The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1052: Yang Jian!

Listening to the words of the secluded, Qin Feng’s heart is even more doubtful. This dying world has a living person, and this living person...has he still knows? !

In the mind, the speed of the past people have passed, Qin Feng did not think of anyone, it is possible to enter the illusory world.

And, enter as a living person.

Qin Feng’s nephew: "Who is it?"

After a moment of silence, he said, "I have been to the Yunshui area to find the Holy Spirit. In that world, I used to know the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit."

"If there is no mistake in the subordinates, the owner of this breath, named Lin Yuexi."

Lin Yuexi!

Three words, instantly fell into the ears of Qin Feng, Qin Feng is a whole person!

In his mind, he could not help but emerge the beginning of all this. From the alley, he got the inheritance of Sun Wukong and saved the Nangong Yi people. Then he met Lin Yuexi.

Since that time, Qi Linger, Nangong Yiren, Qin Chuxue, Tianjiuyunyun, Luo Qinghan, his mother, Yunling, all have their own different clues, or have come to their side.

However, there is no longer the whereabouts of Lin Yuexi.

However, now, Qin Feng is known from the mouth of the secluded, Lin Yuezhen... very likely, in the meditation!

And enter the meditation world as a living person, how can Qin Feng not be surprised!

According to Qin Feng’s speculation, Lin Yuexi must also be one of his ninth loves, the dynasty...!

I took a deep breath, but Qin Feng’s heart was a little loose. Although the Ming Dynasty is a mysterious place, even if it is now, no one can understand how this place is.

Even if it is a secret plan to calculate the approximate location of the Mingyuan world, but probably it is probably, it is extremely difficult to be accurate.

However, it is precisely because of this, because this meditation is a very mysterious place, and Lin Yuexi is in this place, her safety can be guaranteed.

"Know, you can do one for me."

Qin Feng’s words turned around, and then he told Feng You that he had happened in the fairy world. He wanted to... the whereabouts of Yunshang at the moment.

This matter is not difficult for Feng You, and it is much easier to calculate the whereabouts of a person than to count the world.

When Qin Feng confessed to this matter, the side of the prince was suddenly wrinkled at the moment, apparently... what happened.

"The Holy Spirit, only buried in the spies of Xianting, sent a message."

There is a bit of disbelief in the voice of Jun Jun.

"Is it not for Zhang Bairen to start with Yang Lan?"

I don’t wait for Jun Jun to say that Feng Jie is an exporter. For him, this kind of thing... knows it at a glance.

"Yes, the Jade Emperor called Yang Yu into the Lingxiao Temple, and according to our spies' return, in the Lingxiao Temple, the bone king of the bones, the big sacrifice, and the tomb of the heavens are all there."

Jun Jun said with a voice: "While Yang Hao is strong, he can never hold back the combined strength of these people."

"Holy, do we need it?"

Yan Jun looked at Qin Feng. In the concept of Jun Jun, although Yang Lan is a man of the fairy world, in the eyes of outsiders, Yang Lan and Sun Wukong are even enemies.

However, Jun Jun is more aware that in the hearts of Sun Wukong and Yang Lan, they regard each other as a confidant.

Qin Feng listened to the words of Jun Jun, and there was a color of contemplation in his eyes. In the end, there was a touch of decisive color in his eyes. Anyway...

Initially, when Qin Feng rushed out of the Yunshui world for the first time, he rushed out of the Tianmen Gate of the 35th World.

If Yang Lan did not deliberately release water, he would never win that time.

This is also a human condition.

Looking up at the prince, snorting.

"Let's do what the demon can do."


Jun Jun nodded, then turned and left.

The Yaozu and Xianting are too far apart, and now this situation can't help a lot, but... In any case, in order to prevent it, Junjun had already laid his own **** in Xianting.

Maybe it can't help, but it's okay to make a way for Yang Lan to run.


Xianjie, Xianting.

At the moment, Xianting is completely chaotic.

The Heavenly Soldiers in all directions are led by the major sects to the square below the stairs of the Lingxiao Temple, surrounded by nine floors and nine floors.

In the center of the square, there are six people.

These six people...

The body is full of upper body, blood dripping all over.

Meishan Liuyou.

Although the cultivation of these six people is not bad, but wants to confront these numerous Heavenly Soldiers, it is simply delusional, even if it has been seriously injured.

These six people, even the first steps leading to the Lingxiao Temple, did not set foot.

"Brother! Why are you here!"



Meishan six friends, are looking at the direction of the Lingxiao Temple, they ... do not blame Yang Lan, they are just a pity for Yang Lan!


Listen to Zhang Bairen's mercy!

Why... no counter!


"Scrapping traitors!"



Those Heavenly Soldiers on all sides, this time once again launched an impact, the posture is to completely kill this six friends of Meishan!

at the same time.

Ling Xiao Temple.

Yang Lan still looks calm, does not care about the bone king and so on, but does not care about the spirits of the gods who appeared in the wild, his eyes... just looking at Zhang Bairen on the stage.

"Jiro, you have no retreat today."

Zhang Bairen is also looking at Yang Lan, a touch of mouth.

At this time, Zhang Bairen, when everything is clear, in his eyes... I can’t see any harmony. I saw only cold.

Emperor... ruthless.

Even if Yang Lan is his relatives, he has no emotion at all.

A piece of chess, when used to the extreme.

He has already used Xian Yu to clear Xianting. Since it has been cleared, the existence of Yang Lan is a threat to him, and Yang Lan’s eyes are the best ones that can replace the power of Shura.

Kill Yang Lan and win the eye.

It is the choice of Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, and he is also planning his plans.

"Zhang Bairen."

Yang Lan’s voice fainted in this Lingxiao Hall.

These three words are so cold that they are resounding in this temple.

Hands, slowly lifted up.

In the hands of Yang Lan, there is a silvery white light bloom. When the light is scattered, a three-pointed and two-edged knife is clenched in the hand!

Almost at the same time, the third eye of Yang Emei was completely open!

The blood of gold, the world!

"You... really thought, can you keep me Yang Lan?!"


In the hands of the three-pointed two-edged knife to the ground, call ~!

A mad temperament, scatter from Yang Lan's body! Cover... the whole fairy court!

The square under the Lingxiao Temple, the Tianbing Tianjiang who had originally rushed to the six friends of Meishan, was in the madness of Yang Lan’s madness, all of them were flying backwards, one by one blood!

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