The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1156: Penalty!

Ling Xiao Temple.

The atmosphere is extremely repressive.

Blood, spread from the body of the celestial being cut into two halves, arbitrarily flowing, so that the air is full of pungent **** smell.

Especially the fairy official who fell to the ground, the body was divided into two halves by a sword, and the two eyes were still rounded. When he died, he did not believe that he was brilliant and quasi-sacred, and he could not do it now.

Finally... I will die in front of the Lingxiao Temple and die in the hands of a little unknown soldier.

Not willing...

I am extremely unwilling in my heart!

But how can you be unwilling to be in your heart? ! Death is dead, and the clarity can be judged... Only then is the sword of the captain of the squadron, and the sword in the sword instantly smashes the soul of this sage.

Soul flies!

It is hard to imagine that this sword, a sword, but the sacred peak of the overhaul, was actually from the hands of a Tianbing Guard who was only a fairy.

Even the captain of the guard himself, looking at the celestial body of the celestial corps on the ground, the whole person is also in a state of arrogance. He himself does not understand the singular operation of his own genius, how can it be just a wave of the hand, it will be In the day, the immortal officer who himself couldn’t afford it, and the high one was on it? !

This is the overhaul of the quasi-holy peak.

I saw these immortals in the weekdays, and I all need to pay homage to the shrine, and I dare not have a slight disrespect!

But now... such a fairy official, but died under his own sword.

First, a glimpse, then there is a refreshing rise in my heart!

The sword in his hand is now fiercely pointing to other immortals. This day, the soldiers began to swell in their hearts. With this sword in front, what are these fairy officers in front of them? ! Dare to step forward, a sword to send you soul to fly!

The rest of the Xianguan saw that this day the soldier pointed at himself with a sword, and all the figures were retrogressive. They all sucked in a cold air.

What they are afraid of is not the captain of the day, but the sword in the hands of the captain.

Even if the idiot understands what is going on, this sword... must be done with any hands and feet. If it is not a heavenly squadron, how can a sword be used to smash the quasi-saint repair, and it is a ghost! This is absolutely impossible!

The person who is doing the tricks on the sword, no accident, is the Jade Emperor!

Do not let into the Lingxiao Temple, is the meaning of the Jade Emperor.

Who dares to say more, this is the best example of the sacred officer who is divided into two halves!

The Heavenly Soldiers stood by the sword, and the immortals before the Lingxiao Temple, no one dared to go forward half a step. If they could not get in, they could only wait outside the temple.

At the same time.

In this Lingxiao Temple, there are golden star points floating in the temple. The stars are everywhere, like the magical galaxy, which is reflected in the eyes, giving people an indescribable intoxication.

Lingxiao Hall, the most central place in it.

On the ground of jade, there is a white gold circle, which is slowly flowing. The lines on it, the one-click and one stroke are all revealing a mysterious meaning, which makes people feel at first glance. This is the ancient ruins of the wild, with a very strong seal on it.

Under this array of law, there is a huge underground palace, the width and height of the underground palace are hundreds of feet, the scope is wide, and there are more than a dozen Lingxiao Temple.

The walls of the palace are all cast in stone, dark and dark, engraved with many strange white gold runes, and from these runes, there is a strange gas, flowing from it, these breaths converge, Wandering throughout the hall.

The entire underground palace, the most prominent of which is the center of the palace.

In the center of the underground palace, there is a high platform. This high platform has a ladder of ninety-nine steps, and above this high platform... there is a huge and extremely huge stone statue.

The stone statue is high, and the shape is extremely strange. It is awesome... no head.

However, at this moment, before this high platform, there was a white gold circle, and on this white gold circle, there were four figures appearing from it.

Four figures, after the three stood, one person was in front.

This former person, with his hands on his back, is the jade emperor Zhang Bairen.

Three people behind him are the Ziwei Emperor, the Houtu Emperor, and the Shanggong Emperor. At this moment... these three great emperors are looking up at the stone statues above the high platform. When they look clearly, the eyes of the three are Unbelievable horror!

When they saw this statue without a stone, the same name emerged in the same mind.

Killing the gods in ancient times: punishment days.

"Your Majesty, this, this is..."

The Ziwei Emperor looked at the stone statue above the high platform, especially when he saw that there was no head, the subconscious took a deep breath and asked with a low voice.

All three of them know that in the past, the punishment days have already been annihilated in the wild, because this **** of killing is too heavy, forcing the ancient gods to shoot them and destroy them under the mountains.

The main shot of the person is the mixed ancestor.

More rumors...

That battle, the mixed ancestor was seriously injured.

You must know what kind of characters are the ancestors of the Peng, but that is the existence of the ancestors of Hongjun.

Even though the mixed ancestor at that time had not yet achieved the chaotic sacred body, it did not break away from the heavens and the earth, but it was also powerful to the point of suffocation.

Absolutely not the current peak of the Holy Week.

Even he fights against the punishment of the heavens, and with the help of the gods, he will slay the punishment day at the cost of serious injury. This shows that the punishment is strong!

"In the past, he did not die."

The Jade Emperor naturally knows the doubts in the hearts of the three people of Ziwei.

After all, the death of the criminal day, this is an indisputable fact in the ancient times, and the shot is the master of the mixed Peng, almost no one will doubt what is wrong with the death of the criminal day.

Therefore, at this moment, when the three people of Ziwei Emperor saw the stone statue of this criminal day, they also learned from the mouth of the Jade Emperor that when the sentence was not dead, the face was even more shocked.

They didn't even think of it. The criminal days of the formerly-pounded ancestors personally killed and killed, but they are not dead. Now... still exist!

"He, just sleeping."

The Jade Emperor faintly opened his mouth, stepped forward, and stepped on the ladder leading to the high platform.

One step, one step, walked up the ninety-nine-story ladder, and walked toward the stone statue of the criminal day. Behind him, three people of Ziwei Emperor looked at each other and saw the dignity in their eyes. They also frowned. The hard scalp followed.

Even though the prison day is the state of the stone statue, even though the Jade Emperor said that this sentence is in a state of sleep at the moment, the three of them are still vigilant.

Just because this punishment has been the prestige!

The sky is cracked, and an axe is enough to make the whole flood out of the sky! 2k novel reading network

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