The city of Monkey King

Chapter 116: make trouble! [Three more]

The heavy rain stopped and the black clouds dispersed.

Qin Feng raised his head and looked at the blue sky and white clouds. There was a touch of cool color in his eyes.

He has a great heritage, knows the secrets of many sacred Buddhas, and knows what they are doing. The so-called fairy Buddha, but the shit!

In addition, Qin Feng still remembers that, in the open-air balcony of the suite, the soldier’s eye gave him a vomiting blood injury.

There is also the disdain in the eyes, depending on the ancestors of the ancestors, Qin Feng firmly records the heart.

This is true of the little Heavenly Soldiers, let alone those high-spirited Xianfo, the so-called educated sentient beings, and the high-pitched Pudu world, all of which are farts.

No demon, how come to the fairy, if there is no magic, how to become a Buddha!

The demon mortal achieves the sacred Buddha, but the sacred Buddha does not put the mortal demon into the eyes, and the mortal buddy, the enchanting, the devil.

What they did, but the ‘thinking of the sky’ in their mouth.

If Xianfo’s ‘For Heaven’s Way’ is the demon slayer, then the demon’s sinister annihilation is not a bad idea.

Retracting the eyes, Qin Feng swept through the surrounding of the Xianlingtai, including the knot-bearing monks on the eastern high platform, these ‘strong people’ in the cloud waters.

For these people, Qin Feng only saw sadness, weakness, and helplessness.

A glimpse of the world, and stealing.

After a brief silence.

Qiao Xuan is the first one: "Can anyone still challenge?"

The voice echoed in this, and at the end, it was no one after all.

After the end of the winter crown, Qin Feng naturally won this so-called champion, but for him, there is no point at all.

Instead, he and the elated Xing Linger are ready to leave together.

One person found him.

"Pan Lingshi, what are you looking for?"

Qi Linger looked at the serious middle-aged man standing in front of him. He couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty. After all, Qin Feng’s identity is not a college student. At this time, he was found on the door. Obviously, there is no good thing.

"The vice president of Gongsun asked the student to have something to talk about, and Miss Qi San would not stop it."

Pan Yang is looking at Qin Feng by the slab.

"No, absolutely not!"

Qi Linger went straight ahead in front of Qin Feng.

"Go back, I will go find you later."

At this time, Qin Feng pressed her hand on her shoulder and pulled Qi Linger back.

"lead the way."

Looking up at this Pan Yang, the original serious Pan Yang when I saw the eyes of Qin Feng, it was a sigh of relief, with a cold sweat came out.

He has been repaired as a mid-term foundation, but he has a feeling of guilt in the eyes of this trainee. It is no wonder that Vice President Gong Sun will personally summon.

"please follow me."

Pan Yang walked in front, and Qin Feng was slowly following behind.

"This guy, he doesn't know if I am guarding him?!"

Qi Linger looked angry and looked at the back of Qin Fengyuan, and kept squatting.

"Well, Linger sister, maybe the vice president of Gongsun is looking for him something, don't worry~"

Liu Man, aside, comforted.


Niu Dazhuang is also stepping up with a few words, which means that he also agrees with this statement.

"You are a fart!"

Qi Linger squinted at the big and strong, and Niu Dazhuang could only bow down and bowed.

ten minutes later.

The main peak of Xianling Mountain, the high spirits of the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faith in the weekdays.

"The vice president of Gongsun and several immortals are waiting for you inside, please."

Pan Yang stayed under the 100-meter steps outside the temple, but he did not keep up. Qin Feng walked up slowly.

Not only is it not nervous, but it is a slow smoke.

After all, these people have to ask themselves what Qin Feng can probably guess.

At the moment of stepping into the main hall, sweeping across the two sides, the furnishings in the temple are very particular, revealing a majestic mystery, like the palace of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

There are eleven people sitting on both sides of the temple, and the first dean, the grandson, is sitting in the first seat.

"Who are you, why come to my Faerie?"

Gongsun Tong did not speak. It was the mouth of a white-haired old man on the left. The old man named Yan Qing, who was already in the middle of the knot.

Qin Feng smoked and squinted at the old man: "In the Qin Dynasty, I was asked by my friends."

"Where to do it!"

Yan Qing continued to ask, with a feeling of intimidation in the voice, I thought that so many Dan monks could scare Qin Feng, but it was not used.


This little is the inheritance of Qitian Dasheng, the eye is the world of Wanjie, is the endless fairy Buddha, a small knot Dan Xiu is a fart, but also want to hold on to himself, first go back and drink for a few years, wow haha.

"make trouble."

Qin Feng retracted his eyes and said two words faintly.

When the words came out, suddenly fried the pot! No one thought that Qin Feng would come to such an answer!

"There is such a reason, it is so rude, where are you at Xianling College!"

The first one to blame is the old man named Yan Qing, who has the first one, that is, the second one, the third one...

Throughout the temple, this group of old men, who are usually in the air, are all like the shrews.

Qin Feng is very calm, just smoke, and come from time to time.

Because he knows that it doesn't matter how angry these old men are, as long as the old guy sitting in the first place doesn't speak, everything is fine.

Obviously, Gongsun is not angry with this old guy, and even sees this scene a little bit of laughter.

At the same time, outside the temple, Qi Linger rushed toward the Fairy Hall, followed by Liu Man and Niu Dazhuang.

"Miss Qi San, Vice President Gong Sun and other immortals are talking about important things, you can't go in."

Pan Yang was waiting under this step. As soon as he saw the three Qi Linger who came running, he quickly stopped.

"Pan Lingshi, who can you have today?"

Qi Linger looked at Pan Yang and said in a hurry.

When Pan Yang listened to this, his face suddenly changed: "It is Zun Zun, the family owner will take me back from the roadside, raise me, give me the opportunity to enter the Faculty of the Faculty, and now I am building the foundation, the grace of the family, Pan Yangyong I don't want to forget."

"Okay, then you let me in now."

Qi Linger continued to speak.

"Miss Three, one yard of one yard, although Qi has re-created the grace of me, but today Pan Yang can never let you in."

"! You are mad at me!"

Qi Ling's childishness is in the same place.

At this time, across the hundred meters, it is possible to hear the roar of the old men who came out of the Hall of Fame.

"This son, this child bullies me, the fairy spirit is too strong, it must be severely punished, and severe punishment!"

Qi Linger's face changed, and when Pan Yang was listening to the words in the temple, he did not say anything and rushed straight up the steps.

"Three Miss!"

At this time, when Pan Yang was ready to step forward to stop Qi Linger.

A burly body rushed over and hugged him directly.

"Thick and thick!"

Niu Dazhuang picked up Pan Yang and ran back. Although Pan Yang was a mid-term monk, but the body was wrapped, the small technique was useless, and the powerful one was afraid to directly kill Niu Dazhuang.

I can only look at the farther and farther Qi Linger.

"Ha ha ha...!"

Liu Man stood in the same place, watching Niu Dazhuang hold the appearance of Pan Yang running, laughing straight stomach pain. 2k novel reading network

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