The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1109: One palm!

"Spout the monkey to escape!"

The voice of Sakyamuni sounded calm.

However, if you listen carefully, you can find out that this voice contains anger!

The whole body is Shakyamuni, which is hidden in the golden light. At this moment, the hand is facing the sky, and the palm of the hand is directly hit out. Time... There is a huge golden palm, which is absolutely pressing toward the Qin wind!

This golden palm is actually solidified in the golden light!

As for the other buddhas, even if they want to shoot at this time, there is no chance. They are shot... they are unable to keep up with the speed of the departure of ‘Qinfeng’.

The peak of the center of the Lingshan enchantment, the 'Qin Feng' figure is already about to arrive.

The golden hoop in his hand, the ten dragon spirits condensed into one, with a very arrogant force, emerged from the golden hoop, it is necessary to break the enchantment of Lingshan!


At this time, the huge palm behind him was already chasing it up.

The corner of the eye, slightly back.

When I saw this huge golden palm, there was a trace of anger in the eyes of ‘Qin Feng’. For this chasing palm, ‘Qin Feng’ is no stranger!

Once, he was pressed by such a palm for five hundred years!

Again? !

Nothing is possible!


‘Qin Feng’ is very clear. This is Shakyamuni’s personal shot. This is only the strength of the palm of the hand. It is definitely the peak of this world, and it is definitely not what I can bear at the moment.

What's more, this flesh is the flesh of Qin Feng...!

However, ‘Qin Feng’ has no choice but to fight back. All his strengths are the golden hoops that are condensed in his hands. This power... will be all the power that ‘Qin Feng’ now has.

He needs to use this force to open the enchantment that envelopes Lingshan.

The enchantment that envelops Lingshan is far less sturdy than the Sanskrit enchantment that covers the hill. It is enough to break the martial arts with the power of 秦风!

It can be the same, ‘Qin Feng’ has no way to take care of this huge golden palm behind him.

"Don't worry about the back."

At this time, the voice of Qin Feng echoed in the sea of ​​knowledge. This is the true voice of Qin Feng. He naturally knows the current situation.

The only way, only one!

That is to gather all the power, open the Lingshan enchantment, and rush out!

As for the palm that is chased behind him, only... hard resistance!

"it is good."

The voice of Sun Wukong is also echoing in the sea.

The reason why he did not make a decision is because this flesh is the flesh of Qin Feng. Once the huge palm is hit, Sun Wukong is a sacred mind, and at most he falls asleep.

Injury, it is all to leave Qin Feng!

The dialogue and thinking between the two people is just a matter of moments. The golden hoop in the hands of ‘Qin Feng’ has the sound of dragons and screams!

In the eyelids, there is a flame burning and burning. In the eyes of 'Qin Feng', a gap at the top of the enchantment is grasped. The golden hoop in the hand, without any hesitation, slams forward. .

And almost at the same time, the golden giant behind him, fiercely pressed on the body of Qin Feng!


Two impacts, bursting at the same time, the whole world... It seems to be completely destroyed!

The golden light of this time, at this time, is full of the days of the entire Buddha world...!

Bang! Booming...!

The sound is still echoing between the heavens and the earth, and has not stopped for a long time.

After a full half of the tea time, when all this was completely subsided, all the big phoenixes were all in the same place.


This enchantment that enveloped Lingshan has completely collapsed.

The figure of Qin Feng, this time is also disappeared in the Buddha world, the sky is no longer a figure, it is no longer a breath.

Before the Buddhas, Sakyamuni, who was hidden in the golden light, had an extremely angry atmosphere. All the people, when they noticed the breath of Sakyamuni, were all ones. Dare to arbitrarily move, all are volley in place, the heart is shaking!

They have been for a long time, and have not felt the anger of Buddha!

"This matter, this seat needs an explanation."

From the golden light of Sakyamuni, a voice came out very coldly, and all the Buddhas in the presence of the Buddha were trembled under this voice.


In fact, my heart is clear.

Just... It’s absolutely unusual happening!

The Sanskrit enchantment that covers the hill has an extremely powerful enchantment. It is the infusion of the power of many great Buddhas, and the monkey is only a kind of thought. Even if it absorbs the power of the golden body, it is at most 30%. There is no such thing. Breaking through the enchantment!

The only explanation is that there is only one.

That is... someone helped the monkey!

Because this enchantment is extremely difficult to break from the inside out, but from the outside to the inside, it is extremely easy!

Just open a gap on the outside, then the splashing monkey can follow the gap and directly rush out of the enchantment!

After Sakyamuni’s words were finished, the figure was in the golden light, slowly dissipating, leaving only the piece of Buddha who was in the same place, not knowing the Buddha.

Among the buddhas, the golden scorpion looks calm. He naturally heard the words of Sakyamuni. He even saw the gaze of Sakyamuni hidden in the golden light.

The sentence that seems to be said to all people in the Buddha world.

Actually, Kim Jong-il is very clear in his heart. The words just said to him.

The tricks he made may be able to make other people in the Buddha world unable to detect it, but it is impossible to escape the eyes of Sakyamuni.

After all, this one, but his master is the Buddha of the Buddha!

It is impossible to make a means in front of Sakyamuni and to smash it.

The reason why Shakyamuni was not broken on the spot was nothing more than leaving a face to Kim Min-soo. After all, Kim Jong-il... is his pro-disciple.

I broke my golden scorpion and was also playing my own face.

For the golden scorpion, it was discovered by Sakyamuni.

At this point, Jin Zizi had already anticipated it at the moment he shot.

However, he did not regret this matter.

Or, it is happy, it is happy.

I finally did something for him...

Lifting it slightly, looking at the land of the sky, there... There is still a broken void that is not closed, compared to the Sakyamuni that he is going to face next.

At this moment, the golden scorpion is even more worried about his apprentice. After all, although he broke the Lingshan enchantment and left the Buddha world, it was clearly visible.

The hand of Sakyamuni, slammed up.

If it is the peak of Sun Wukong, it is natural that this palm is no problem, but now it is just a part of the idea... 2k

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