The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1175: A Xuan

Fairy world.

The most remote mountain range in the southwest.

Here, even a decent city is not, even looking forward, are the land of the mountains, and above the mountain, there is a figure, galloping away.

A man, comparable to a man.

"found it."

The man stopped and stood in the sky with a smile on his lips.

This is also a flower without tears.

But it is another true body that spends no tears.

Here, he is looking for a person, the name of this person... is called 'Tian Yu', that is, the ‘Tian Yu Shangzong’ that was defeated by Qin Feng.

It seems.

It’s not wrong to spend the tears and the words of Zhen Yuanzi. He really wants to come to Tian Yu Shangzong, but...not to go with Zhen Yuanzi, but to go alone.

The flowers at the moment have no tears, and the eyes are smiling.

Below this, when the flowers come without tears, the entire mountain... with a diffuse fog spread quickly, this is a puzzle.

In addition to the fascination, there are various arrays of light in this mountain range.

The entire mountain range has become a forbidden place.

The last time I was in a war with Qin Feng, the Emperor Shangzong used up the last trace of the source. It should be dying, and it would not be a strange thing to lay down such a large squad to protect himself.

However, this does not make sense for flowers without tears.

There is no tears in the flower, but there is still a nickname, and the ancestors are dead.

However, this time, without tears, it is not intended to be hard-hitting. After all, he is looking for Tian Yu Shangzong to talk about things, not to fight.

For fighting, it is the most disgusting to spend without tears.

"There are friends who come from afar, and it is reasonable to say that it is a bad number."

Flowers without tears, faint exports, and passed into the mountains below.


Throughout the mountains, the fog is still diffuse, and no sound is heard. It is completely dead.

Until... after the tenth.

In the land of the misty mountains, the mists began to spread slowly, and there was a passage from the middle.

I have no tears to look at, and my mouth has a smile.

Stepping out, I entered the mountain directly, then the fog rolled again and again, and finally... the whole mountain returned to normal.





Wan Xiu, who was constantly approaching the center of the lotus pond, stopped at this time and in the footsteps because they suddenly discovered that the refining power of this law was not strengthened.

The array did not continue to strengthen. These people naturally did not die. The minds of these people who were filled with anger were slowly calming down.

This calm, many people... are all cold and sweaty.

Especially those who originally belonged to Xianting, at this moment in their view, must be the Jade Emperor to save them, let them go out, one heart is happy and afraid.

People, that's it.

Even if it is a fairy, it is the same.

When there is no hope, nothing can be ignored.

And when given a little hope, even if it is a little bit of hope, these people will be willing to catch that little bit of embarrassment.

At the moment, on the edge of this edge.

Sitting in the position of Sendai, there is no Qin Feng, and the brows are slightly wrinkled.

Because of his ear, there is a voice.

The master of this sound came from the lotus pavilion in front of the lotus pond. The eyelids were slightly lifted. What Qin Feng saw was the nine-day mysterious woman.

"You, just wait for me here, without my orders, not tampering."

Qin Feng, leaving a sentence.

Standing up, the figure, the moment disappeared in place.

The seal on his left side naturally knows what Qin Feng is going to do, but his face has a faint smile, just like watching the fun, watching the scene in this lotus pond.

On the right side of Qin Feng, there are some people who can’t sit still. The ice on the side reminds me from time to time that this is even how impetuous in the heart, but there is no way.

Without the command of the Holy One, he naturally did not dare to move.

Lotus Pavilion.

Nine-day mysterious girl, the look is still so calm, behind her, Nangong Yi people still look worried at the monks, she is pure character, whether for these monks or for the mother, she does not want these people to have an accident.

At this time, on the opposite side of the nine-day mysterious woman, Qin Feng’s figure appeared in an instant.

When Qin Feng just appeared, Nangong Yi was shocked. She did not think that Qin Feng was also in this lotus pond. She wanted to go to Qin Feng’s side, but she looked at her master, she could only stand. In place.

In my heart, I am nervous, but I hold my hands tightly.

The nine-day mysterious woman, the look is still calm, even if the Qin wind appeared, it seems that it did not see the same, there is no representation at all.

"Who is you, what to do."

Nine-day mysterious girl, the voice is cold.

This sentence makes Qin Feng’s heart burst into tears.

A woman is a woman.

Even if it is a woman like the nine-day mysterious woman, there is no difference. The mind is already expecting a lot of things, but on the surface it still has to be pretended not to care.

"Nothing, visit Err."

Qin Feng said, looking up at the Nangong Yi people, he can find that the spiritual power of the Nangong Yi people became more and more refined, as the goddess of the heavens...

On the body of the Nangong Yi people, there is a breath that can fascinate the monks.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The nine-day mysterious woman found that Qin Feng was watching the Nangong Yi people. In the eyes, there was a bit of unhappiness in the blink of an eye. He said with a cold voice: "If there is nothing, then please leave."

"Xuan Zun will drive me away like this?"

Qin Feng brows and wrinkles, said openly.

to be frank……

The last time I was in the Xuan Nushan, he was driven away by the nine-day mysterious girl. My heart was very uncomfortable, but the nine-day mysterious woman had just awakened, and Qin Feng was naturally tolerable.

But this time...

"Why not? The deity let you go, you have to go!"

Nine-day mysterious woman looked directly at the eyes of Qin Feng, a pair of phoenixes, filled with cold, but in the depths of this eye, there is ... extremely rich love.

She, think more about this person, who is his own brother.

However, she knows again.

The person in front of him is his own brother, but he is not his own brother. Maybe... one day he will become a brother, but that brother, it is only the life in his life.

"A Xuan."

Silence for a long time, Qin Feng's mouth, said these two words.

The words just came out, and the nine-day mysterious woman stood up fiercely: "Your rumor! Please leave quickly!"

A squat sleeve, the nine-day mysterious woman directly confronts Qin Feng, and her pair of phoenixes are already wet when the word 'A Xuan' appears.

She is afraid.

Afraid of myself, can not help but love. 2k novel reading network

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