The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1151: Pangu Axe

Ling Xiao Temple.

Cold and empty.

In the center of the hall, the back of the earth brow was frowned. He had already received the news that the mother... had already settled in the lotus pond.

All the people in the world are waiting in the lotus pond, waiting for the appearance of the Jade Emperor.

If there is no Jade Emperor, this time there will be no way to hold the peach festival.

And it is at this time.

From outside the temple, there is a voice coming.

The Ziwei Emperor and the Shanggong Emperor walked in from outside the temple. When they entered the temple, they were all Qiqi, and they said that they were exactly the same as the Houdi Emperor.

All are, to the Jade Emperor to go to the lotus pond.


At this time, suddenly, in this Lingxiao Temple, there is a strange circle of law, shrouded in appearance, these three emperors, face change!

"this is……!"

The Ziwei Emperor looked at the golden star point that appeared around him. He couldn’t recognize what it was.

Since the Ziwei Emperor couldn't see the way, the Houdi Emperor and the Shanggong Emperor naturally couldn't understand it. They all had shocked faces, but because of the presence of the Jade Emperor, these three emperors were not good at doing anything, just standing in the same place. .

At this time, the voice of the Jade Emperor sounded.

"The three emperors are the skeletons of the shackles. They are the right arm of the shackles."

The voice of the Jade Emperor fell into the ears of the three great emperors. The three men did not make a sound, because he knew that the words of the Jade Emperor were not false.

The three of them are the absolute cronies of the Jade Emperor.

With the Jade Emperor, in the same boat.

If it is Xianting, Jade Emperor, then the three of them... must be dead in front of this. No matter whether it is the Tao or the Buddha, they will not let the three of them continue to live in this world.

It can be said that their lives and the life of the Jade Emperor are like a grasshopper on a rope. This rope is Xianting. If the rope is broken, it will die.

There is no trace of luck.

"Life and life, willing to follow the majesty, the saddle before the horse, the liver and brain!"

Ziwei Emperor, this time fierce on one knee, slamming his hand, saying something, showing loyalty.

Immediately afterwards, the Houdi Emperor and the Shanggong Emperor all squatted on one knee and repeated the words spoken by the mouth of Ziwei.

And around the three of them, there are more and more golden stars appearing, they even found that under the soles of the feet... there are lines of outlines.

The center of this Lingxiao Temple, slowly... became somewhat transparent.

There is a vague figure that is reflected in their eyes.


It is a huge body.

One...the body without a head!

"Hey, I want to take you to see something."

It was at this time that the Jade Emperor above the seat stood up.

Step by step, walk down the ladder of the platform.

When the Jade Emperor walked the last step, the center of the Lingxiao Temple was completely transparent. Under the Lingxiao Temple, the huge body shape...

Already, it was completely reflected in the eyes of the three people of Ziwei.

The three of them...

It’s also from the wilderness. At a glance, it can be seen that this huge figure, in the end... is how it exists!


Endless sky.

At first glance, there is no margin at all.

There is a white streamer, galloping between the heavens, and encountering some of the ruins of the mainland will stop, enter the search for these wild debris, and then ... leave again.


The white streamer slowly dissipates at this moment.

The appearance of an old man, this is... Bodhi ancestor.

At this time, in front of Bodhi's ancestors, there was a vast expanse of land that was floating in the sky without a sound.

The rich violent wildness is shrouded in this fragmented continent.

"Oh, it’s a coincidence, it’s really a coincidence!"

At this time, a blue-and-white Changhong came out of the air, and then stayed on the side of Bodhi's ancestors, amazed... a handsome man in a white robe.

"Flower without tears, how come you come again."

Bodhi’s ancestors swept their eyes on this handsome man and said.

In turn, his face was slightly confused: "You are with Zhenyuan?"

"Oh, Bodhi's ancestors are the Bodhi ancestors. I can't compare such a small person. I can see at a glance that I am with Zhenyuanzi Daxian. This is not the case. Another body happens to meet him. Drink tea and chat together."

I said without tears.

He has thousands of real bodies.

These thousands of real bodies can interfere with each other's actions, so his true body can be mixed with Zhen Yuanzi in Xianting, or he can have a true body, ‘experience’ Bodhi ancestor.

Of course, the ‘accident’ speech, Bodhi’s ancestors naturally do not believe.

Endless Tianyu is so big, if it can be met, then the two are not the fate of thousands of generations.

"Predecessors, look at that."

I don’t have to talk about other things, but I’m just lifting my fingers and pointing to the mainland of the wild debris.

"What are you looking for?"

Bodhi’s ancestors glared at the fragmented continent, and they looked at the flowers without tears.

"What is the predecessor doing?"

I didn’t answer without tears, but I asked.

"The ancient axe of Pangu, the day of the formation of the heavens and the earth, split into four, guarding the floods of the east and the west, maintaining the stability of the heavens and the earth. After the floods collapsed, the ancient axe fragments disappeared."

"From 90,000 years ago, I counted the Pangu Axe and was being collected by people."

"There are four pieces, and three of them have been collected. The Pangu axe is abnormal and must not fall into the hands of the monks."

Bodhi’s ancestors did not think about what to do with tears in their flowers. After all, since the flowers will be found without tears, it is naturally the same as his purpose.

To say this, it is not a secret.


There is no tears in the smile: "The predecessors did not say this."

"What good people are swearing, nothing more than trying to rule the world, Zhang Bairen has found this fourth Pangu Axe 30,000 years, still no trace."


The Bodhi ancestors frowned and looked at the flowers without tears.

This flower has no tears, how do you know so clearly...

Even Bodhi's ancestors can only know that some people are collecting Pangu axe fragments, but a deduction can also be known as the Jade Emperor.

However, even if it is him, it is impossible to know the specific process of the Jade Emperor collecting Panguax. It can be known that the Jade Emperor had collected the third piece of the ancient axe 30,000 years ago.

It is definitely a confidant in the jade confidant!


Bodhi’s ancestors looked deeply at tears, and there was a speculation in his heart.

This flower has no tears, is it not a true body, is the absolute cronies around the Jade Emperor? ! And the confidant who can be exposed to this level of confidentiality, the jade emperor ... can count the number, but the five fingers.

Each one is a famous generation of the world. 2k novel reading network

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