The city of Monkey King

Chapter 119: Sudden sword light! [Three more]

The peak of the order, in the pavilion of Qi Linger.

Qin Feng exchanged his first clothes and looked at what he had just got in the storage ring. He had the medicinal herbs that were enough to refine thousands of times. There was a touch of joy in his eyes.

Gongsun with this old man is still on the road, not dragging at all, the request in the morning, the afternoon is ready, directly sent people to send everything that Qin Feng wants.

These six medicinal herbs, including Qin Feng himself, Qin Feng's mother, sister, Lin Yuexi, Nangong Yiren, even the **** dog are counted.

"You are not going to class? How come?"

Qi Linger sat on the opposite side of Qin Feng, and has also changed into the usual clothes, super shorts, white t-shirts, long white legs on the coffee table, holding a bag of plain potato chips.

"Look at the mood in class, and when you are in a good mood, say it, yes, let me use your flying instrument, or I will not go back."

When Qin Feng came, I saw this around the Xianling Mountain. The square is full of deep mountains and old forests. I really want to go out with one leg. It is estimated that I have to go to the Year of the Monkey. Even if I go out, these legs are almost abolished.

"Why are you going to lend me, I will go with you!"

Qi Linger smiled: "In the past, I sneaked out of the college. Now it is different. It is bright and bright. Miss is going to travel with Qin Lingshi!"

Seeing Qi Linger’s eccentric look, Qin Feng did not refuse to let her go with her. Before in the Faerie Hall, Qi Linger tried to protect herself. Although it was not necessary, it also allowed Qin Feng to align Linger. The image is great.

"In this case, I will set off after I have cleaned up."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something. In fact, he always wanted to ask, looking at Qi Linger: "You said that your family is in Jingzhou, but Jiangzhou is in Qingzhou, how can you go? The cemetery in Jiangzhou?"

"My mother is from Jiangzhou. I went to worship my mother that time."

Qi Linger smiled.

Qin Feng is a wrinkle, this kind of thing really should not be asked.

"Sorry, no intention to offend."

"Nothing, my mother is not the father's first wife, nor will it be the last one. She is just an ordinary person. It is normal to die and die. It is enough when my mother is walking. That is enough."

This said, Qin Feng did not know why he thought of his mother and sister.

Even if they have a dust-free Dan, even if they can cultivate now, they can rely on their qualifications, even if they use the medicinal herbs to make a heap, they can't pile up too much, and even the foundation can't be done.

If one day they suddenly go old and die, and they are still alive, it is also an intolerable pain.

You must not see such a thing happen, you must find a way to change it.

"I have finished eating, nothing to clean up, let's go!"

Qi Linger put the bag of potato chips on the coffee table and then stood up.


Qin Feng nodded and went outside the pavilion.

ten minutes later.

A flying boat streamed directly through the enchanted exit of Xianling Mountain and galloped away.

"Ha ha ha, this kind of bright and honest walk is comfortable! The guys who guard the enchantment are stupid, and they dared to swear me!"

Qi Linger controlled the flying boat and smiled.

"Don't go out of bounds, how did you go out in the past?"

Qin Feng leaned on the flying boat, the iconic movement, hands in the trouser pockets, smoking.

"Looking for the hole from the bottom of the mountain, use the flying implement after coming out."

Qi Linger is very proud: "The hole is still what I found! It can be hidden!"

"Ground hole?"

Qin Feng brows a wrinkle, how can there be a hole in the plain for no reason, sweeping his eyes and getting farther and farther away, the fairy mountain under the ruin of the sun, surrounded by aura, looks a bit beautiful.

But he always feels... This peaceful appearance of Xianlingshan is just an illusion.

Just as Qin Feng is troubled by this unspeakable feeling in his heart.


A sword light, coming from the jungle below!

Qin Feng is almost a subconscious movement, pushing Qi Linger away, hehe!

Jianguang fell on the flying boat and blasted directly from the position where Qi Linger had previously stood, while Qi Linger also fell down.

Suddenly, the screams of Qi Linger echoed in the air.

Qin Feng said nothing, jumped directly with it, secretly cast a thousand pounds to make his own falling faster, and when he was close to Qi Linger, he hugged him.


After ten seconds.

The body is fiercely grounded, but fortunately, Xuan Gong is strong enough. Qin Feng’s body is strong enough, and the flying is not high. From this high altitude, there is nothing but a big pit on the ground. .

"what's up?"

Qi Linger was scared, but then he felt the temperature of the thighs coming from the palm of his hand, and his face was slightly red.

Qin Feng did not have the mind to care about her shyness, but looked at the jungle in front, and walked out of the jungle, with a three-footed white blade in his hand.

The previous Jianguang was taken from the hands of this person.

"Building a foundation."

Seeing the middle-aged man who came out, Qin Feng’s brow wrinkled.

With his current strength, it is possible to crush the middle of the foundation of the cloud water industry, but in the later stage, I have not tried it... Can I still remember it?


Qi Linger, who was held by Qin Feng, was surprised to see the people who came out.

"you know?"

Qin Feng released his hand and put Qi Linger down.

"Of course I know. He is the spiritual master of our college. He specializes in teaching swords. I have been attending his classes for several years. Qu Lingshi can be joking when he is in class."

Qin Feng listened to Qi Linger’s words, and put his right hand to the ear, and set the sea **** needle to draw it out. He fell on the palm of his hand and looked at the Qu Xiao who came here. He could not see the slightest joke from this person!

"But today he looks so strange..."

Qi Linger stood behind Qin Feng and looked at the Qu Xiao who was approaching. Especially when he saw Qu Xiao’s eyes and faint purple, the whole person showed a very strange atmosphere.

Qu Xiao, at this moment, looked up at Qin Feng, and the sword in his hand was lifted up.

In his mind, a quiet voice echoed like a destiny.

"kill him!"

The pair of singular purple eyes flashed, and Qu Xiaoyi slammed toward Qin Feng.

"You hide away."

Qin Feng pushed Qi Linger a hand, and his hand was smashed. The small needle of the embroidery needle became a big hit, and he waved it with the stick!


Xianling Mountain, Tianjie Peak, Xiao Zhanyun's pavilion.

At the moment, Xiao Zhanyun has an extremely tangled look in his eyes.

In front of him is a person.

A college spiritual master who only cultivated the foundation, a simple casual dress, this person laughed like a spring breeze, looking at the frustrated former genius in front of him.

Words and phrases, full of seductive and confusing words.

"This is your only chance to turn over, as long as you nod, repair, status, woman, power, everything, you will have it."

[Secretly tell you, there is still a fourth today, and vote! 】 2k novel reading network

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