The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1174: Jade Emperor's confidant.

The underground palace.

It is extremely cold and has a repressed atmosphere that permeates the palace.

From the palace wall, the strange runes that flowed, still have the spiritual power, constantly drifting out, and finally gathered in the stone statue of the center high platform.

The crack on the stone statue is constantly cracking, from which there is a glimpse of a shocking breath.

However, this breath.

For today's Zhenyuanzi, it is not a big deal, unless it is a complete awakening of this punishment, otherwise, he is not afraid at all.

The flowers next to Zhen Yuanzi have no tears. At this moment, when the Jade Emperor looked at him, he deliberately made a frightened expression: "Hey? What is this problem? What makes me a person around you."

"Your Majesty, it’s not me, ah, as for my identity, I am not qualified to work around you."

Flowers without tears, a smile, still a tone of tone, people are very upset, at least ... Jade Emperor is very upset.

This is the palace.

Except for those who have left Xianting, when they told Ziwei, Houtu, and Shanggong three people, no one else knew.

And what, because Yin Shi Niang is still in the case of Xianting, she will never say this.

Being able to reach out to this secret is person.

Jade Emperor, the brow slightly wrinkled.

"Su Ying."

A touch of mouth.

In one sentence, there is no movement at all.

This, let the heart of the Jade Emperor, is even more conclusive.

At this time, after the body of the Jade Emperor, there was a shadow, which gradually condensed into a person.

This person, worshipping the land.

At the moment when this filmer appeared, the hand of the Jade Emperor suddenly lifted and pressed directly over the head of this person. It has an extremely powerful force locked in the hands of the Jade Emperor. It may be black anytime, anywhere. The filmmaker shattered.

At the moment, the Jade Emperor, the eyes, the direction of the look, is still the flowers around the town of Yuan Yuanzi without tears.

There is no tears in my face, and my face is still with a faint smile, but this smile is a change of taste, that is... the smile of the showdown.

"Your Majesty, for so many years, can you still be satisfied with your subordinates?"

The hoarse voice sounded, and the master of this voice was the side of the Jade Emperor. This is called the Shadow Shadow.

This is actually a true body without tears.

Even Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but look at his eyes a little, his brows wrinkled slightly, and there was a bit of horror in his eyes. It was estimated that he didn't even think of it.

The flower did not tears to do this, with a true body, became the confidant of the Jade Emperor.

This is not to say that everything that the Jade Emperor did, no tears are known.

This guy…

Zhen Yuanzi squinted at the flower around him without tears. This guy who called his brother in the prime day and only played haha ​​with him had an inexplicable meaning.


The jade emperor snorted, and the mighty road in his hands slammed into the next earthquake. In a moment, the person of this shadow was actually broken.

Although the look has not changed, it can be seen that the eyes of the Jade Emperor... have a twilight!

The anger in his heart is already at its best.

The man named "Sha Ying" is the confidant he cultivated. Apart from him, even the Ziwei Emperor did not know the existence of this person.

And the things that this person did for him are even more numerous.

It can be said……

The Jade Emperor regarded it as the confidant in his confidant, but he did not think that he had cultivated his confidant, but he was actually a true body without tears.

I have been around, I have a wolf, and I can bite my wolf at any time!

This makes his heart, how could it not be angry!

"Zhang Bairen, the punishment of the day is the killing of the old ancestors, I am very curious, how did you get him into his hands."

Zhen Yuanzi swept his eyes on the stone statue of the criminal day and said a little.

He is really doubtful.

As the only surviving under the ancestors of Hongjun and Jiapeng, Zhen Yuanzi never thought about it, and he would still live in this world.

This guy who used to be cleaned up by the ancestors of the mixed singer, actually... still alive!

If it is not something that happens in front of him, he will not believe it anyway.

“How do you do it, what do you do with you?”

The Jade Emperor looked at Yuan Zhenzi, and his look was cold and cold. In his eyes, there was a sense of killing. For these two intrusive people...


Zhenyuanzi has a sneer, on his body, the breath of the highest peak, not afraid of the Jade Emperor, scattered in the palace, between the two... It seems that the next moment is to fight.

These two are the strong existence of the Holy Summit.

Once it is up, it is estimated that the entire Xianting will be smashed.

"Hey, just talk well, don't be on the head."

There was no tears in the flowers. At this time, I laughed happily. This was because of him. In the end, he seemed to be an insignificant person.

"But it’s okay, you have to fight, I will leave."

With tears in his eyes, he laughed and turned around. He entered the wall of the palace in one step, and then the figure disappeared.

The Jade Emperor did not stop at all.

That is because in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, blocking the flowers without tears has no meaning, for this guy...

Although the Jade Emperor is full of anger, he can no longer be angry. He can't find a way to kill flowers without tears. Even if he killed the real body without tears, what is it? !

This flower has no tears, and it can't be finished. It's better to save some strength to face Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi is the jealous existence of the Jade Emperor at this moment.

If it is normal, he will naturally not put Zhen Yuanzi in his eyes. Although everyone is the highest peak, the Jade Emperor still has absolute confidence to overcome Zhen Yuanzi.

However, the current situation is completely different. The place where the palace is located is the foundation of the law, and it is also the core of the Jade Emperor's awakening of the punishment. It must not be damaged.

Once the palace is broken, the Jade Emperor’s plan will be completely collapsed.

For the Jade Emperor, if today’s move, if it is a crash, it will be... all lost!

This is the ending that the Jade Emperor can't accept.

And he will never allow things to happen like that!

and so……

For the Yuan Zhenzi in front of him, Jade Emperor will not let him stand on this ladder.

At the moment, Zhen Yuanzi is also clear in his heart.

The corner of the eye squinted at the position where the tears stood, and I couldn’t help but laugh and cry. In fact, he didn’t want to pay attention to this world.

He only wants to be far away from the world, but the guy who has been shed tears is awkward and simply first-class. This unconsciously, his only person who wants to be happy is the most crucial part of the present. 2k novel reading network

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