The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1096: The trick of the heavens

The second world, the north.

Frosty Jedi.

The blue mist is tumbling, the screaming of the behemoths continues, and there is another force of Shura. In this fog, the monsters are annihilated!


The next moment of being annihilated is to regain it. From these giant beasts, there is no trace of any injury.

And, as time goes by.

Where did you find that the number of giant beasts that emerged in the blue mist around them was increasing, and the giant beasts that were killed, each time they reunited, the momentum of the body would have some points. strengthen!

If you continue to do this, even if you are strong, you will be killed sooner or later.

"Ten interest."

Where is the back of Sanzhang, Yang Lan snorted.

His three eyes are tight, but they have a golden red glow!

"it is good."

Which one should answer, this moment...

From where the body, there is a cyan light and red light, staggered!

whispering sound!

There is a terrifying sound of birds singing, which is transmitted from the left and right sides of it, and it is awesome... From this broken void, there are two huge figures!

Green! Fire Phoenix!

When the fire and the cockroaches came out, the two beasts appeared, and the fire of the blue and red rushed toward the surroundings, and suddenly they burned in the bodies of the behemoths.


Crazy roar!

In the roar, with...

The monsters that are constantly rushing, all of them are making roaring sounds, one by one... all seem to be in pain!

At the moment when the green phoenix phoenix appeared, which 吒 吒 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其

Suddenly, the screaming screams came from these behemoths.

All the monsters that were thrown were actually annihilated between the moments, followed by the tumultuous rolling of blue fog, which were all repaired in these blue mists.


Seven-eighth time!

All the behemoths, once again condensed, this time... casually, there are nearly a hundred giant beasts, with a more intense roar, Qi Qi toward where and Yang Lan where to rush.

Which brows, a wrinkle!

Around him, the green phoenix is ​​also a scream!

Which is very clear...

Just a blow, the power of his Shura is very expensive, and it is impossible to have the previous offensive in a short time!

It is already difficult to completely block this wave.

He is self-contained.

However, Yang Lan, who is condensing the power of seals at the moment, has no precautions. If this wave of shocks directly rushes down, Yang Lan’s life is worrying!

A fierce bite, there is a decisive color in the eyes!

The soul blood in his body, at this time, actually began to boil!

Even if he is fighting a very serious anti-phagic, he has to block this wave. The green and phoenixes on his left and right sides also feel the firmness of the scorpion, and they also send a sharp scream.

The raging blue-red fire scatters from the sound of the green phoenix!

Eyes, sweeping around.

Which scorpion is swelled!



Where is the time to prepare to force the extraction of his own Shura.

Behind him, the land of Sanzhang, who has been closing his eyes, opened his eyes... three eyes!

When it opens your eyes!

The nearly hundred behemoths that were originally surging, the body shape... all of them were fixed in place, and even those blue fogs were all still, without any turbulence.


Yang Hao’s calm opening.

Step out and stand side by side with you.


He nodded slightly, but his heart was still shocked.

He, in the past, has never seen the power of Yang Lan’s use of the seal of the eye, only to see it once, completely, shocked!

There are no signs, no colorful light, and there is no flow of cursing sounds. It just faintly opens your eyes, as if everything around the square is in a static state.

This kind of power is more like... Heaven!

Day, let you stop, you are going to stop!

This is the eyes of Yang Lan!

His three eyes are born in heaven, and their strength is within the scope of Heaven. It is difficult to estimate!

Yang Lan and He Wei, the two directly turned into Changhong, passing through the frozen beasts, and directly penetrated the blue mist.

Quiet, dead and ordinary.

The whole frost died, it seems to be completely ruined, this nearly one hundred behemoths, this spread of the boundless blue mist, are not moving.

Especially this blue mist, even the slightest wave can not afford.

Wait until Yang Lan and where to leave, after the three interest.

This piece of frost on the land above the land of the dead, has a figure, slowly emerged from this void, that ... is a blood robe figure.

On the blood robes, there are blood-colored runes and lines, which are extremely honorable at first glance.

The skull under the red robe, the hollow, **** blink of an eye, has a hint of horror, and behind this **** man, there are two people in the red robe that are usually ordinary.

Both of them are kneeling behind each other, bowing their heads and waiting for orders.

"You two, look here."

"The ambassador needs to see the king in person and explain to the king everything that happened here."

A faint sound opening.

The two bones are all low-headed: "Follow."


The blood robes with the rune blood robes, light ‘um’, with extremely jealous eyes, looked at the direction of the squatting and Yang Lan’s departure, and then turned around, the figure disappeared in place.

And the two bones of the people, this time, is the body shape into the void, actually in the direction of where to go with Yang Lan, followed up.

at the same time.

The seventh world, the autumn border.

The power of innate calculus surrounds the seal of the whole body, his brows are slightly wrinkled, and his eyes are interpreting everything that happens in the frost.


At this time, his eyes were actually different in their respective interpretations.

His left eye, the interpretation of which is the picture of Yang Lan and his continuation into the frost, and his right eye is the figure of the person who left the blood.

To do this, there is no prior arrangement, no measures, and no mark left for tracking.

Yang Lan and He Wei, and the blood robes who went to see the king of the bones, did not find out...

They are all completely involved in the monitoring of the secluded.

With this alone, it is obvious that the technique of protecting the heavens is already a wonderful place that is so powerful and unpredictable. It can completely control all the movements of others without knowing it. 2k novel reading network

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