The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1110: 'witch'! [four more]

Between the dark and deep heavens, there are a large stream of stones floating from time to time, and there are countless pieces of gravel.

Most of these gravel are in the case of flooding and debris, and some residual residue exists.

Floating around the sky all year round, some large-scale, even able to gather into a storm, is one of the most dangerous dilemmas in the sky.

It is unceremonious to say that the monks under the Most Holy Supreme encounter this barren storm, and there is only one ending, that is... the soul is flying.

It is just the scent of this barren storm that is enough to completely shake it.

And in this dark sky, there is an ice blue long rainbow, which is rapidly galloping and searching for something crazy.

When this Changhong condenses, it is awesome... is ice.

At this moment, if the brows of the ice are crumpled, her eyes are anxious.

Previously, when ‘Qin Feng’ rushed out of the Buddha’s world, he would smash the ice out alone, in order to avoid her suffering from the disaster.

When the ice reacts, it is already unable to find the figure of 'Qin Feng'.

there's still one…

Even if the ice is shocked and puzzled, Luo Qinghan... is gone!

If the ice remembers clearly, when the golden palm of Sakyamuni came from the bombardment, the moment... originally, there was Luo Qinghan in his own instrument, and it was automatically from the instrument.

As for what happened next, Bing did not know at all.

She has been looking for three days and three nights in this Tianyu, but she still has not found her own sacred statue.

A pair of ice crystal eyes, sweeping through the darkness of the sky.

Looking for... there is no goal at all.

And the ice at the moment, the breath is extremely unstable, she now needs time to nurse her own injuries, and ... even if she has been so aimlessly looking for it, there is no meaning.

The thoughts in the heart quickly, and then in front of the ice, a void crack appeared, directly... stepped in.

For her, the best way now is to return to the seventh world, return to the autumn and the world, and find the seal and the prince!

If not, just rely on herself.

Do not say that three days and three nights, that is, three or three years, may not be able to trace.

When the ice went away after a cup of tea, the Tianyu field she was in was actually starting to oscillate, with a large pile of gravel that appeared from a distance.

This is the barren storm.

If you are looking at this barren storm from the perspective of the celestial domain, it is just a small area, but if it is put into a world, this barren storm... enough to fill a circle!

Call ~ call! Bang!

The sound of this barren storm, like a ghost crying, is extremely infiltrating.

In this barren storm, there is a stone that is completely different from the surrounding stone... The shape of this stone is more like a person.

The grayish yellow stones are very flat.

Accompanied by this barren storm, I swept forward and wondered where I would eventually go.



it hurts…!

Deep in the soul, there is only one kind of consciousness left.

Qin Feng fiercely opened his eyes!

In the eyes of the woman is a woman's face, the face, the face is exquisite, awesome... is Luo Qinghan.

Moreover, Qin Feng discovered that he and Luo Qinghan were tightly attached together. Luo Qing’s hands were wrapped around the neck of Qin Feng, and the body was pressing Qin Feng.

Luo Qing's body, that is... absolutely first class.

When Qin Feng first saw Luo Qinghan, he was shocked this time. This big star in the cloud water world is very proud.

However, Qin Feng at this time has no time to take care of these physical feelings.

In his eyes... there is doubt.

What is this place? !

Luo Qing Han, how did it appear? !

There is also my own injury...

Qin Feng looked at it and found that although he was injured, he could not be seriously injured. impossible!

You must know that it is the palm of Sakyamuni. If you pick it up with the body of the second body, you can naturally cope with it, but if you use this first body to pick it up.

It’s fortunate that you don’t die, and serious injuries can’t escape!

But myself...

But it was a coma, and under the pain of the second physical experience, I soon woke up.

As for Sun Wukong’s thoughts, it is exhausting the power of savings. When he swayed to the Lingshan enchantment, he was already in a deep sleep. At that time, Qin Feng quickly took over control of his own body. right.

Qin Feng suppressed these doubts in his heart and swept around him. He found himself in a closed stone...!

If there is no guessing, it is the appearance of these stones that allows him to block the deadly blow, so that he can still maintain a clear consciousness.

Just... Where does this stone come from? !

Qin Feng tried to break the stone, but found that his own spiritual power was injected into the stone, as if the stone was like the sea, there was no reaction at all.

And just at this time...!

Above the stone, there are a series of strange lines flowing, these lines are all khaki gleam, slowly... these lines flow over the inner surface of the clod.

do not know why…

When Qin Feng saw these lines, he had an indescribable familiar color in his heart, just like... himself, I have seen the existence of these lines!

The lines are clearer and clearer.

It seems that... it is sketching a pattern, but this pattern is something that Qin Feng has never seen before.

His eyes were smashed by Luo Qinghan. At this time, Luo Qinghan was still in a deep sleep. A pair of closed big eyes and long eyelashes swayed gently.

However, what Qin Feng pays most attention to is the heart of Luo Qinghan. It is actually... there is a faint khaki light, looming.

This makes Qin Fengxin interrupted...!

The strange appearance of this stone, as well as the lines that have never been seen on this stone, are accompanied by the appearance of Luo Qinghan!


He found that in the forehead of Luo Qinghan, it was a khaki-like grain, and it was also looming. These lines flowed little by little, making Luo Qinghan a delicate face, adding a bit of mysterious charm.

Finally... these looming lines converge in the center of the eyebrows of Luo Qinghan.

At the moment when the lines are gathering, there is a very strange and mysterious earthy yellow mark, which is formed by condensation.

It was also the moment when this mysterious imprint was formed...

Qin Feng’s mind suddenly slammed, and he seemed to have seen a picture he had never seen before!

There is a word that doesn't know where to come from... Instantly popping up in his mind!


When this ‘Wu’ word appeared in the moment of Qin Feng’s mind, from the mark of Luo Qing’s cold eyebrows, there was a violent yellow light, and the Qin wind was completely shrouded. 2k novel reading network

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