The city of Monkey King

Chapter 115: The third Tianbing tour!

"Blood Dan!"

"Xiao Shi brother actually used the banned Dan blood-burning Dan!"

"How is it possible... Will it be a mistake?!"

"Hey, Laozi has long seen that this surname Xiao is not right. No wonder it seems that it is so arrogant. It turned out to be cheating!"

"Let him pretend to be forced on weekdays, this is Shi Lezhi, ah hahaha!"

"One generation forced the king and finally fell."


The voices of various arguments, Xiao Zhanyun's fans are still in shock, can't believe what happened in front of them, and many male students are gloating.

This is also normal, Xiao Zhanyun squats in the weekdays, the key repair is still high, people are handsome, being shackled is a normal thing.

Now, in the case of Xiao Zhanyun, other people feel sorry for themselves if they don’t step on the two feet.

In the field, Xiao Zhanyun was paralyzed.

Listening to the words of the Gongsun in the ear, it is like announcing your own destiny. Sweeping around... I saw a mocking face in the stands, and I saw the spirit of the past that was very optimistic about myself. Masters, the disappointment in the eyes of the present.

Seeing the seven elders of their family, they have already gone six. Even if they are the ones left behind, their own uncles and uncles, there is also the intention of hating iron and not forming steel.

Everything... is telling Xiao Zhanyun a fact.

All are finished!

What Xiaojia’s family, what the Four Seasons King, what the dean of the Dean, is now a dream bubble!

Can't accept it for a while, wow!

Xiao Zhanyun spit out a blood, black eyes, directly on the spot fainting.

At the same time, the ice wall that stood up in the field was also scattered.

Qin Feng looked down on the ground and was lifted away by Xiao Zhanyun. His eyes were light, but he took out the lighter and ignited the smoke that had extinguished his mouth.

This little spurt of vomiting blood seems to have been used to being used.

"The game continues."

Above the sky, Qiao Xuan continued to play the sword volley again, and a powerful voice echoed throughout the Fairy Terrace.

Although Xiao Zhanyun is paralyzed, this winter crown has not completely ended.

The challenge period is about one hour. Now it only takes half an hour. That is to say, Qin Feng will wait for half an hour here.

But no one noticed that on the east high platform, among the group of towering knots and monks, an inconspicuous prehistoric building, seeing Xiao Zhanyun fainting in the ground, revealing a hint of meaning. A deep evil smile.

"Winning is easy..."

Liu Man, next to Qi Linger, looked at Qin Feng, a calm face in the field, and said, that the battle was completely crushed, and Xiao Zhanyun did not have the qualification to fight back.

"That's it, he is abnormal, and the metamorphosis is of course easy."

Qi Linger laughed very happy.

"Do you say that some people will challenge Qin Feng?"

Liu Man swept his eyes around, though noisy, but no one dared to go on.

"The scene just now, whoever dares to go now."

Qi Linger also looked around and estimated that there was no drama.

"Then he is not the winter crown, but he is not a student of our college. It is not very embarrassing to find that there is no such person when he checks the identity."

Liu Man, who was on the side, suddenly thought of this.

"It doesn't matter, the college doesn't stipulate that other people can't go up, right?"

Qi Linger is happy in his heart, and he is too lazy to manage these things.

On the east side of the stand, Gongsun Tong was irritated by Xiao Zhanyun’s blood-staining incident, but Qin Feng was also extremely happy.

After all, Qin Feng's understanding is far beyond his imagination, and he can see it. The other two college spectators, when they saw Qin Feng's performance, their faces were very ugly.

Their faces are ugly, and the grandson is happy with nature.


Just at this time!

Days, suddenly there was a thunderous roar, countless black clouds condensed, the original blue sky and white clouds, instantly became dark, white night into the night!

Gongsun’s face changed, but he did not look up, but kept his original position.

Not only him, but the audience is like this!

How to face this situation, this is the first lesson they have entered into practice.

Rain, slamming down.

Qin Fengzi, who stood in the center of the field, condensed slightly, and the smoke licking at the corner of his mouth just burned out, otherwise it would definitely be destroyed by this rain.

A voice echoed over nine days.

This is a voice that only monks can hear!

"Tianbing inspection, the repair of the lower bounds can not look up!"

Qin Feng’s fist, pinched up...

This time from the last inspection, it seems that it is only three or four days, so come again, in a short time, Qin Feng has experienced three times!

The cloud water industry is only a small end, but it is such a small interface that has been checked so carefully, let alone those big worlds. It is estimated that there are already daily soldiers.

From this point of view, the Heavenly Immortal Buddha is obsessed with the pursuit of the Great St.

Slightly raising the eyes, looking at the monks who are on the east side of the platform, are also like the son, one does not dare to move.

It was mentioned earlier that it is necessary to travel to the world, and at the very least, to achieve the cultivation of the gods, that is to say, the celestial soldiers of these inspections, the lowest is also the god.

For the cloud water industry, the realm of the gods, it is a distant realm, after all, for many years, the strongest is the early stage of the Yuan Ying, but also can not match the fingers of a normal patrol.

Above the dark clouds of the sky, there are two silver armor soldiers, while using the gods to sweep through the interface, while talking.

"Have you heard that? The 36th House of Governors was urgently called into Xianting today, as if something was going on."

Forty-six days in Wanjie, the highest is in Xianting, and the next is divided into 36 Tianfu. On the first day, although Xianting is here, Tianfu can also be established and managed. It is similar to the ancient capital and has a palace. Jingzhao Yifu manages the capital in general.

"Oh, the bigger things are bad things for you and me. I only want to live a safe life. In the previous period, the third day, the demon is erupting, that is, the one that the former demon monkey fell. The black flamingo, the accidental repair as a breakthrough, directly ruined the suppression of enchantment, summoned millions of demons in a few days, dozens of interfaces were destroyed, and the dead Tianbing is even more numerous."

"I have heard about this matter. It seems that it has been calmed down, but it is also said that you and I have not been able to survive. I only hope that this 36th day will be safer. After the inspection, I will continue to the next place."

The first day of the heavenly soldiers, the gods were collected, and the other day was also the same.

Then the two disappeared into the clouds, the black clouds of the sky slowly dissipated, and finally returned to the blue sky and white clouds.

But the repressed atmosphere was left behind.

The entire Xianlingtai, no one has the interest to cheer again.

The successive Tianbing inspections are so intensive, and anyone who is in the heart will be afraid of it. After all, Yunshui... is just a small interface.

Once there is a big turmoil, for those powerful beings, one finger can be smashed! 2k novel reading network

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