The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1102: One bureau

The wind is blowing.

Scratching through the forest, causing a sneaky sound, making people feel like a cold man.

Among the Wuzhishan jungle, Qin Feng slowly stood up, frowning at the shackles in his hand, and then... slowly closed his eyes.

It knows the land of the sea.

A vast and innocent sea of ​​knowledge, the land of the center of the crape myrtle, which radiates a golden red and white light, that is where the great saint is.

At this time, there is a glimpse of the gods directly into the great inheritance of the Holy Spirit. This is the knowledge of Qin Feng, in which... Look for the index method he wants!


Two interest rates...

Three interest rates.

When the third interest came, Qin Feng opened his eyes.

At the same moment, from Qin Feng’s body, there was a very strange atmosphere. After this breath appeared, it was the small piece of thorns in front of him, those blood stained on the thorns.

It was slowly floating from the table of thorns, one point, one drop.

These blood, slowly going up, suspended in front of Qin Feng, and finally gathered together, turned into a blood group, creeping, this blood group was turned into a **** bird!

After the appearance of the blood bird, several fluttering, hovering around the Qin wind, then looking for a direction, galloping away.

Qin Feng did not hesitate in the slightest, followed by!

This blood bird is condensed with blood from the cold and cold. After Qin Feng blessed with the secret method, it will automatically pursue the source. This blood bird... will bring Qin Feng to the place where Luo Qinghan is located.


South of Lingshan, small mountain stream.

The sound of water, the sound of blue water, is endless.

Tang Sanzang is still on the bluestone next to the river. The whole person does not seem to have the slightest change of look. Beside this bluestone, Luo Qinghan is wearing the broken robes, and there is no trace of blood on his face.

In the eyes, there is a very lost color.

She does not want Qin Feng to come.

But... When I learned from the Tang Sanzang mouth that Qin Feng really would not come, the unspeakable despair spread in my heart.

At this time, the look of Tang Sanzang changed fiercely!

People actually stood up from this bluestone.

Even Luo Qing, who is next to Qingshi, was suddenly shocked by Tang Sanzang, and looked down to Tang Sanzang.

“The female donor remembers, don’t leave the area for ten miles.”

Tang Sanzang left a sentence in a row, and in front of the tower, the body shape disappeared directly into the place.

at the same time.

The top of Lingshan, the main hall of Daxiong.

Among the majestic halls, Buddha statues come to the knees above the lotus platform.

In this hall, only a few figures exist, but the identity of these figures is extremely simple, just one is enough to make the worlds shocked.

“Can you find out?”

The sound of the coming echoes within this treasure hall.

There was a bit of anger in the tone.

The Buddha world has the most powerful and perfect ban on all the worlds. It is actually able to sneak into the air. When this news comes into the ears, it is instantly furious!

“Recalling the Buddha, the person who broke into it is extremely weird, and no trace has been found yet.”

The obituary, the words have just been exported.

There is a near-suffocating atmosphere that appears in this hall.

At this time, the front end of the treasure hall, there is a person, stepping out from this temple, a white robe, face handsome and beautiful, like a woman.

Come, it is Tang Sanzang.

"Disciple, see Master."

Tang Sanzang came to the center of the hall, hands clasped together, and bowed to the Buddha statue above.

"Golden Scorpion, there is one thing for the teacher to deliver to you."

The sound of the coming is slowly exported.

"Someone broke into the Buddha world and ordered you to find this person and bring it here."

"The disciple obeys."

Tang Sanzang did not hesitate any more, and once again led the ceremony.

Then, a turn and disappeared directly into the hall.

The rest of the buddhas are also one by one, and finally... in this temple, only two people exist.

First, it is the Buddha statue.

Second, it is the ancient Buddha.

"Is it wrong if you let Jin Zizi do this thing."

The ancient Buddha, the gray-brown eyebrows fell to the mouth, and there was a hint of color in his eyes. He looked at the direction of the temple door where the golden scorpion left.

"Moreover, I haven't figured out who it is, if not him..."

The words of the ancient Buddha have not been finished yet, and the voice of Sakyamuni is sounding: "The golden scorpion is my own biography. If he can't find the person who broke in, there is very little in the Buddha world. Make it happen."

"One more time, whether it is him or not, you must not be light."

Between the words, there is a hint of twilight in the eyes of Sakyamuni.

"In addition, the things of the Wansheng Buddha still require the ancient Buddha to work harder."

Sakyamuni looked at the ancient Buddha, and the ancient Buddha did not speak, just nodded.

Wansheng Buddha is the golden body of Sun Wukong.

For the present Buddha world, Sun Wukong's golden body is an unparalleled treasure, and it is a treasure that is far from being developed to the extreme! Although the person who broke into this time has not yet been identified, if it is really the ‘that person’ coming...

"The old man has a lot of heart."

The ancient Buddha of the burning lamp slightly decapitated, and then the body shape slowly dissipated in place.

The entire Daxiong Hall, there is one person left... Sakyamuni.

But just after a break, on the side of his lotus platform, there was a person, and his figure slowly appeared.

The person who appeared, the whole person is blooming golden light, can not see its true appearance, but from it, it is a very cold atmosphere.

For the people of the Buddha world, such a breath...

Extremely rare!

"Array, can be clothed."

The voice of Sakyamuni, slowly opening.

“Returning to the glory, the nine lotuses and forged gods have been arranged and can be started at any time.”

The man who was fascinated by the golden light echoed back, and the voice was cold.

"it is good."

Hearing this answer, there is a glimmer of expectation and a touch of enthusiasm in Sakyamuni’s eyes.

All the movements of the Buddha world are under his control.

On the surface, he did not say to anyone, even the ancient Buddhas of the burning lamp did not know the true and false. Before the Buddhas, he also pretended that he did not know who entered the world of Buddhism, but in fact...

Sakyamuni is just to stun the snake.

Just for... to lay a game!

The next one, the one that can succeed in one fell swoop!

The ‘Nine Lotus Forged Gods’ is the core of this game.

In Sakyamuni, in the eyes of this Buddha's Buddha.

A sacred body with only 30% strength, and a victorious Buddha who can play 10% of the peak strength, the difference between the two strengths, a contrast, its guilty, heavy, stubborn, and incomparable. 2k novel reading network

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