The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1157: Secret

Ziwei Emperor, Houtu Emperor, Shanggong Emperor.

The three men followed the jade emperor Zhang Bairen, their eyes smashed through the stone statues on the high platform, and looked at the back of Zhang Bairen.

They have never thought about it.

In the past, the criminal days of the undead battle with the ancestors of the Peng dynasty were actually collected by the Jade Emperor. What is even more shocking is that such a **** of killing has been hidden under this sacred temple.

This is the Lingxiao Temple. The three of them have been here many times, but they have never noticed too much.

They can't help thinking, if there is a day...

This is the scene of killing God, suddenly bursting from under the Lingxiao Temple. What kind of scene will it be? ! I am afraid that the entire gods of the Immortals will be squandered by this **** of killing!

"The wilderness is far away, the punishment is too much, and the anger is mixed with the ancestors."

Jade Emperor, walking on this ladder.

The voice, faintly from the mouth, apparently... He is prepared to tell the story of the process of getting himself into the body of the sacred day. The Ziwei, Houtu, Shanggong, and the three emperors behind him are holding their breath, not doing anything. Speech, listen carefully.

"The anger of the mixed Peng, the earthquake in the sky, more than a hundred ancient gods, called for the order of the ancestors of the Peng, gathered in the land of the mountains, to block the power of the heavens, trapped the prison days."

"The mixed ancestor personally shot, and the battle against the day in the battle."

"On that day, the heavens and the earth are discolored, and oh... it happens to be one of the gods."

The voice of the Jade Emperor, when it comes to this time, slightly held up.

He, the identity of the past, is the first child around Hongjun. Although it is a Taoist, it is actually more like a half-disciple.

Many gods and sects will be taught to him. It can be said that they have great trust in them. Otherwise, they will not pass on the precious glory.

Therefore, Zhang Bairen at that time was only a Taoist child, but regardless of his strength or status, he had a certain identity in the wild.

It is not a strange thing to participate in the battle of the gods of the ancestors of the ancestors.

After all, according to the description in the discourse of the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, the participating gods have only one thing to do, that is, they are not able to cut off the great array of heavenly powers.

And the layout of this big array, the purpose of the mixed ancestors is also very obvious.

He has to trap this punishment day so that he does not have a place to escape.

He wants to go into the battle in person, and in this battle, he will kill the punishment day!

The gods are just an aid.

"When the punishment is brave, it is not the opponent of the ancestors of the mixed Peng. In the first battle, the punishment was defeated and the death was fixed."

The voice of the Jade Emperor sounded again.

For Jade Emperor, this is his memory, everything he has experienced.

However, for the three great emperors of Ziwei, Houtu, Shanggong, the Jade Emperor said everything is extremely novel, and it is an ancient secret.

The three of them, although they are also highly qualified seniors, but their qualifications, absolutely no Zhang Bairen, they are also coming from the wild.

However, when they were in the world, the floods had entered the ancient times.

That is to say, in the era when they were born, they have not seen the ancient gods, such as the ancestor of Hongjun, the ancestors of the Peng, the son-in-law, the land pressure...

These people are all out of the world and no longer in the wild.

So the examples of these ancient gods, for the three of them, are only in the secret.

"And, it happens."

The footsteps of the Jade Emperor, now on the ninety-ninth step, stood before the stone statue, the three people of the Ziwei Emperor, also stepped on this step.

When they stood close to the stone statue of the criminal day, their faces became more and more ugly.

They even feel...

There is some rush in my own breathing.

What are the three of them? !

The three emperors of Xianting are the absolute discourse characters of Xianting. They will be shocked by the slap in the face, the whole fairy court, and the whole world.

Plus strength, each is the strong strength of the top seven seven products!

It's hard to imagine that in these days, they are actually in front of a stone statue, feeling nervous, and even can say... fear!

"Oh, if you learn a technique, you can make it die."

When this is the case, Ziwei, Shanggong, Houtu, these three great emperors are all a look, the key point... here!

They did not think of it, the old Zhang Bairen, actually had this courage!

To know……

At that time, Zhang Bairen was not the current world, but not the Jade Emperor. At that time, Zhang Bairen, his identity was just a small Taoist boy under the scorpion.

A little boy, dare to rob people from the hands of the ancestors, it is simply not to die!

After all, at that time, if Zhang Bairen made a small movement and was discovered by the mixed ancestors, the mixed penny only needs a light wave, even just between the fingers, it is enough to make Zhang Bairen die thousands of times and fly away.


The identity of the mixed ancestor is no less than that of Hongjun. If he wants to take a shot at Zhang Bairen, he will never stop Zhang Bairen because of the existence of Gu Jihong. As long as he shot, Zhang Bairen will die.

"At the beginning, I risked the danger of life and death, secretly displayed this law, and reached a contract with the punishment of the day. When the surgery was completed, the death of the body was dead, the body was broken at the bottom of the mountain, and the ancestors of the mixed Peng."

When the Jade Emperor said this, he looked up at the stone statue of the criminal day. In his eyes... it also had a sly color, after all... even if he was Zhang Bairen.

Now think of the time of the year, remembering that thrilling experience, but also can not help but feel a little emotional.

At that time, I was really crazy!

In the eyelids of the mixed ancestor, he made a small movement to grab people, and he was completely playing with fire. Fortunately, he succeeded!

Jade Emperor, raised his hand and landed on the stone statue.

The three great emperors behind him, Ziwei, Houtu and Shanggong, all looked down. They were afraid that the stone would suddenly split, and the sleeping day suddenly awakened.

"For so many years, I have been looking for a way."

The hand of the Jade Emperor fell on the stone statue and said at the same time: "How can I control this killing, and 30,000 years ago, I found the way. Since then, what I have done is how to wake up. he."

Listening to the voice of the Jade Emperor, the three great emperors are all fierce in their hearts. They never thought about it. The Jade Emperor actually found a way to control the punishment, and if this is true, it can perfectly kill this. God is in his own hands and then wakes up this day.

You must know that this is... it was once powerful enough to make the criminal ancestors seriously injured. Once in the world, these heavens and the world can compete with them! Who can... fight with Xianting! 2k novel reading network

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