The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1097: Dive into the Buddha

Buddha world.

It is independent of the existence of the heavens and the world. In addition to this Buddha world, there is a very unique prohibition. The whole Buddha world is completely shrouded. Anyone...if there is no imprint of the Buddha’s body, it is fundamental. It is difficult to enter this Buddha world.

As soon as you enter, you will be known in an instant.

And once it is known, then the next...

Can be imagined.

In today's heavens and the world, few people have been able to sneak into the world of Buddhism quietly, even if there are, those few repairs have reached the peak of the highest peak.

Even the Bodhi ancestors, who first entered the Buddha world, stayed on the edge of the Buddha world and dared to go deeper.

"The Holy Spirit, the former convenience is the Buddha world."

Qin Feng's side, a foggy white dress, delicate face with a dignified color, it is... ice, if the ice at this moment looks to the front of the Buddha world, snorting.


Minor nodded, Qin Feng's brow wrinkled.

He is thinking about how to sneak into the world of Buddhism. After all, with the strength of him and Bingru, even if two people add up, it is definitely not the opponent of the Buddhas in this Buddha.

Once discovered, there is only one option to evade.

Just as Qin Feng was thinking about it, Xue Xuebing, who was on the side, stepped forward at the moment, and he succumbed to the ceremony on the side of Qin Feng: "Sacred, let it belong."

If the ice naturally sees what Qin Feng is thinking about, she knows that Qin Feng wants to sneak into this Buddha world and does not want to alarm too much.


Qin Feng nodded slightly again.

Although I don't know what the means of Xuehuangbing is, Qin Feng believes that since Bing dare to stand up, it is her own means.

I saw that if the ice took a deep breath, I took time...

Behind her, there is a huge ice crystal phoenix shadow. When the ice crystal phoenix appears, it is clearly visible. On the ice, there is a layer of ice blue ice.

When the ice appeared, the moment...

Her breath is completely gone!

"Sacred, please stand behind your body."

If the ice frowned, there was a bit of pain in her eyes. Obviously... At this moment, she is suffering from severe pain. This is the secret law. For her, it is extremely laborious to display and maintain.

"it is good."

Qin Feng did not hesitate too much. When the ice disappeared, he was completely convinced of the ice.

These means of hiding the atmosphere are extremely strange.

Qin Feng used to be seen before.

When Qin Feng stood behind the ice, after the time, the two turned into an ice blue and long rainbow, and rushed to a place in the Buddha world.

For these existences, it is useless to see by the naked eye. The Buddha world is so big. Just look for a point and rush in.

The main thing... is their collision, the breath will not be noticed, and the whereabouts will not be detected.

Others, there is no need to consider.


When the ice blue and the long rainbow came to the edge of the Buddha's world, with the low ice of the ice, when he was in front of him, the Buddha world had a gap, and when it was broken, it opened!

Without hesitation, both of them entered.


This gap has returned to its original appearance, and it seems that there is no slight change.

at the same time.

At the same moment when the gap appeared and closed, the Buddha Lohan, which was stationed here, was aware of a slight anomaly in the eight gates of the Buddha.

"Well? Where is the problem with the node?"

"Fast speed check!"

"Check the return, go quickly!"




Almost every door sent people to investigate the fluctuations of the node, where it came from and how it appeared.


In addition to being aware of the slightest fluctuations, they have no clues.

The breath of Qin Feng and Bing Ruo is completely hidden and cannot be traced. The two... have already sneaked into the Buddha world.

Buddhism, the land on the eastern edge.

This is a sea.

The amazing thing is that this sea... is a pale gold.

Qin Feng and Bingruo, the two volleys above the surface of the sea, looked down slightly below, the pale gold sea, the waves layered up, giving people a very strange feeling.

‘Golden sea...’

The brow wrinkled slightly, Qin Feng looked at the sea, he was able to sense the existence of a force.

That is... the power of the Buddha alone.

Or, it is the power of the seal.

In fact, when he stepped into this Buddha world, he realized it...

Throughout the world of Buddhism, there is a seal of breath, including the sea below, the pale golden water, not born of gold.

But... After the seal of the day after tomorrow, this turned into gold!

"Holy, somebody."

At this time, the ice on the side of the body whispered.

In fact, Qin Feng did not notice the proximity of someone.

This is also a normal thing.

After all, the current Qin Feng is only the first body, and the strength of the first body is only the mastery of the power of the wood.

The power of this road is not a level at all compared to the power of the Seventh Seventh.

Naturally, if the ice can be monitored, it is far beyond the Qin wind.


Qin Feng did not hesitate in the slightest direction, and went straight ahead. The ice behind him was followed, the figure of the two, but the number of interest disappeared in the sky.

And after the two left, the ten interest.

In the place where the two were located, there were three Buddha statues. After the appearance of the three Buddhas, they stayed in this area for a long time, and they were explored everywhere. I don’t know what to look for.

The last one was frowning, and there was a reluctance on his face. He couldn’t help but start to speak out, and his tone was extremely unhappy.

"There is no reason. Let us check the inspection in one sentence."

"What is this good to check?!"

"Yes, but there is a node fluctuation, what can a node fluctuation mean?! It is actually we are responsible for such a large area."

"I think it is for the three of us. If not, why not let other people come?!"

"Well, well, you guys don't blame any more, what is the use of blame? Or it is the right way to check back."



The two Buddhas were originally complaining, but after the Buddha in the middle spoke, the Buddhas on both sides shut up.

They all know that even if they complain about it, the investigation is still to be investigated.

After the dialogue between the three Buddhas, it was followed by the edge of the Buddha’s border and continued to be checked.

And this situation is not just a place in this place.

On the edge of the entire Buddha world, there are hundreds of Buddhas, gathered together in groups of three and two, to check whether there are fluctuations in the nodes at the edge of the Buddha. 2k novel reading network

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