The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1053: Taoist attitude

The the rainbow!

Among the Lingxiao Temple, the original rich and full of **** gas, under the impact of this arrogant force, bursting into a large block, and the tomb of the tomb will be a sigh.


For the ten big generals, Yang Lan’s oppression is extremely powerful!

"Yang Yang, you are toasting and not eating fine wine."

The husky sound of the bone king sounded, and there was a cold smile in the throat.

"Is it?"

Yang Yu’s mouth is slightly raised, and his eyes are extremely disdainful.

"That day, Yang Lan will taste it. What is the taste of your fine wine?"

Discourse exports, in the body of Yang Lan, is a white gold stream, these places around the body, when these platinum streamers appear, Yang Hao's breath... is even more crazy.

Even the Jade Emperor on the Zuntai, at this moment, looked at Yang Lan, but his brow wrinkled slightly. He did not think of his nephew, and there was such a force.


The king of the bones is just a touch of mouth.

At that time, many of the spirits of the wilderness that appeared from the blood golden clouds rushed to Yang Lan, with the power of almost destroying the earth!


Road boundary.

Three Holy Palace.

Among the three temples at the moment, there are four people.

Three of them are the Sanqing Dao ancestors of the Taoist world.

In addition to the three, there is one.

One, the old man with half white hair.

This person is ‘Yuding Real Man’, which is one of the twelve disciples under the Yuan Shi Tianzun. Of course... this is not the most important reason why he is now present in these three temples.

The main reason is that...

This Yuding real person is not only a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, he is also the master of Yang Lan!

And Yang Hao...

It is also the pride of Yu Ding's life.

He is proud of having such an apprentice.

However, nowadays, Yang Yu is the emperor of the Jade Emperor in the Qing Dynasty. This matter is well known in the Taoist world. He is a master, and he walked with his head down.


From the heart, he does not blame his apprentice, nor does he want to interfere with his apprentice.

In his opinion, the master has the master's way.

The apprentice has a path that belongs to him.

Since Yang Lan chose to stand on the opposite side of the road, as a master... can not force.

This world of heaven and earth, this is right... there is no right or wrong.

And this time...

There is a bad foreboding in Yu Ding's real heart. Yang Lan is not in Xianting for a day or two. If these three ancestors are looking for themselves because of this incident, I am afraid I will find myself.

But why not find yourself for a long time, now... but I call myself to the Sanqing Hall.

"See Master, I have seen two uncles."

Yu Ding real person bowed to Sanqing, and then he was straight and slightly lowered his head. He knew that Sanqing must have something to tell him.

"Yu Ding, you know, what is happening in Lingxiao Temple."

Yuan Shi Tian Zun is the master of Yu Ding's real person. He talks with Yu Ding. The most qualified to speak is naturally him.

"Ling Xiao Temple?"

Yu Ding's real eyebrows wrinkled, he faintly guessed... this thing must be related to Yang Lan.

"Yes, Zhang Bairen wants to kill Yang Lan."

On the side of the Tongtian teacher, the opening is not cold.

He has always been hot.

In the Xianting, Yang Lan helped Zhang Baimin to clear the power of the Taoist circles. It is already very uncomfortable for the Tongtian teacher.

"The rabbit died of a dog cooking, a poor piece."

The Heavenly Master is another sentence.

"Yang Yang is not so easy to be killed."

Yu Ding really raised his head fiercely and said with a very calm opening.

His own apprentice has some strength, he is naturally clear!

Yang Hao’s talent is outstanding, but he is the son of the grace of Heaven and Earth. The identity of the later generations rises among the sages. The strength is that he has surpassed his master earlier, and he is listed in the ranks of Sanqing and other elites. Among them.

Jade Emperor...

It is impossible to kill Yang Lan!

"If Zhang Bairen is alone, he can't do it."

Taishang Laojun said at the moment, his brows were crumpled.

From his heart, he has always appreciated Yang Lan, even though Yang Lan’s previous practice was refuted with the Taoist circles, and everyone has their own aspirations. This cannot be forced.

"Who else?"

Yu Ding real person has an urgent color on his face at this time.


Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the anxious appearance of Yu Ding real person, and replied, no matter what... Yang Lan, he is also his grandson.

"The king of the bones, the high priest of the bones, the bones are the tombs of the heavens, and they are all in the temple."

The voice of Yuan Shi Tian Zun’s voice, every name, is to make the heart of Yu Ding’s real person as bombarded by huge stones. Even if he overestimates his own children...

A Zhang Bai Ren, may not be able to take Yang Lan.

But... bone king, bone priest, these are the peaks of the first class!

These people have joined forces to make a shot, and Yu Ding is hard to imagine, Yang Lan... How to deal with it.

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the panic of his disciple's face, and his heart was also a long sigh. In fact, he did not tell the whole person.

That is related to the blood golden picture, only they know.


Yu Ding’s real people slammed the ground and headed for the Yuan Shi Tian Zun.

A master respects everything, and does not require Yu Ding real people to say, Yuan Shi Tianzun naturally knows that Yu Ding real people want to ask themselves to do something.

The old man on the left is too old, and he said at this time.

"The things in the temple, even within the fairy court, we can't interfere with anything."

This is not a fake.

If in the past, there is a powerful force in the Xianting, there are many ways for the three Qing ancestors to display, but now...

The forces belonging to the Taoist circles in Xianting have been completely cleaned up.

If the Taoist circles want to pick up any wind and rain within the Xianting, it is hard to do.

"What we can do now is to construct a transmission array outside of Xianting. As long as Yang Lan can escape from Xianting, I can save my life."

Yu Ding, who lives in this temple, listened to this and said nothing more.

He also knows in his heart...

This is all that the Tao can do.

You must know that the current Yang Lan is tantamount to a deadly enemy to the people of the Tao.

Sanqing Daozu can suppress these hatreds and help him with Yang Lan. This is a great blessing.

"Yu Ding, thanks to the Master, thank you to the two uncles."

Yu Ding is a real person, worshipping and begging.

Then he got up and walked out of the hall. He knew very well... Yuan Shitian called himself to the Sanqing Hall and told himself these words.

It is to have this master to do the transfer.

After all, now...

The Taoist circles are full of resentment against Yang Lan. Apart from his Yu Ding, it is really impossible to find a second person to do this.

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