The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1126: Doubt doubts


At the moment, Huaguoshan is already entering a quiet night.

The winds of the barren hills, the wind blew past, the sounds of snoring between the peaks, in this cold night, the horror of the heart.

The center of the peaks has a lake, a lake, and a staggered pattern of lines, which will give the seal of the lake no trace of seal.

And just at the moment...

In the land directly above the lake, there are more than a dozen figures, slowly showing the figure from this emptiness, one by one... all wearing red robes.

The one in the middle is the first person.

His robes are very different from those of the people around him, and the **** gold robes, as well as the lines of light that faintly emanate, highlight his distinctive position.

This person is...

The king of the bones.

At this moment, the eyes hidden under the blood robes are full of deep light, that is... the color of anger!

Behind him, several people of the bones were shivering, dare not have the slightest words, and they did not dare to move.

Because... they simply can't give a reason to explain it all.

"Man, where have you been?"

The bone king's voice is extremely **** and export.

This sound, the people behind me, are even moments of empty knees and knees down, all head down, do not know how to say, do not dare to say.

They do...

I don't know what is going on.

The people under the lake suddenly disappeared!


The gang of people who saw him did not have an answer. The bone king was even more angry. A cold 'um', the pressure on his body suddenly came, and the more than ten bones, the several repairs standing on the side were low, and the body shape exploded. Broken, turned into a blood mist to dissipate.

The rest of the people saw this scene, fiercely crazy gimmick: "Wang Shang forgives sin, I wait, I wait... I don't know!"

Almost hard to scalp, this group of people said their own answers.

But this is the moment when the words are said to be exported, and their death...and the coming of it, the bone king is completely furious, and a fierce wave of sleeves, the pressure instantly falls on the people of these bones.


Almost in an instant, these people of the bones are bursting in an instant, and there is no time for asking for mercy.

Killing these men, for the bone king, without any effort, can not solve the anger of his heart, the wind, blowing his robes covering his eyes, revealing the head of the sultry white bone.

The red light of the sultry exudes in the eyes of the girl, and people can't help but feel a tremor.

The bone king looked down and looked at the lines on the lake, and the anger in his eyes could not be stopped.

Among the bones, the struggle between his and the great sacrifices became more and more fierce, and the guardianship of Huaguoshan was arranged by his bone king.

Now that there is a problem here, the Bone Sacrifice will definitely find an excuse to reinvent the prestige of the Bone King in the bones.

The heart of the bone king is that the anger can't stop it!

Hand, creaking.

From the wide sleeves, the bone king stepped out in one step, and the figure appeared directly on the edge of the lake. Looking at the lake, I couldn’t help but have doubts.


From the appearance of this appearance alone, there is no slight fluctuation in the pattern on the lake, and there is no such thing as a collision.

Moreover, the bone king can see the bones of the bones in this array, and the power of the stone is there. It is impossible to leave the lake without any movement.

Although the bone king thinks like this, he still feels the slightest breath under the lake. The person... is indeed, disappears!

"In the end what happened…"

The doubts in the heart of the bones are getting stronger and stronger.

This is also the first doubt in my heart since he became a bone king since the appearance of the bones. How can he not solve the doubts!

In fact, from the beginning of the flood, his bones... have already appeared, but they have never been in the world.

Because the bones of that time were only the slaves of the evil family, and they went deep into the bones.

At that time, the entire ethnic group was hidden in the darkness. The only person was to serve the evil people.

Therefore, when the evil people are in the world and the tyrannical tyrannical, the bones also appear, and continue to act as the eyes and ears of the evil people.

All of this is extremely secretive, and no one knows the true relationship between the bones and the evil people.

This is also why the bones can escape when the evil family is destroyed.

The evil is destroyed, and the bones are silently disappearing.

For the evil people, the glory of the world is a disaster of extermination, and it is an innocent disaster.

But for the bones, it is a life, a big change that can change everything.

The evil people are destroyed, the bones are completely liberated, the bones... will no longer be slaves under the control of evil, they can do their own big things!

From that moment on, from the moment the evil family was completely destroyed, the bones... were the secret plans to start their work.

Recover their ancestors, whose name is ‘dry’!

It was also from that time that the bones began to cast a net between heaven and earth.

The changes in the situation throughout the world are under the close attention of the bones. It can be said that everything that happened between heaven and earth is not the eye that escaped from the bones.

They have always been in the dark.

The bone king looked at the lake in front of him, and there was a fear in his heart. If anything else, he could put it down.

Can only be...

Under the bottom of the lake, what is the suppression? !

That is evil!

For the bones, evil is a very special existence.

Because of the evil family, once... is their master!

Bone King alone, standing on the shore of the lake, after thinking for a long time, finally made a decision, he ... can not easily pass through the lake seal, into the lake.

If you want to enter the lake to find out, you must enter with the big sacrifice, so that you can bypass the power of the stone on the lake.

Although Bone King does not want to take care of the guy, but now, there is no other way.

Hand, lift up a little.

Just after the three-interest time, at the side of the bone king, there is a void ripple, there is a person ... also wearing a **** gold robes, a scepter in his hand, highlighting the identity of his bones.

"Wang, the king can do this, why do you have to call the old man."

As soon as it appeared, the bones of the bones sacrificed a yin and yang swearing words, and suddenly let the bones of the bones, but this bone king has nothing to say.

This time the problem appeared in him, only the same cold voice: "There is a great sacrifice to accompany the king to the lake."

"The order of the king, the old man is obeying."

The big bone sacrifices, all in one word, are all proud. 2k novel reading network

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