The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1152: Mr. Aoi

"If the seniors are still hesitating, then I will take the first step."

Flowers without tears, a slight smile.

In the hands of the folding fan, the body shape made a long rainbow, galloping toward the debris of the mainland below, Bodhi ancestors saw the eyes without tears.

The white eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and the figure... is also turned into a long rainbow, going toward the debris continent.

There are no tears in the flowers, just come with one's own body.

Naturally, Bodhi’s ancestors are not true, but only one of his many incarnations, more accurately... Bodhi’s ancestors are not real, they are all incarnations.

His true body is in the Sanxing Cave, a slanting moon, a place where no one can find.


The Xianting event remains the same.

at the same time.

The nine tails swallow the wolf family, where the family is.

Clouds, long days.

The wind, accompanied by these clouds, roars in this world.

The clan of the nine-tailed swallows is a vast continent, with a small and half-bone world. It was the ancestor of the nine-tailed swallow.

And at the moment.

In the northwest of this tribe.

There is a place of continuous temples, here... is the nine-tailed family, one of the last two of the four families.

Green glaze.

The other is now the 'king' family.

As for the other two, it has long since vanished, and with the ‘Tianjiu Wang’ of the past, it disappeared into the long river of history.

The rest of the green glaze, the days are also very bad.

It has always been suppressed. If it is not the owner of this glaze, it is a sneak peek, and it is feared that this slate is long gone.

This day.

The children of the entire Qingli family are gathered together in the ancestral hall, and the collateral system, which adds up to thousands of people, is gathered in this vast ancestral hall square.

These young children, who are gathered together, don’t know what to do.

I just received the iron order of my homeowner. Today... I can’t go anywhere, I can only go back to the place of the family ancestral hall, there are... big things to announce!

"what is going on?"

"I do not know either…"

"There was a sudden news that the family had a big event to announce."

"What's big? Now we can still have something big in the veins. The royal family is holding us a clan. Last month, it was the status of our family, and it was ups and downs. We have no voice in the family. ""

"The royal family? Hey, on the Dongyu line, can they count on the royal family?! In the past, even the hair of our green glass can't catch up. If it is not the support of the Xianting group, this Dongyu pulse Can you sit on the throne?! It is also shameless to change the surname to 'Tianjiu', which is really shameless."

"Hey! You can say this here, you can't talk nonsense."

"I naturally know."



The voices of various arguments were uploaded in this ancestral hall. Most of the children of these glazed veins were very unhappy, and they were one of the four kings of the former king.

Everywhere was suppressed, the incumbent king, the intention is very obvious.

It is to be slowly, and finally the whole green glass will be swallowed!

These children of Qingli are more or less comfortable. They are not very comfortable. Now they are gathered together. Everyone is their own. Naturally, there are many taboos. How to say it.

At this time, suddenly someone shouted.

I saw that in the hall of the ancestral hall of the green glass, there were people who came out one after another. Every one of them was extraordinary, and the body had a long-lasting high.

And when these young children see the appearance of these people, they are even more exclaimed.

"Look, that is the owner of Fuyu!"

"Wait... this, this is the owner of Kuihai!"

"The owner of Angelica!"



There are still another figure, appearing in the door of the temple. Every time there is one, it will cause a big wave. The children of these green glass are all rounded out.

I can't believe it, I can't believe it, because the children of these green glass know that these people are all high-level people.

They are all old people in the family. Their right to speak, if added up... enough to make the king, have to be convinced!

But now, these people are actually gathered together.

The charm, but anyone with some IQ, is able to guess!


Different moods are permeated in the hearts of the children of the green glass.

Some people, with a snoring in their hearts, can't help but feel a little imaginary, although on the surface they are very dissatisfied with the 'Dongyu Yimai' to seize the throne, but ... is also afraid, if it really does, Dongyu has a graceful support .

No matter how powerful the nine-tailed family is, it is only a family. In front of the huge Xianting, it is simply not enough to see.

And some people, this time is the flame of the ‘war’ in the heart, and the screaming of these people... these people are already unhappy!

Dongyu a vein of those slag!

With Xianting doing the backing, what about? !

Regardless of the ancestors of the ancestors, relying on the external force of Xianting, stealing the throne of the Tianjiu, and even let the proud nine-tailed swallows become the vassal of Xianting.

It’s simply unbearable!

When the atmosphere of the crowd is getting more and more fierce, when a person appears, the atmosphere of the square is instantly burned to the highest point.

The door of the hall of the ancestral hall of the green glass, the most central place, the last person... stepped out of it.

It was a man dressed in a blue and white robes, his face was very beautiful, with a jade crown, and the long silver hair was neatly and orderly scattered behind him.

The corner of the mouth, with a habitual smile.

The appearance of this person, so that the children of the entire green glass, instantly became bloody.

This man dressed in blue and white robes is the owner of the green glass, and the glazed silver hair is the symbol of his status.

Among the nine tails of the swallows, only the real royal family, with pure silver long hair, is only the royal family, with a void of inflammation!

The rest of the tribe.

If it is powerful, the blood can move infinitely toward the royal family. The evolution and color will also become silver. It can also have the power of flames that are infinitely close to the void.


How infinitely close, not the real royal family!

Green glass, with a shallow smile on the corner of his mouth.

Around him, there are more than a dozen people. These people... are now the heads of the nine-tailed family, the heads of the seventy-sevenths of the homeowners, and their existence makes Cui Yiyi more confident in his heart.


That big event that is about to begin!

"You are."

In his mouth, there was a clear voice, echoing in the square above the hall of the temple. 2k novel reading network

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