The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1071: Breaking through!

The loud noise echoed between the Huaguoshan.

After the reverberation gradually subsided, the entire Huaguoshan followed by the sound of falling rocks, the collapse of many peaks, the mountain collapsed, and the falling rocks rushed down.

The **** lake in the center of the peak.

The bottom of the lake.

The brow of Qin Feng wrinkled more and more.

In front of him, the dark stone was still maintaining the original state, without any change, just now... Qin Feng, even the power of eight stars is used up.

This is a full blow, but even the top seven can be directly killed.

However, it is such a big stone in this area, but it is the ability to directly hold such a beautiful and holy peak. It is simply unbelievable.


Qin Feng's scorpion is tight, he can see that the material of this big stone is actually very general, and it is no different from the stone at the bottom of the lake.

What really works is the power that exists behind this big stone.

It is because of the existence of this force that this stone can withstand such a powerful blow of Qin Feng!

It is also the strength of the force that exudes the atmosphere that Qin Feng can detect.

However, the problem that is in front of Qin Feng is the big stone in front of it.

He wants to get the power behind the big stone, he has to remove this big stone, but this big stone has the support of that power, and Qin Feng can't do it.

In the end... After the big stone, what is the existence!

Qin Feng has a very strong sense of curiosity.

The secret behind this big stone can induce his own evil knowledge to detect, and it is the ability to let such an ordinary big stone bear the power of killing it to the top of the Seventh.

These two points are enough to make Qin Feng extremely interested in it.


For the current Qin Feng.

This is also his only way out.

If you want to leave this lake and break through the seal of the word 'dry', you can only let your strength reach nine stars, so that your evil power can be upgraded to the next level, to the extent that it can be crushed to the peak of the holy peak!

To be able to reach that level, Qin Feng under the lake is not thinking of any solution.

Between the heavens and the earth, the only way he knows now is to improve the power of evil. There is only one, that is... the endless temperament of the endless Tianyu.

As for the others, he can't think of it now.

Standing in front of this big stone, Qin Feng fell into meditation, he must find a way to solve this dilemma.



The aura of the aura, the wide mouth of the open, the agglutinating aura, is already more and more flamboyant, almost to the atmosphere of destruction, from which to flow out.

Everyone is watching this aura dragon, breathing... with this aura dragon ups and downs.

The smile in the eyes of Jade Emperor is more and more intense.

as long as…

As long as the aura of this Aura dragon is scattered, the two big problems in front of you will be solved, and you will be able to get what you have always wanted.

The ancient **** of killing, who has slept for countless years, will wake up and become a knife in his hand, a peerless knife that can smash the world and smash anyone's head!

The sound of the dragon's breath echoed in this fairy court.


This aura dragon, making a long scream, the aura of the mouth, is already in the final stage of rushing out!


But at this moment...

A loud noise echoed in this piece of heaven and earth, and the land that was in the sky above the fairy squad, screamed!

The unbreakable seal of the immortals was scattered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost at the same time, this aura dragon, the body shape is also dissipated at a rapid speed, and the aura of the dragon's mouth is instantly dissipated.

'Roar! ’

This aura dragon made a resentful scream.

He has already given birth to the intellect, and the demise at this moment is to experience the death of a soul.

The Jade Emperor is a fierce glimpse, his eyes shrinking.

With its strength, it was not a response for a while.

On the contrary, the gods behind him are all looking fiercely at the lower part of Xianting, and they are very surprised... They saw people who are completely different from the gods.


The original demon of the demon, this time is the revealing of the real body, the body is exuding a very strong demon.

"Kill! One is not allowed to let go!"

The Ziwei Emperor slammed loudly, and those Heavenly Soldiers rushed toward the bottom.


Obviously useless.

These demon people dare to show their physique, and there is a way to cope with it.

Underneath his feet, there are transmission arrays, and these demon people who reveal their physiques are all in the eyes of the Heavenly Soldiers and are transmitted and disappeared by the transmission array.

Xianting, without the ban, could not stop the launch of this transmission array in a short time.

"His Majesty!"

The Ziwei Emperor came to the jade emperor step by step, watching the jade emperor who could hold it, and couldn’t help but whisper.

Because this time...

At the moment when Feng Xian’s big line was broken, Yang Lan and He Wei, already rushed out of Xianting, although they did not know why this fairy squad suddenly broke.

But at this moment, escape is the first.

The voice of the Ziwei Emperor, the Jade Emperor was called back from the sacred god, in the eyes... The time was filled with a very strong killing!

"Give chasing, kill innocent!"

A violent drink, the soul of the ninety-nine dragons, skyrocketing, went straight to the direction of Yang Lan and where to go.

There are countless Heavenly Soldiers, and they are also going to chase.


Just at this moment, in the sky above this fairy court. It is a blue-green fog, and this mist... is completely diffused over the entire Xianting, and even spread to the inside of Xianting.


Ziwei Emperor saw this mist, suddenly a cold heart, he knew... no play.

Because from this fog, he felt the atmosphere of the repair of the Tao, since the road has been shot, it will definitely not let Xian Ting catch up with Zhang Bairen.

Even if... delaying the interest rate.

It is enough!

"Give it away!"

The anger in the eyes of Jade Emperor was completely ignited and screamed.


The sky blew like a thunder, and the diffuse fog, which was scattered all over the place, with the figure of a hundred people, slowly disappeared in the mist of dissipating.

Lu Dongbin and Yu Ding’s real figure are among them.

At this time, Yang Lan and the figure of the scorpion, has disappeared without a trace, can not find a trace!

Jade Emperor's hand, squeezed tightly!

"Your Majesty, I will lead people to chase, I will definitely recover those two!"

Ziwei Emperor said with a condensate.

However, at this time, the Jade Emperor, his face was extremely quick to restore calm, this is the Jade Emperor... The mood has quickly restored stability: "No, pass the purpose, and do their jobs."

After saying this, the Jade Emperor turned and disappeared in place. 2k novel reading network

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