the tombs of the day will be scattered, and the ten pairs of scarlet eyes will shine under the red robe. They look sullen and bloody. They are all staring at Yang Lan.

And this sentence, let the bone king in the heart of the fire, but that is, for a moment, this squandered bone king actually laughed.

He waved his hand and gestured to let the tomb of the tomb be removed.

Then, with a hoarse laughter, from the bone king's throat, "Erlang Erjun, it is really extraordinary, it is the king Xiaoxiao."

When the words come out, suddenly...

In the entire Lingxiao Temple, the place above, it is awesome... There is a blood golden cloud figure.

From this blood golden picture, there is a **** golden figure, each and the breath is extremely powerful!

Yang Yu’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.

He is a figure who knows the appearance of this blood golden picture.

In the past...

You are the land of the land of Dongze.

In addition, he also saw many familiar strongmen from this blood golden picture, those... are the strong existence of the past.


Immortal, the land of the southwest.

There is a small city with a small and small tea house. There is a window table with a suitable size. There is a man with a loose hair covering half of his face. Sitting at the table, holding a cup of tea in his hand. People looking at the streets below the window come and go.

The person who drinks tea is Li.


The faint eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Lifting, from the window, I looked at the sky.

"Three eyes, you... what are you doing?"

Muttering, there is a hint of dignity in the eyes.


The seventh world.

The land of the nameless small world, Qin Feng has already retired from Fengxiange. His sister and mother have not met for a long time. It is also human nature to let this mother and daughter gather together.

At this moment, Qin Feng is in the main hall of Zheng Guo’s palace.

The dragon chair that belonged to the former Zheng Guoguo is now sitting on it.

And under this Highness, including the Zheng Guoguo, there are all the sons and daughters of the Zheng Guoguo, the emperor and the emperor, and the ministers of the public, all on the ground.

Qin Feng swept through many of the people under the Highness. In fact, he did not want these people to worship himself. This is the initiative of Zheng Guoguo.

However, it is normal to think about it. In the eyes of this mortal emperor, it is the absolute god.

Going to worship God, if you don't let him worship, you will think more.

Just as Qin Feng wanted to get these people up, there was a voice in his ear. This from the seal.

Qin Feng returned to the seventh world, and he could pass through everyone. Naturally, it is not a secret.

What's more, Qin Feng never thought about who he was, and when he entered the gate, he was sure to pass back the news of Qiujie.

Feng You knows that he is back, and there is nothing.

However, this sentence of Feng You is to make Qin Feng's eyebrows instantly wrinkle.

He did not think of...

The speed is so fast.

His body is even more involuntarily dissipated with a sense of guilt, this gas... scattered in this hall, those mortals who crouched on the ground, including the Zheng Guoguo, are suddenly stunned.

Cold sweat, squatting down.

They didn't know what happened, but they could feel that Qin Feng was extremely unhappy at the moment.

And this mood change is just in the moment.

Zheng Guoguo, this time the mood is extremely complicated, he wants to look up, but he does not dare to lift, wants to talk, but he does not dare to speak, and just when he finally has the courage to prepare for the opening.


The latter word "God" has not yet been spoken.

In his eyes, Qin Feng has already disappeared.

Outside the nameless small world.

There are two Changhongs, which are rapidly galloping in the precinct. The direction to go is the land of Qiuqiujie. These two Changhongs are one, and the other is Qinfeng.

Qin Fengyi got the sound of the secluded secret, and he said nothing to him.

Originally, Feng You should come directly to this nameless circle and personally meet Qin Feng, but...

Qin Feng’s mind rang the sound of the previous seal.

‘The Holy Spirit is on the top, and it’s a sin to be a sin. ’

‘The divination is that the golden body of the Buddha’s sacred sect has changed. If there is no guessing, the Buddha’s world has been able to control the sacred body and has a very strong control over it...’

It is precisely because of this second sentence that Qin Feng did not hesitate to leave the unnamed small world and rushed to the autumn.

He is very clear...

What does this represent?

The golden body of Sun Wukong was actually manipulated!

At this moment, Sun Wukong’s thoughts on his knowledge of the sea have already consumed the power of savings and fell into a deep sleep.

In other words, Qin Feng can't get an accurate answer from Sun Wukong's mouth.

That is…

At this time, the golden body that has been successfully manipulated, if Sun Wukong’s thoughts appear, can you still take back this flesh.

after all…

When Qin Feng asked Sun Wukong, that time...

The golden body of Sun Wukong is still in the process of being refining, but now... the result has already come out!

The speed of Qin Feng has increased to the extreme.

Constantly break open the boundaries of the void and cross the line.

Just a time of fragrant, Qin Feng and Mo blame, is already in the autumn.

As soon as the autumn and the fall, Qin Feng followed the Mo Laowei, the moment was in the same place, the nameless small world, just to protect the establishment of Qin Feng’s mother Song Yu, and the autumn monk... here is now the Yaozu Base camp!

The demon is at most, the strong is like a cloud.

Just looking at it at a glance, it is to scare the old blame, and the outside of the gate is the demon guard stationed!

At this time, these demon soldiers are looking at the direction of Qin Feng.


Slammed the ground!

"Welcome to the Holy Spirit!"

"Welcome to the Holy Spirit!"


From this gate, Yan Jun took a few of the demon emperors who still stayed in the Qiujie world. 2k novel reading network

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