The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1062: Explode!

Once, Feng You had seen Qin Feng, and Huaguoshan at the time of magnificent.

At this moment, this lake of water in the eyes is a clear bottom in the past, and it doesn't stop flowing. It is completely different from the present.

In the double shackles of Qin Feng, under the stars, there is a stream of purple ink flowing out, surrounded by the whole body, his body shape... gradually hidden invisible.

With his current strength, he will use the unique stealth technique of the evil family. Unless it is the monk of the Holy Trinity, and knowing his exact position, it is impossible to find it.

Body shape, step out in one step.

The next moment, Qin Feng appeared in this muddy lake.

As soon as he landed, Qin Feng’s eyes were cold. He smelled a very pungent **** sigh. He knew... these **** suffocates, where the source.

This is the monkey monkey grandson of the Huaguoshan who was slaughtered.

Bloody, even after so many years, still reverberates in this mountain.

After a moment of silence, Qin Feng stepped into the lake, did not cause the slightest fluctuations in water ripples, and the body shape... sneaked toward the bottom of the lake.

The doubts in his heart are getting more and more...

What do these guys of the bones want to do? !

If you come to yourself, you can completely ban Luo Tian in the Huaguoshanbu, let yourself come and go without a return, but it is wrong... This Huaguoshan has no slight movement.

The only change is from the bottom of the lake.

This strange bone, in the end... is what I want to do!


Xianjie, Xianting.

At this moment, Xianting is in great vibration. Even the four heavenly gates, the Heavenly Soldiers who are guarding at Tianmen, are also amazed, and even the stations are unstable.


Even the jade plaques of this Tianmen are faintly cracked.


The land of the northern Tianmen, the door plaque that day, a crack appeared.

"There is a crack in the Tianmen!"

"Broken! North Tianmen plaque!"


The Tianbing, who defended at the Tiantianmen, was horrified at the plaque of the North Tianmen.

I saw this plaque. From ‘North’ and ‘天’, there was a crack, getting wider and wider, and finally... ‘砰’!

The entire plaque split directly into two halves, fading in front of this heavenly gate.

These defending Tiantianmen Tianbing, one by one, looked at the North Tianmen plaque on the ground and stunned.

The Tianmen plaque shattered, and it has only happened twice since the establishment of Xianting.

For the first time, when the Wan Yao entered the Xianting, when the demon sage and the Qitian Dasheng Sun Wukong came to Nantianmen, a stick would smash the plaque of Nantianmen.

The second time, this is this time.

The Heavenly Soldiers defended at this gate are looking up at the direction of Lingxiao Temple. From that direction, there is a burst of ruin and breath, which makes people feel lost.

Yang Lan’s long voice echoed throughout the fairy court.

The land of the Lingxiao Temple.

Centered on the Lingxiao Temple, everything around it, the ground is crazy cracking, you know... this is Xianting!

The entire Xianting has an extremely strong restraint, and its firmness is not comparable to that of the heavens and the earth. If you want to say... I am afraid that only the Three Holy Palaces of the Tao and the Lingshan of the Buddha world can be compared.

However, it is such a land, at this moment... a crack like a gully is staggered.

"Let's take a look, you can still support it!"

The jade of the Jade Emperor slightly wrinkled, and he obviously did not expect that Yang Lan had already reached such a situation, and even broke out of such power!

The power of self-destruction from the three eyes is enough to destroy this world.


The survival of this world is not of any importance to the Jade Emperor.

Even this Xianting, even if Xianting is ruined, as long as his Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen still lives in this world, then everything... will be re-owned.

He cares, only one point!

That is the three eyes of Yang Lan!

These three eyes are the things that he used to wake up the ancient gods. Only this is what he cares about. Everything indifferent!

Therefore, the Jade Emperor will never let Yang Lan blew these three eyes.

Yang Lan slightly bent, gasping with a big mouth, mouth corner... but with a smile: "I am Yang Hao, life and death proudly, my eyes, you Zhang Bairen does not deserve."


Among his three eyes, he began to have a golden red star flame body burning, and this moment of Yang Lan, looks extremely crazy!

His whole body, the golden wave that originally blocked him, and the **** stream, were all broken.

Even the force of the seal from the Fengtian Stone was dispelled at this time.

Yang Lan’s three eyes, the self-destruction process is already more than half.

at this time…

Even if Yang Hao himself, there is no way to stop the self-explosion of these three eyes!

Blood, from these three eyes, drooling is not only falling.

Slightly looking up, Yang Lan closed his eyes, when he closed his eyes, his body... also has a flame burning, he is not just to blew his own three eyes!

He also wants to blew his body!

The sacred peaks blew themselves, plus the power of the destruction of these three eyes, the entire Xianting... or the entire fairy world, will be completely destroyed!

Even the Bone King and the Bone Sacrifice, the body is slightly illusory at this moment.

They are ready to retreat.

For them, even if they were injured in Yang Biao's self-destruction, it was extremely uneconomical. Their purpose was to let Yang Lan die. This point... in their view, it has now been reached.

Yang Lan’s death is only a matter of time.

However, the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, but in the eyes is anxious!

He does not care about Yang Lan’s life and death.

But he cares about Yang Lan's three eyes. Without these three eyes, it is difficult for him to find a substitute for Shura in a short time to complete the final step of awakening the ancient god.

boom! Boom!

The power of the impact is getting stronger and stronger!

Zhang Bairen took back his hand. At this moment, he has given up his eyes. He found that... It is difficult for him to dig out Yang Lan’s eyes for a short time. The three eyes of Yang Lan seem to be protected by the power of Heaven and Earth.

If you want to take it, you can only use the Hongmeng purple gas to gradually transform the power of the road.

And to do that step... takes time.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Bairen began to permeate a very strange power, and the red and purple air flow, he wants to use a seal to learn from the ancestors of Hongjun.

he wants…

Completely banned Yang Lan!

However, just as the Jade Emperor began to brew this ban, this enveloped the **** circle of the Lingxiao Temple, under the impact of Yang Lan’s arrogance.

Already, there is a crack.

At the moment of this crack, there was almost a stream of light at the same time, and rushed in from outside the Lingxiao Temple!

In time, a force that is equally powerful is coming to Lingxiao Temple.

That is... the power of Shura! 2k novel reading network

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