The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1070: The secret behind the big stone

Heaven and earth, echoing a voice.

The sound of the dragon whispered, echoing throughout the Xianting.

The sounds of the winds and waves that swept the waves swept through thousands of miles.

The aura dragon, toward the 吒 吒 戬 戬 戬 戬 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 戬 灵 灵 灵

The Tianshang Tianzhi, who was still in the vicinity of Yang Lan and Yang Lan, was subconsciously rushing backwards at this time. The breath that was released from the body of this aura was enough to make them chaos.


This aura dragon is only a hundred feet away from the two.

Where and Yang Lan, both of them have a very strong breath, they are all looking at the advent of the aura dragon, calm look, only the eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

In the distance, the Jade Emperor looked indifferently at everything that happened in front of him, his mouth slightly rising, with a proud and confident smile, in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, everything that is happening now... will continue to follow his plan. Even... beyond his previous plans, this time he is not only able to win the power of Shura, but also to be able to grab Yang Lan’s three eyes.

This is much richer than the purpose of the Jade Emperor at first, but he only wanted to win the eyes of Yang Lan.

The power of Shura, plus the three eyes of the sky, if these two forces are all injected into the ancient gods, even the Jade Emperor himself is hard to predict, the ancient gods kill, after waking up What powerful power will be there!

It’s no exaggeration to describe it with the words “destroying the land and destroying the land”.

I think that such a powerful force will be attributed to one's own possession and become the strongest knife in his own hands. The heart of the Jade Emperor is full of pride. As long as he controls this power, it is enough for him to cross the heavens and the world. The world of Buddhism, as well as the **** bones, will squat in his supreme majesty.

These heavens and the world will be stepped on the soles of his feet by Zhang Bairen!

He will become the absolute master of this world!

At this moment, the Jade Emperor may not have thought of it...

Among his immortals, he is the most proud of this sacred squad. This sacred place is everywhere, and the monks who maintain their eyes are all extinct. Falling in the pool of blood, replaced by one, demon!

This banquet is being silently changed. As long as these demons are in the opposite direction, the aura in this squad will be dissipated, and this large array will disappear in an instant, and this road will be circulated. The aura of the power that converges will also collapse in an instant.

The Aura Dragon, where he stayed and where Yang Lan was in front of him, opened his dragon's mouth, and there was a group of purple spirits condensed and formed, from which there was a breath of ruin.

Purple light, like a sun shining from the mouth of this dragon

The gods behind the Jade Emperor, each one changed greatly, and the subconsciously retreated backwards. Only the Jade Emperor stayed in place, and the smile in his eyes became more and more intense.



There is a clear moon at night, and the peaks of the mountains are very desolate.

From the peaks of the group, from time to time, there is a screaming screaming voice, and people who listen are like a man.

This humming sound comes from the sorrows of those who died and died...

The center of the peak has a **** lake.

The **** lakes are slightly stunned, and the shocks are scattered. There is a cold death from the lake, which makes people dare to get close.

At the center of the lake, the strange rune, with a slight **** golden light, bursts into the air, making people feel cold.

Looking down from the lake...

At the bottom of the lake, there is a strong **** atmosphere.

At the edge of the bottom left corner of the lake, there is a vast blank space. All the water is isolated. The center of this place is... Qin Feng.

Qin Feng brows slightly wrinkled, he came to this position all the way according to his evil feelings, looking at the front... already at the end of the edge of the lake.

Going forward, it is the boulder that is blocked, and it is impossible to step forward.

Qin Feng is looking at the stone in front of him. From this stone, he feels the strange atmosphere, but he is sure.

This breath is never uploaded from this stone.

Hands, slowly lifted up.

It fell on the stone, and then in the palm of Qin Feng, there was a deep purple light shining. When this light was shining, a very violent force was vented on the big stone.

'boom! ’

A muffled sound, uploaded from this stone.

However, just after a moment, everything is restored to calm, and this big stone has no movement.

The brow of Qin Feng, at this moment, is fierce!

His own strength is a bit strong and weak, and he is naturally clear. Just now, the blow contains his own strength, and he understands it.

A stone at the bottom of the lake, he said that he is using this evil body. Even any small monk can easily open it.

Can be biased...

Only then did he attack it. This big stone was not the slightest movement. There was no trace of cracks on it. This big stone... must have something special.

The scorpion is slightly condensed, and in the eyes of Qin Feng, the eight flashing stars are madly flowing. He is ready to try again. The raised hand, the palm of his hand, has a more powerful force. appear.

This time, Qin Feng no longer keeps his hands, he will use all his strength to bombard this big stone.

The surrounding area is already empty, and the dust in the breath is in the tremor, and outside of this, the lake... began to tumbling and tumbling under the breath of the power of Tianba. .

Furthermore, the surface of the lake, the chain that was originally staggered in the lake, silent and silent, once again began to emit **** light, the most central place, a 'dry' word, the same is true, began to tremble madly .

Under the lake.

Qin Feng’s raised hand slammed into the front of the big stone, and the hand was completely covered on the big stone.

In an instant, the power of the arrogant Tianba condensed in the palm of your hand, rushing toward the big stone to vent, and bang!

Like the sound of the explosion of the heavens and the earth, with the Qin wind as the center, the entire lake bottom is under the impact of this wave of waves, all of which are tumbling and tumbling, and the 'dry' seal is even more embarrassing. Rays.

The golden light of the blood, between the time, the entire Huaguoshan is completely covered.

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