The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1125: The peach festival will be coming!

The center of the static barren storm.

Qin Feng no longer stayed, single-handedly slamming Luo Qing Han, and went outside the barren storm. He already saw the existence of Feng You and others.

The figure, stepping out of the scope of the barren storm, appeared between the endless heavens and appeared before the demon.

At the moment when Qin Feng’s figure appeared, the seventeen demon emperors, including Feng You and Yu Jun, all stooped toward Qin Feng, and many demon kings, big demon, and demon are behind them. It’s all right, one by one, and the piety is hot!

This scene…

Let the three monks above the hidden spirits, they look at each other, they never thought that from the storm, they will come out with such a terrible existence!

"The enchantress is crouching..."

"In this world, only one person can do this."



The eyes of these three people are concentrated on the body of Qin Feng, a noun appears in their minds, and a figure is displayed in their minds.

That is a figure wearing a golden armor, it is a... the power of one person to fight the Buddha of Heaven!

The name of the figure is called... Qitian Dasheng!

The legs of these three people, this time are already unable to resist the tremor, if they know that this encounter will encounter such a terrible existence, that is, killing them will definitely not take this risk.

To tell the truth, this...comparable to the endless Tianyu to come more shocking!

at the same time.

Qin Feng appeared before the Wan Yao, his brow furrowed slightly, and looked at the dense and fascinating demon in front of him, especially the seventeen demons.

"Why come all."

This sentence reveals the anger of Qin Feng.

Nowadays, the heavens and the world are not peaceful, and the few circles that the Yaozu can easily occupy are the fundamentals of the Yaozu’s current foothold.

And these bounds, but also need to rely on these demons to guard, now all ran here to meet themselves, what is going on? !

Feeling the anger from Qin Feng, the demons are all awkward in their hearts. They can naturally answer and know the answer, but they are not qualified enough to talk at all. They have to bow their heads one by one.

In this case, there are only two people who can speak.

First, it is a secret.

Second, it is Jun Jun.

However, in this case, the secret will not speak.

Because he is not suitable, the existence of the secluded secluded is the military division, the generation of the plan, and instead of the sacred rule of the demon, it is the prince.

If you want to talk now, you should be Jun Jun.

If there are no outsiders here, whether it is a secluded or a prince, the two people who say the same, but since the demons are there, this is something that needs to be taken into account.

Feng You understands this truth, and Jun Jun, naturally understands.

Therefore, after the death of an important silence, Yan Jun’s move toward Qin Feng is a gift again: “The Holy Respect is angry.”

"The boundaries of all my family are laid down in the town, and there will be no mistakes."

"And, now Xianting's 蟠 peach festival has already sent a fairy placard, and all parties are stepping up to participate in the 蟠 peach festival, and no more wars are rising."

Listening to the words of Jun Jun, Qin Feng’s nephew was slightly condensed.

The power of the peach festival...

It was so big that it directly restored the calm of the days.

But actually thinking about it is normal.

Not to mention that the Peach Blossom Festival was originally a blessing for the cause, but anyone who participated in the Peach Blossom Festival can once again eat a peach. This stuff is used to delay the looting of the day, and some people do not want to eat idiots.

It is obvious that the monks of the heavens and the real world are not at the point of fools.

The second one, this is the peach festival, which will be an opportunity for all parties to gather. The most important thing is... this gathering place is in Xianting!


The words of Jun Jun are very subtle.

‘Intensify preparation.’

Originally speaking, it was not a trouble to participate in the Peach Blossom Festival. Xian Ting sent a fairy placard and took the celestial plaque to participate. It was after drinking wine and eating peaches. Going away.


This time, the peach festival is completely different from the previous peach festival!

Nowadays, in all the worlds, the war can burn directly at any time and place. It doesn't look very stable everywhere, but there are a lot of small fights.

It is as if at this moment, on the border of the Yaozu, there are tens of millions of Heavenly Soldiers and Yaozu, who are killing each other.

That, but it is just the tip of the iceberg.

All the places in the heavens and the world, where the forces are handed over, are more or less experimentally tempted or tempted.

As long as the overall situation is certain, these small warfare will be upgraded directly to become a dry frame!

Therefore, participating in this peach festival, whether it is a big force or a small force, is all preparing for it.

Because no one knows, this time the peach festival, in the end... Is it really a peach festival!

Although Jun Jun only has a short sentence, but the smart people talk, do not need to say anything, a word... Qin Feng is the heart of the clear.

He also knows one thing.

He himself also needs to start preparing to go to Xianting to attend the peach festival. This time, the peach festival is extremely important for the status of the Yaozu in the world.

"Let's go back."

Qin Feng faintly opened.

In one word, the secluded side of his side, one raises his hand to the front, and the time... a huge, exuding purple misty giant door, which appears in this void, extremely rich spatial fluctuations, from this Passed out in the giant door.

Qin Feng did not hesitate, stepped in directly.

When Qin Feng stepped in, the seal behind him, and the rest of the demon, the demon king, the size of the demon, are all following in.

After the demons are entering, this giant door slowly closes in this void, and finally... completely disappeared.

That is the moment when this giant door disappears...

In the place below, in the place before the storm, the three monks hidden in the spirit boat took back the horrified eyes.

The shock in my heart is still not calmed down, and all my heart is plopping, and this life is like a slap.


Just a moment, the middle monk, the face of the monk changed dramatically: "Not good!"

Between the subconscious, the three men looked at the barren storm behind this, and saw the still-quick storm, and began to recover again.


Without any hesitation, the three monks, urging the spirit boat to start running again.

Just after the three interest rates, the original static stone storm, once again began to swiftly swept up, the fate of these three people... can be seen unknown. 2k novel reading network

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