The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1101: a trace of blood

Lingshan, among the mountains.

After Qin Feng entered, the brows became more and more wrinkled.

A pair of eyes swept over the sky, I don’t know why, he seemed to see a huge rune in the land above the Lingshan. It seemed like a golden 'print, which was looming and remained on the mountain. Never Stopping the flow.

If it wasn't for Qin Feng who had the eyes of Sun Wukong, it would be impossible to see this ‘Print.

"When you enter Lingshan, be careful. Even if you have the secret of the ice, you have the risk of being discovered."

The voice of Sun Wukong echoed in the sea of ​​Qin Feng.

Qin Feng also said according to Sun Wukong, from the moment he entered Lingshan, his spiritual strength was raised to 100%, and he avoided everything as much as possible. The figure walked between the mountains and forests at an extremely fast speed.

However, compared to Yukong, slow is not a little bit two points.

However, the delay of time, for the sake of ice, is the burning of life. Qin Feng knows very well that he must speed up the time and can no longer delay.

After a cup of tea.

The shape of Qin Feng appeared at the top of a towering tree.

The wind whizzed past, blowing the sputum in front of his scattered amount, and his brow was slightly wrinkled.

Because from his place, from this point of view, there is a mountain, reflected in the eyes, it is a palm-like mountain, standing tall, the shape of the mountain and the surrounding peaks form a very sharp contrast.

This mountain, named... Wuzhishan.

For Qin Feng, this mountain has no feelings, but for Sun Wukong, the meaning is completely different.

The former Sun Wukong was crushed under the Wuzhi Mountain for five hundred years.

The Westward Journey, the lie of the sky.

These are the pains in Sun Wu hollow.

It is because of these pains that because Sun Wukong is not willing to become a **** of the righteous Buddha, he will pull up the Great Holy Banner and will...

"It seems that there is a lot of effort for the old man."

The voice of Sun Wukong reverberates in the sea of ​​Qin Feng, because Sun Wukong can feel the strong atmosphere of his golden body from the five fingers, that is to say... his own golden body, where he used to stay.

Nowadays, only the residual breath is left behind, which means that you can freely manipulate your own golden body.

The voice of Sun Wukong is very calm, but Qin Feng can hear it. In this voice, with anger that is difficult to suppress, if Sun Wukong has a golden body at this moment, I am afraid that it will be a stick to the Lingshan Mountain.


At this time, Qin Feng brows slightly wrinkled, but he did not hide his body shape. The secret method that exists on his body is not something that the Buddha Buddha can see through. And go.

The figure is not far behind the three small Buddhas.

The three Buddhas could not find the existence of Qin Feng, but Qin Feng was able to hear their words clearly.

"Where will that woman go?"

"The last trace is here, and there are no other signs."

"Not a woman, why do people want us to find it?!"

"I heard that...there is a relationship with the monkey."

"No, the monkey who was in the past is not the fairy named Purple in the fairy world?"

"Okay, we are still looking for it. If you can't find someone, you can blame it. You and me can't eat good fruit."


The three Buddhas hurried away after the next blame and dialogue in Wuzhishan.

Obviously, if they can't find the missing person, they will face extremely severe punishment.

Qin Feng listened to the dialogue between the three people. Although there was not much communication between them, some of them probably still can understand. From the discourse of these three populations, they are looking for people now, and they are looking for a woman.

This place is the Buddha world, it is the Buddha country!

Especially in the Lingshan, where is the woman? !

When I heard the ‘woman’ in the mouth of these three little Buddhas, in the mind of Qin Feng, a name was instantly revealed, Luo Qinghan!

That is to say, Luo Qinghan has disappeared. Now, not only is he looking for himself, but even these small Buddhas in the Buddha world are looking for it. It’s just... Qin Feng’s heart is very strange. Luo Qinghan is a weak woman, in the Buddha world. How could it be missing? !

Even if it is missing, within the Buddhist world, it is in the control of the Buddhas. How can Luo Qinghan live? !

There is only one explanation that Qin Feng can think of.

That is, someone has intervened in this matter!

If it is not the strength of Luo Wei's cold end, how could it disappear from the Buddha's world so quietly, Qin Feng walked under the Wuzhi Mountain, looked up at the mountain, his eyes were slightly condensed, his brow slowly Wrinkled up.

He found clues in this Wuzhi Mountain.

Stepping out, the figure is like the wind, directly into the Wuzhishan.

Even if it is forbidden, it can't be empty, but it is not difficult to climb such a Wuzhishan in the flesh of Qin Feng.

What's more, since it was possible to control Sun Wukong's golden body, the ban on the existence of this mountain has been completely withdrawn.

The Wuzhi Mountain, which was banned, was removed. For Qin Feng, there is no difficulty in climbing.

After entering this mountain forest, Qin Feng's body shape swiftly passed, and the mountains and forests along the way, Qin Feng can see many traces on the road. These traces are all left behind by people.


Qin Feng’s footsteps suddenly stopped.

On his left side, there is a small piece of thorns, and there are scattered weeds between the thorns.

The Qin wind can be clearly seen. There are a few traces of blood on the sharp thorns. It is stained on the thorns. There are one or two broken crepe cloths. The Qin wind squats slightly.

Reach out and pick up the crepe, from which...

Actually, there is a faint lingering fragrance. This kind of fragrant fragrance is naturally impossible to be the Buddhas from the Buddha world. This is the fragrance of women!

Qin Feng’s brows slowly wrinkled at the moment.

Naturally, Qin Feng decided that this was left by Luo Qinghan!

Broken clothes and residual blood.

Judging from the signs of this, Luo Qinghan... The current situation at this moment is not too good.

Moreover, Qin Feng’s heart is also very puzzled. Why is the Buddha’s world so big that Luo Qinghan must enter Wuzhishan and do what Wuzhishan does? Why did it disappear in the Wuzhi Mountain? !


For Qin Feng, this matter can be regarded as a clue. Since there is a clue, you can follow this clue to find it!

Among the eyes, the blood on the thorns is reflected.

The blood left behind is the guideline of Qin Feng! 2k novel reading network

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