The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1155: Enter the temple, kill!

Even if it was the battle of the fairy.

Even if it was the last Sun Wukong gave up the battle of the sky!

At that time, the secret was not surprised.

Because he is able to anticipate the emergence of these things in advance, but now... his face has a slight surprise.

This is to illustrate a problem.

In the past, Feng You never thought about it, there will be such a thing happening, or ... there will be such a guy.


Qin Feng listened to the words of the seal, and the eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Since it is a breath, it is an explanation, that is... a creature.

As for what kind of life, can you feel horrified? !

"The exact existence is there. I can't be sure now. The breath is only in an instant, or I feel it with innate temperament, but it disappears in a flash."

Said the secluded dignified opening.

Even though it was only a moment, Feng You was able to confirm that the existence of that breath... is not unusual, and its strength is beyond the current seal, and it is known to all the people in the world. .


Feng Yu’s heart speculates that even the grandson of Sun Wukong, who was in full bloom, is not necessarily the opponent of this master.


Ling Xiao Temple.

At this moment, outside the Lingxiao Temple, the few soldiers who stood on the post, all of them had cold sweats on their faces.

The three great emperors have been in it for a long time.

However, Ling Xiao Temple, but there is no slight movement.

"I, do we want to remind me?"

"Hurry?! Are you heads squeezed by the door?! You don't know who is inside?!"

"That's the three great emperors, and my Majesty! Let's go!" What are we counting?! Do we have that qualification?!"

"I, I, I... just talk about..."

"Talk about it?! I see that your kid is too long, and I am standing honestly. Who dares to take a look at the temple, Laozi is now disposed of by the military!"



These Heavenly Soldiers, all of them are afraid to move under the scolding.

in fact……

It’s not that they want to go in for obituary, but... these heavenly soldiers can’t help but look at this Lingxiao Hall. It’s already scattered and there are dozens of immortals.

These immortals, all of them are the high-ranking fairy of Xianting.

Usually one of them is enough to make them these small soldiers on the ground, and dare not have any disrespect.

But this time...

These immortals are looking at these heavenly soldiers. The pleadings in the eyes are all about one thing. They are pleading for these heavenly soldiers and going all night.

If it weren't for the guards of this group of Heavenly Soldiers, these Heavenly Soldiers would have long since ran into the Lingxiao Temple.

In fact, these Heavenly Soldiers are still unclear. Why did this Guard Captain suddenly become so much? ! What do you say if these big fairy officials say that they don’t want to look at the slightest look, don’t you want to mix? ! After all, it is not a joke to offend these people. Anyone who can also play a small Tianbing Guard captain is half-dead.

"Lianchi is holding a peach festival. If you don't go in all the way, you will delay the grand meeting. Can you afford it?!"

"You, you have to be taken to the Sendai, beheading the public!"


Finally, these immortals who asked for the Jade Emperor were unable to hold their breath.

Since it is not soft, it will come hard, and each face will be smashed up. If you talk to one more than one, you will have a posture... It’s really on the spot to send these Heavenly Soldiers to Sendai, directly to a public.

"You said that the dagger will be beheaded?! How old are you?!"

Those Heavenly Soldiers were originally frightened by the words of these immortals. After all... From the status identities, these people did have the strength to send them to Sendai.

However, their guard captain, this middle-aged person with a slap in the face, eyes crossed, was actually directly pulled out the sword in his waist, pointing to these immortals.

"I would like to see if you dare to come today, but if you dare to approach, you are arbitrarily arrogant about the Lingxiao Temple and executed on the spot!"

In a word, it was the shock of the immortal officials who were eager to move. They were all shocked to see that this order was not very high.

It is estimated that they never dreamed that one day, they would be shocked by such a low-profile little soldier.

In the few days before the Lingxiao Temple, one by one looked at the back of the guard captain, and my heart was called an uplifting, thinking of his own guard captain, that is a domineering power!

It’s been a long time to look at these high-spirited immortals. The bosses are taking the lead. They are not just white, they are carrying the long shackles in their hands and pointing to these celestial officials.

The guard captain...

The face is just right, but in my heart, it is secretly complaining.

The reason why he was so just, all because of the previous sentence from this Lingxiao Temple, is the mouth of the Jade Emperor, which was handed to him by the Jade Emperor.

This made him wholehearted, and it made his heart tremble.

There is only one sentence.

‘Enter the temple, kill. ’

"Hey, a little guard, can you help me? Ben Xianjun is going to see him now, no one can stop it!"

A middle-aged man with a half-white beard has a contemptuous look at his eyes. He does not put this soldier in his eyes at all. He is walking towards the Lingxiao Temple with his hands on his back.

In his view, the repair of these heavenly soldiers is low, how can they hold themselves, themselves... but the strength of the quasi-holy peak!

"Team, captain?"

"What should I do?"


These few soldiers are looking at the captain of this guard. They don’t dare to stop this hard-hearted immortal official, and they can’t stop it. The strength of this immortal official is higher than them. many.

"Good swearer, die!"

The captain of the guard, his face stunned, the sword in his hand was actually smashed toward this immortal official. This fairy officer was cold and his hand waved, and the momentum was to give the captain of the day to the squadron.

After all, the gap between the two is really too big.

On this day, the captain of the Guards, but only to achieve the cultivation of the Immortals, and this immortal officer is the Quasi-Holy Peak. According to the theory, this fairy officer only needs one finger, and he will be able to kill the captain of the day. .


"The ants in the district, dare to..."

The words of this immortal official have not been finished yet, and the sword of the captain of the Tianbing Guard has already been swayed toward him.

Jianguang, Ling Rui passed.

This fairy official's body of God is actually without the slightest resistance effect. The whole body... was directly split into two halves, even if it was the former, this fairy's eyes were full of horror.

I am afraid I never thought that this day, the soldiers really dared to shoot themselves, but they really cut themselves! 2k novel reading network

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