The city of Monkey King

Chapter 118: Do you want him to die?

"Would you like?"

In the temple, Gongsun Tong spoke again.

Apparently for the Qin Feng in front of him, Gongsun Tong has changed from just appreciation to deliberately.

With the practice of practicing qi as a spiritual master, this kind of thing has never appeared in Xianling College, and the other eleven immortals, there is no objection, all keep the default.

Even Yan Qing, the old man who was not excited before, this is still quiet, the default is agreed.

Being able to become a spiritual master at Xianling College, this kind of living is how many people can't ask for it.

But... they agree that Qin Feng can disagree.

"Don't do it."

I didn't even think about it, I refused it directly, and I took the cigarette. Qin Feng turned and went. I have time to accompany you to teach students here.

"Wait, you can mention the conditions, as long as the scope is acceptable to the college, I can promise you!"

Gongsun Tong is obviously a little impatient. After all, for the ‘master’ who is behind Qin Feng, he is now full of awe and can pull Qin Feng into the college, which is the first to seize.

Qin Feng's footsteps stopped slightly, and looked at the slightly eager Gongsun Tong.

"Promise you can, but I have two requests."

Qin Feng turned back, and Qi Linger, who was on the side, stood up at this time and was full of faces...

I used to come to save people, how do I feel now... This atmosphere is getting worse and worse.

"You speak."

Gongsuntong is very atmospheric.

"First, I only have one class a week, or I don't have a class, I look at my mood."

"Secondly, Xianling College must provide me with six days of Tianji's medicinal herbs every month. In addition, I will prepare the alchemy materials I need every month according to my requirements."

When Qin Feng’s words were just finished, Gongsun did not think about it. He waved his hand: “The deal.”

For the huge Xianling College, Qin Feng’s request is really worth mentioning.

Being able to use this to draw a person who is very likely to be a disciple of the predecessors of God, can't be worth it anymore!

To know…

Although they are the monks of the Dan, they have never seen the gods of the gods in this life. After all, when the soldiers came to inspect, they all looked down and did not see them.


The agreement was reached. Qin Feng did not want to stay here. Turning around was to walk out of the hall. Qi Linger also bowed to the many monks in the temple, and then quickly followed.

When Qin Feng and Qi Linger are far away.

"The deputy director of Gongsun, the master mentioned in this son, is it credible?"

Some people looked at Gongsuntong and raised questions.

"Do you believe it?"

Gongsun Tong did not answer him, but asked a question, and the person who raised the question suddenly became speechless.

"Incarnation outside the body, even if the owner of the Fair Court can easily do it, this child can be made freely. If there is no high-level teaching, it can't be done."

There is a look in the eyes of Gongsun, and he looks forward to seeing the high man through Qin Feng one day.

It’s a pity...

‘Gao Ren’ does have it, but that person he has seen, that is Qin Feng himself.

Perhaps there is another saying. On a certain level, Qin Feng’s master is Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong, but that is not what Gongsun can see.

His wish is completely lost.

"You, about this matter, can't be rumored."

Gong Suntong added another sentence. The people in this temple are nodding. Everyone knows very well. If this news is spread out, it will definitely cause great trouble!

For many years, the strongest repair in the cloud water industry is the owner of the Fairy Court, Yuan Ying.

At this time, if you come out with a god, it is a bomb that can upset the balance of the cloud waters for thousands of years.

These old Dantou are thinking about what, Qin Feng will not care.

He had previously revealed his hand and made a lie that was not a lie, just to shake the old man, don’t have anything to blame himself, and give himself a quiet place.

"Your master is really a **** monk?"

Qi Linger also reacted at this time, and asked to be around Qin Feng, a look of curiosity.

"I don't have a master."

Qin Feng faintly opened.

"Then you just..."

"Make them play."

Qin Feng smoked and looked up. The footsteps were stopped, because in the not far away, there was a speechless scene.

On the shoulders of Niu Da Zhuang, he was walking around the square. A large group of people were watching and laughing.

"Hey? What's going on?"

Qi Linger saw this scene as well, and then shouted: "Da Zhuang! What are you doing with Pan Ling?"

In the Fairy Square, Niu Dazhuang, in order to prevent Pan Yang from casting a spell, first held it and then squatted, and did not stop. At first, Pan Yang was still struggling, but he was too lazy to struggle in the back.

Really are…

The small spell has no use for the **** body of Niu Dazhuang, and he is afraid of seriously hurting him.

Pan Yang can only turn his eyes, letting Niu Daqiang squatting around himself.

"Okay, okay, stop!"

Qi Linger shouted again. When Niu Dazhuang heard it, he suddenly stopped. Pan Yang, who was squatting on his shoulder, was relieved. Mom... almost all of it was turned by this kid.

Haven't waited to breathe, hehe!

Niu Dazhuang directly dropped him on the ground.

"you you!"

Pan Yang felt the hot feeling from the buttocks. Looking at the big cows that went to the Qi Linger, I wanted to get angry. I looked at Qi Linger’s face and finally endured it.

"Look what you see, it's gone!"

Standing up and looking at the lively students around the scene, the group of students suddenly frightened to run.

Time passed by.

In the afternoon, when the news of Qin Feng becoming a college spiritual teacher was announced, the entire college was boiling!

Those spirits were surprised by one by one, and many of them went to find Gongsun’s words, and they were all blocked.

After all, we are all hard-working and become masters of the foundation. After that, we have become a college spiritual master after many tests.

A practicing monk, even if it is awesome, even if the performance is very strong, can not be used as a spiritual master? !

Unbalanced in my heart!

However, only a word came from Gongsun’s side.

Obey the organization order, disobey the self-made baggage, roll.

This sentence, let the spirits who are preparing for a big fight have been quiet, mother... or gold rice bowl is important.

The most happy ones are the fans who were convinced by Qin Feng in the winter, and all of them are looking forward to their Qin Ling teacher.

The most uncomfortable thing to say is that it is Xiao Zhanyun!

Tianjiefeng, Xiao Zhanyun’s pavilion, at this moment, Xiao Zhanyun leaned on the bed in his room, just in time, his uncle and uncle had come.

That is, one of the seven monks who have received the knot, and the words that are brought together are summed up.

‘You let Xiao’s face disappear! ’

The meaning of this sentence is very deep and very shallow, that is to say, the position of the lesser master has nothing to do with you, wash and sleep early.

"Qin Feng...!"

Xiao Zhanyun recalled what happened today, the more he thought about it, the more he rushed, the fire broke out, and the blood spit out again, but the hate in that eyes could not be erased.

And at this time, a voice floated out of his room.

"Do you want him to die?"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Zhanyun, a fierce look up! 2k novel reading network

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