The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1054: Ling Xiao Temple, broken!


It is already a mess.

There is a surge of power in the Lingxiao Temple, and all the people are scared.

In the square before the Lingxiao Temple, tens of thousands of thousands of Heavenly Soldiers, all fell to the ground, one by one.

Meishan Liuyou in the center of the land, these six people...

It is also the end of the tough, want to climb, can not climb the steps leading to this Lingxiao Temple.


No one can find out.

In the land around the Lingxiao Temple, there are hundreds of people sneaking around.

These people, or the palace ladies in the Xianting, or the Heavenly Soldiers, or some Xianjia, but in addition, these people have a common identity.

Then, it is a demon.


Ling Xiao Temple.

The sound of the bang continued, and Yang Lan’s hand was a three-pointed and two-edged knife. When they passed, these wild spirits that rushed with arrogance were bursting.


These spirits seem to have been blessed with a very special prohibition.

After the blast, it will appear again from the blood golden picture.

Three-pointed and two-edged knives come out.

Strong and arrogant, let the space be the sound of sound explosion, booming! The spirit of the wild rushing out of the blood golden cloud map is bursting!


There are still a few powerful spirits, these are all...the existence of the highest peak!

Whistling around Yang Lan, the offensive continued.

"Jiro, why are you suffering?"

"Take your hand and give your eyes, and promise to keep you alive."

The jade emperor Zhang Bairen, at this moment, the face once again has the ‘unbearable’ color flowing out, of course... this unbearable color is obviously loaded.

As for what ‘remaining’, it’s even more nonsense.

Even if Yang Lan is the nephew of the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor wants to kill... It is also absolutely killing the end, and will not leave half of the feelings.

"I am Yang Hao's life, no one can take it."

In the hands of the three-pointed two-blade knife, suddenly a few powerful spirits around the collapse, the scorpion cold and lifted up, looked at the blood golden picture above.

The land between the eyebrows, the third eye!

When the golden light of the time flutters from it: "Destroy!"

A low drink, from this third eye, a golden light rushed out, and those rushing spirits were destroyed in this golden light.


Jin Guang, directly into this blood golden cloud map.

The sound of muffled sound came from this blood golden cloud picture. When the king of the bones was in the moment, a pair of empty eyes under the red robe had a bright light.


This bone king fiercely raises his hand and actually collects this blood golden cloud map!

It is clear…

It was only a blow to the eye that made the bone king feel the threat.

This blood golden cloud map is the treasure of his bones. It is also the power of the ‘wild’ **** to be able to gather the spirit of the wilderness. If it is damaged here, then it will not be able to draw.

after all…

The **** golden picture of Fangcai is only slightly more powerful.

"Your Majesty, you should not need to drag any more."

After the bone king took back the blood golden picture, he looked at the eye of the emperor, and the bone king was not stupid... Yang Lan, it is not a good role to deal with.

He has already experimented with the blood golden picture. At this time, at this place, he is absolutely impossible to release the power of the blood golden picture.

And if he forced himself to take up Yang Lan, then he and the big priest of the bones would naturally suffer some damage.

The ten-day tomb of his own will be more likely to be directly annihilated.

This matter, this is Zhang Bairen, the bones can not be stupid to that extent, to Zhang Bairen as a gun.

Zhang Bairen listened to the words of the bone king, but also the brow I wrinkled slightly.

According to his plan...

If the bones of these guys can help him win Yang Lan, that is the best, after all... I want to use Yang Lantian’s eye to wake up the **** of the gods.

In this case, he did not tell the bones, nor could he tell the bones.


He wants to personally take Yang Lan, Jade Emperor... and will never do this. The guys of the bones are here to guard, and they will do it unless they are teasing.

"Since your bones are in alliance with my Xianting, it is reasonable to clear the obstacles on the road between you and Yang Lan."

The sound of the Jade Emperor slowly exported, and there was no flaw in this remark.

The bone king and the high priest of the bones did not have a reason for refusal. After all, the alliance of this field was originally proposed by the bones.

The hoarse laughter of the bone king echoed: "That is nature, and the king always pays attention to credibility."

The words are settled.

Among the shackles under the red robe of the bone king, the blood of the cockroach is shining!

Call ~!

I saw this above the Lingxiao Temple, and it’s amazing...

There is a huge **** law outline, the strange pattern, and the one of the mysterious runes, appearing in this array.

The emergence of the array method...

Outside the Lingxiao Temple, all the Xianjia, Tianbing Tianjiang, were all shocked!

In the middle of the Lingxiao Temple, Yang Lan swept the pattern of the array above, and his brows wrinkled slightly. He never remembered this kind of formation.

It was at this time that the bone priest was next to the bone king.

This is the true power of the bones who have never spoken, silent!

Hands, slowly lifted up.

When he raised his hand, the large blood-colored sleeves, with white bones blooming, a white bone scepter, slowly appeared in his hands.

At the top of the scepter is a gray stone.

Just at this time!

The gray skin on the stone slowly cracked, and there was a bead that appeared in the golden color. From the beads, the breath exuded, earth-shattering!

This is... Feng Tianshi!

Previously, this high priest of the bones used this astronomical stone to seal the demon's ‘the devil's head – the ancient 饕餮 饕餮.

When I saw this astronomical stone, Yang Lan’s scorpion was slightly condensed.

Beyond the existence of the Hungarian Hallows, Chaos Shenbao!

Even if it is Yang Lan, he has to take it seriously.

at the same time.

The jade emperor on this stage is also... shot!

From his body, there are ninety-nine golden dragon souls appearing! The sound of dragons and dragons, shaking the world!


Unbreakable Lingxiao Temple, under the impact of the soul of this dragon, swept directly in all directions, broken and dispersed!

These dragons, before their birth... are all powerful strengths with the peak of the Holy Eight!

Now all...

It was turned into a soul by Zhang Bairong!

The scene in Lingxiao Temple, the original outside is invisible, but this time... With the smashing of the Temple, everything is reflected in the eyes.

The entire Xianting people, are not horrified to look at the direction of the Lingxiao Temple, this level of fighting, they ... still too far!

A aftermath is enough to make them die seven ** ten times.

In the hundreds of demon people around the Lingxiao Temple, this time is a dark retreat.

"Fast, send the situation here back to the seventh world!"

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