The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1063: Take it together!

Frenzy waves, crazy impact.

Yang Wei's


In the temple of Ling Xiao, the riot of riots rose to the peak of Yang Lan, and a voice came from the ear.

Along with the powerful Shura power!

Come to Lingxiao Temple!


In front of Yang Lan’s body, where the figure appeared, the hand did not know when there was a long red-red sword, the sword... the front glimpse, it was actually blocking the occlusion of the jade emperor. At the same moment, where one turned and grabbed Yang Lan’s arm and rushed out of the Lingxiao Temple.


Zhang Bairen screamed with anger and anger in his eyes.

He did not think of it, at this critical moment, Lee Nguyen... actually appeared!

However, between the thoughts, the anger on the face of Jade Emperor dissipated, and then there was a hot color in the eyes!

He originally wanted Yang Hao’s eyes, because he could not find the power to replace Shura, to awaken the ancient gods, and now... since then, there have been!

Then, it is to win together!

If you can take it with Yang Lan, use the power of Shura to irrigate the ancient killing god, and then use the power of Yang Lan’s three eyes to cross, so that the ancient killing **** will be strong enough to be difficult to estimate. Degree.


Next to the big priest of the bones, I am faint at the moment.

As soon as it came out, this **** array of the Lingxiao Temple was scattered.

The Jade Emperor looked at the direction of where he and Yang Lan left, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth. This Xianting... is the place where he is Zhang Bairen. All the prohibitions are under his control and he wants to escape from his own territory. ,wishful thinking!

Hands, when opened, opened.

Outside the Lingxiao Temple, where you take Yang Lan is to go straight to the West Gate!

What is amazing is that Yang Lan’s original turbulent self-destructive power, and the three heavenly eyes, have actually stabilized. It is reasonable to say that, to the extent of the previous level, even Yang Lan himself could not stop, which is also forced. De Jade Emperor had to use the cost of self-destruction to mobilize the secret law of Hongjun.


Yang Lan looked at him where he looked. He knew why the self-explosion in his body could be curbed. The power of Shura was the most overbearing force between the heavens and the earth, and even the frenzied madness could be suppressed.

As for the power of the same hegemonic power, this evil power...this does not belong to this world.

"Thank you."

"Thank you any thanks, but it is you, today's brain is in the water? Can't you see that this is forbearing?"

Listening to what he said, Yang Lan took a deep breath. He knew that he had gone to Luke alone this time. If it wasn’t for him, perhaps this time, he was already a self-destructing soul.

The two rushed out of the Lingxiao Temple, and the self-destruction process was suppressed by the power of Shura. His original strength was restored again.

Then the direction of the West Gate is to go quickly.

The entire heavenly fairy **** of Xianting, this time is rushing up, blocked in front of where and Yang Lan, although the number is large, but these people are not dare to lean forward.


This is the general of the generals of Xianting, Xianting billions of soldiers, who is not afraid!

And Yang Lan, recently, is famous in the fairy court, but the fairy **** who fell in the hands of Yang Lan, was pushed to the Sendai, and the head of the people landed.

For these Heavenly Soldiers, the two people in front of them are synonymous with ‘killing’.

Many Heavenly Soldiers, but no one dares to move.


At this time, the entire Xianting began to vibrate violently, with many banned gods, rising from the heavens.

Over the sky of Xianting, there is a very dazzling dragon pattern!

Around the fairy court, there is a illusory dragon soul that appears again and again. These dragon spirits are all screaming and roaring in this fairy court.

"It’s a big squad!"

"His Majesty!"

"Kneeling down!"


These Heavenly Soldiers and the Immortals, watching the golden dragons appearing in the sky one by one, especially seeing the roaring dragon spirits, all look up and they all know what this dragon pattern represents.

Feng Xian Dazhen!

There is another name...!

Seal Sendai!

In previous years, if the opening of the patriarchal clan is the day of the celebration of the entire Xianting, because the opening of the patriarchal clan, it is the representative of the banquet.

But now it’s open...

It is to hold two people together!

Yang Lan and He Wei, both of them swept through the appearance of Feng Xian, and their brows wrinkled slightly. The two of them experienced countless times of cloaking. Natural things know how powerful this squad has.

This big array is not only the time when Feng Xian is in use, but this is also the guardianship of Xianting.

Its firmness is not inferior to any formation between the world!

"Where, you can vote for yourself, and you are very pleased."

At this time, there was a voice coming out slowly. The master of this voice is Zhang Bairen.

Those Heavenly Soldiers, when they heard the voice of Zhang Bairen, all of them showed a respectful color on their faces. All of them were respectful and wide-eyed. For Zhang Bairen... I dare to look up.

At this moment, Zhang Bairen, coming out of the air, came out from the numerous gods and gods, and his body was full of majesty, and his eyes were faintly swept over Yang Lan and He.


There is a sneer in the corner of the mouth, a hand grip, a group of purple fire burning in the hands, and then this group of cremation made a gun!

And Yang Hao, who is next to him, is also a three-pointed and two-edged knife.

Both of them are extremely powerful! This kind of power, light is a breath, it is to let those Heavenly Soldiers fear the heart.


This kind of tremor is for those Heavenly Soldiers and the Immortals.

If the true Supreme Peak is here, it is possible to see the difference between Yang Lan and He Wei, such as... The jade emperor Zhang Bairen at the moment.

"You two, I thought I had the power to fight with you?"

For the pressure of Yang Lan and the scorpion, Zhang Bairen’s eyes have a disdainful color, and his face has a contemptuous meaning. If it is placed in the past, the joint efforts of these two people will be taboo.

But now... it’s not in the eyes!

Zhang Bairen’s hand raised his hand slightly.

To Yang Lan, one finger: "Your strength, only in the middle of the temple, has gone to the seven or eight, the damage caused by self-explosion is internal friction."

After talking about the finger, I moved to the point.

"And you, your original repair was completely abolished, and now you have used the power of Shura, but you can control the time is shallow, not as good as the peak strength of 30%."

"On the basis of you now, is it an awkward opponent?!"

Zhang Bairen's whole body, when there was a sound of dragons and gongs, the soul of the ninety-nine dragons appeared in this world, echoing the dragon spirit that came out of the fairy tales.

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