The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1178: You can be ready

"You can be ready."

Qin Feng looks calm, his knowledge of the sea, a voice, echoes, this voice, Qin Feng asked Sun Wukong's voice.

He is going to be here.

Let Sun Wukong recapture his own golden body.

"No time, no preparation."

The voice of Sun Wukong is also echoing in the sea of ​​knowledge.

For Sun Wukong, he has already had enough of such a life. To hide in Tibet and return to his own golden body is what he has been expecting.

Even if.

Only 70% of the grasp.

He is also willing to fight at this time.

Qin Feng, who got the answer from Sun Wukong, looked at the sky and glanced at the golden body of Sun Wukong. His look was still as deep as the stagnant water.

Then, Qin Feng slowly closed his eyes.



Between the continuous dry mountains, the most central part is a **** lake. The seal on the lake is faintly present, and the whole **** lake is completely banned. Even if it is a hurricane, it is impossible to fall on this lake. Above.

The whole lake, calm is like a stagnant water, can not afford to wave.

Under the lake, there is a big stone at the edge. After the big stone, there is no hole in the sky.

The empty hall is very empty, hundreds of stone pillars rise to the sky, the most central one, with one person, knees on top of this stone pillar, this is the second body of Qin Feng, the body of evil.

At the moment, the evil body, within the pupils, the ninth star is already blooming, this light... flickering, but indeed, this moment, the star is already lit.

The hall, no wind.

However, the long hair of this evil body is a slight movement. At this time, this sinister body slowly closed its eyes.

From the body of the evil body, there is a strange atmosphere.

This breath, connected with it is the first body of Qin Feng in Xianting, the first body and the second body, with the true soul as the bridge, transmitting the power of evil to the first body.

After all, the repair of the first ontology is nothing but a holy one, and it is not enough to deal with what will happen next.

The power transmitted from the body of evil is completely different.

It is already the evil body that makes the ninth star shine. The power it possesses is powerful and difficult to estimate, but this power is still unstable.

The ninth star, Qin Feng's second body of evil body, can only let it light up once, after the ten interest, it will be bleak.

This is the instability of power.

The evil body of Qin Feng still needs to continue to work hard in the hall, constantly refining the spiritual power that the king of evil has left, and let the ninth star shine completely and permanently.


Although the power of the ninth star of the evil body is not stable, the power transmitted to the first body of Qin Feng is far beyond the previous level!


The lotus pond, the side of Qin Feng's left and right sides, and the three secluded secrets all felt the change of the breath of Qin Feng. The three men stood up together.

They stand in a direction of Qin Feng and protect the law for Qin Feng.

And at the moment.

The Wan Xiu in this lotus pond was completely overwhelmed. The power of refining and smelting of this method was not strengthened. Their fear of grief and anger was stabilized, and they did not go to the lotus pond center.

"Please also come down and give me an explanation."

"Your Majesty! Please show up!"



A ridiculous scene appeared. Originally, these were called to give Zhang Bairen a corpse, and the entire Xianting was given to the demolished monks.

One by one, the wind is abrupt, and the mouth is no longer calling ‘Zhang Bairen’. It continues to be called squatting, and one by one thinks that Zhang Bairen will appear to give them an explanation.

How can this be.

It is simply a fantasy.

In the center of the lotus pond, among the lotus pavilions in the center, the fairies of the mother-in-law are all happy. When these monks stopped, they saved them a life. Naturally, Happy.

"The goddess, look at these tree roots, it should be the town of Yuanzizi."

Yin Shi Niang stood beside the mother of the mother, watching the staggered tree roots outside the array. These roots appeared, like a whirlpool, and absorbed the aura of this circle.

She is a disciple of a son-in-law.

Although the close disciples, in fact, hard to count, Yin Shi Niang can also be regarded as the same age of Sanqing people, naturally also know Zhen Yuanzi.

For the ginseng fruit trees of Zhenyuanzi, although they don’t know much, they can at least recognize them.

When this criss-crossed tree root appeared, she knew that at this moment, the Jade Emperor was impeding the urging of the formation, and it must be Zhenyuanzi.

"He, how come."

Wang Mu’s frown was slightly wrinkled. For the person of Zhenyuanzi, she also understood some and had several conversations. In her impression, Zhen Yuanzi is a high-ranking person who does not ask the world. The pattern never cared.

If this is not the case, with the strength of Zhenyuanzi, and the ginseng fruit tree in the hands, it has long been a very strong strength. How can it be unknown? All the worlds know the existence of Zhenyuanzi, but No one will take the initiative to think of him.

"But it's fine."

The mother whispered, her original intention was to use her own to block the Jade Emperor's formation. Now that the Jade Emperor was blocked, it just happened to be the same.

"Ten Niang, go help me to summon Wan Xiu."

The mother looked at the monks in the lotus pond, and they all yelled like a madman in the lotus pond, but they were useless.

At this moment, how can the Jade Emperor have time to take care of them.

And if there is time, once they take care of them, they will let them fly away.


Yin Shi Niang knows what Wang Mu wants to do.

"Go, just do what I said. My trip is a good fortune for him."

Wang Mu smiled at Yin Shi Niang: "Ten Niang, you and I are all women, you have your good for Li Jing, and I have my good for Zhang Bairen."

"Even if this is good for me, he does not want to accept it."

Yin Shi Niang looked at Wang Mu, silenced for a long time, and finally turned her head.

She understands the mother's mood and understands the original intention of the mother to do so. If she changes to her, she will change her position in the mother's mother, and she will do the same in the face of Li Jing.

She, preferring Li Jing to hate herself for a lifetime, and she does not want the Tiantian Wanjie to cast aside.

Just like what Wang Mu is doing now, she would rather Zhang Bairen to live this life to hate her for a lifetime, and she is not willing to lose the British name of Zhang Bairen, and become a shameless existence of the heavens and the world. 2k novel reading network

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